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    You're one of my top 3 all time fave bloggers; with Gilliard (rip) and John Cole being the other 2.…
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  • You know i wasn't even remotely alive during that time. But it seems to me that though 'we" were winning,…
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  • Mine already does. Yeah California!
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  • Yeah i read this Blog everyday (i just never post) and I've NEVER seen any hint of what this person…
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  • I read this site everyday but almost never post here.... Could you do me a major favor and point out…
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  • Conservative? But seriously, the left isn't stupid, we are just disorganized. And that is because anyone who would organize the…
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  • A Conservative is a Liberal who believes having one's head up one's ass is an awesome way to live life!
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  • That's kind of why i think the President should tie his Jobs bill in with the protests somehow. Slightly less…
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  • Great! Then when i meet them in person, i can rip them all new ones for being asshats!
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  • Been lurking for a while...... Booman my friend, you usually are on point with your observations, but you're so off…
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