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    Jeez, talk about being a chicken Little. You're talking about likely failure in an election 11 months from now, before…
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  • How is this guy even on network television let alone still in Congress? The guy just got accused by a…
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  • The equivalent of single-payer can be achieved without abolishing the filibuster and even without needing 60 votes. Just use reconciliation.…
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  • I would actually go further and say not just the cleanest administrations of our life times, but possibly the cleanest…
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  • This post is like Biden has some sort of chance to win the nomination, he does not. You keep telling…
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  • You only need 50 votes in the Senate (if you have the presidency) for health care reform. Ezra Klein put…
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  • When it comes to the student loan problem, we already have student loan forgiveness. It's called IBR or the REPAYE…
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  • Not really. Crowd size is a really bad indicator of things. I remember the Texas primary where Obama was drawing…
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  • The basic take away I got from watching various news coverage and speaking with people is pretty much the exact…
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  • You don't need 60 votes. You need 50. As Ezra Klein put it in the following article: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/6/15/15787626/mitch-mcconnell-single-payer-medicare-all "Instead, they'll…
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  • Yeah, and if Obama decided to to go that route, the stimulus never passes and we're in a depression (he…
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  • Stop the Chicken Littling already. If early signs look bad obviously that's bad. But now even when they look good…
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  • Today, CNN has the results of polling done within the past few days and it shows women favoring Democrats by…
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  • Trump will not fire Rosenstein. Why? Sean Hannity is a begging him not to do it. I'm not kidding. Tonight…
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  • Let's also not forget that on 9/11 First Responders didn't have the proper tools to communicate with one another because…
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  • She was not recommended by Al D'amato but by Daniel Patrick Moynihan. At that time D'amato and Moynihan had an…
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  • I really, really, really wish people would stop using the phrase "If Trump fires Mueller". It conveys to most people…
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  • This seems to be more of the anything Democrats do is bad for Democrats and good for Republicans and anything…
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  • The problem with Trump just going ahead and pardoning people is that in the case of flyn there's about a…
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  • Trump can try to get rid of Muller but he simply just can't go ahead and fire him it. It…
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