A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….
I coined the use of the terms:
sugar smacks….
In reference to two different types of diaries on dKos. Oatmeal being the kind of upright, forthright decent citizen….a kind of John Proctor meets the Quaker oat man kind of figure….whose political writing matched that appearance. Stolid, informative, earnest, wonky.
And…Sugar Smacks….well, we all know the frog here…it was about writing with humor, life, brio, a kind of insistance that we human animals like to pick the lice off each other once and awhile. And, hey, that can be good too.
What the hell did I mean? What was I getting at? Did I even have an, ahem, political message…??
Hell yes I did.
At that time the recommended diary function had been put in…and everybody seemed to be writing the most earnest, tidy little essays in search of the glory of that elusive….uh….box. In other words:
Everyone was coloring between the lines.
That’s bad politics. Politics is more than policy. More than formula. More than one thousand dittoheads dittoing whatever in hell they choose to, or are told to, ditto that day.
In fact, few of the folks on this list would be there if they had lived a life of strict oatmeal. It takes balance….it takes a recognition that we’re all human…
and any politics that is gonna succeed over the long haul has to balance the oatmeal with the sugar smacks. Has to give folks a place to fly their flag.
And amen for that.
Politics is about community AND ideology. The one without the other equals a very lonely and ineffective movement. (and, yes, this IS a movement…and a moment.)
Years ago I stumbled into a Love drug store (one of the better store names ever) on Broadway after a night of political discussion and drinking during the Gulf War. I forget the details of the conversation I had…at 4AM…with the woman at the cash register.
But the upshot was, whatever political dilemma it was I was asking / telling her about…that she so politely listened to…and put up with my intrusion…and my 20 year old confidence that everyone cared about whatever the hell was on my mind…ie. whatever BS I had to say to her…
she told me something whose import I remember to this day. She said,
“I’ll tell you what I tell everyone. I’ll tell you what I tell my kids. You should do what makes you happy. Everything else is bullshit.”
Aristotle would agree. Oatmeal. Sugar Smacks. And a tube of toothpaste I bought at Love drugstore in New York city almost 20 years ago. It was worth every penny.
In that spirit….best of luck to this blog…and all the others sprouting up in the blogosphere. We’ve got work to do. And we’re gonna have fun along the way.
Amen. Brother, What makes me happy is fighting back.
hey boo…can i subscribe to KO? if so..how?
some diaries are carnitas burritos with jalapenos & hot sauce, some are garlic bread.
now you’re talking and making me dam hungry for a midnite snack.
On the food analogy, then, I aspire to write an essay that is the equivalent of the amazing fish tacos at the El Profe taco stand that is right off the free road between Rosarito and Ensenada in Baja California, about 10 miles south of Puerto Nuevo.
Maybe none of us will ever reach those heights, but it’s worth aspiring to.
This belongs in the West thread.
I kid. I kid.
Could start a diary on great places to eat in Baja.
Maybe some day when I have more time and the West thread is moved to its just place on the LEFT side of the page. 😉
Pepe’s, in Vallejo, CA, (Sonoma Bl), has excellent fish tacos, ceviche, & shrimp burritos. If you’re ever passing thru on your way to the wine country, check ’em out.
I am occasionally in the Bay Area. Not Vallejo very often, though.
As for the fish tacos… we have some great places (not the chains) in SD as well. But the best taco stands in Baja, where someone is standing under an awning near the beach just cooking the fresh fish and throwing it in a fresh tortilla with some crema, maybe some salsa and cabbage… get a few of those, grab a beer, and that is just a higher level than even the best tacos on this side of the border.
I had some amazing carne asada tacos at a party in SD a few weeks ago, where the host had hired a caterer from Tijuana who drives up and serves ’em en masse for large parties.
Not that I like food or anything….
kid oakland, I hope you get the chance to check out the diary series I began a couple of months ago on a cold winter’s night. I don’t remember what was happening at the time, but it seemed needed (needed by me at least).
Got a happy story
[Got a happy story II … well, shoot. I was just getting the link and DailyKos went down again. Any way, they’re definitely sugar smacks. The best part about them is the thread. People write about what ever happy memory comes into their head. I’ll be at it again with Got a happy story VIII? on Friday about 8:30 p.m. if you want to drop by dailykos.
but hit me up at
when it breaks just to be sure.
Makes me remember that diary I did called….
Maybe we’ll do something like that here sometime….
I certainly will. I just posted a reminder for myself. It’s funny, Armando’s reaction in your diary was very similar to his post in one of mine.
for some reason, i can not help but keep thinking back to what iowa bob tells john-o in “the hotel new hampshire” about getting obsessed and staying obsessed, and then about lily’s death in the same novel about “not being tall enough” and how the king of mice could make dogs fart on command, and the bear and “life is serous but art is fun” and how sorrow floats and how i the hotel new hampshire we are all screwed down for life
when reading your diary kid o.
keep passing the open windows.
Tonight Chills…How could we ever have lost this past election with you on our side? It’s like you dropped from Heaven. Sugar Smacks are sittin in my cupboard as I type…some days…”Life” others “Raisin Stuff” and then my favorite….”Sugar Smacks”…. Looks like I gotta ad a little oatmeal to my diet……Kid You ROCK!!!! i wondered what MSO was refering to when she wrote about sugar smacks. ooopps my bad..i have honey smacks but they do have a big green frog on the box. This is front page stuff. I am savin it.
I guess that just says how much of an old man I am…
they had to change the name to honey smacks at some point. Probably a wise move.
thanks for your words, if I wasn’t so beat out right now….I’d write more.
keep on, keepin’ on.
Kind of startling to a boomer who knew that word as a synonym for a much deadlier addiction.
So what you’re sayin is that when you mix oatmeal and sugar smacks why then by god we have the nectar of the gods, right?
I think thats why some comdians become truly great actors yet very few ‘serious’ actors can transition to comedy.
I need to go to bed, really can’t spell any more-comedians.
I was trying to decide, but you got me in the mood for a good old bowl of cereal.
And I’ll tell you what kind, too, I think you’ll like it, since it’s the perfect addition to your metaphor: they’re Barbara’s Puffins (we get ’em at Trader Joe’s, but I think they have them elsewhere), Cinnamon flavor — though original is good too (I have to admit I haven’t tried the peanut butter yet; I love peanut butter but it just isn’t enticing in a cereal.)
On the one hand, they’re very high fiber, low fat, even wheat free! But on the other, they sure are god damn tasty.
So I say, may all our best diaries be political Puffins: nutritious and delicious all wrapped up in one tasty bowl.
(Dips spoon in)
(Loud crunching sounds)
— Stu
and if we were any kind of a proper blogosphere…
there would be a Puffin Club for Barbara’s fans.
Cinammon sounds about right.
though I know you know about it already…
Cartel of Defiance
Things have picked up a bit there lately, worth giving a looksee…..awol, Wendell Gee, myshkin, the Kosmologist…and me.
glad to see you posting here kid de oakland.
Every political community has its mandatory share of fruit loops.
ohhh my favorite sugary cereal!
Oatmeal and Sugar Smacks – If there is no sweet and silly then the serious will kill us. We have to laugh or we’ll simply cry ourselves to oblivion.
waited on you at the Love drug store.
During my somewhat tumultuous teenage years, when I would scream “What do you want?”, she would heave a big sigh and say quietly, “I want you to be happy.” She then set about teaching me how to integrate Ms. Oatmeal with the Sugar Smack Kid. Took quite a while, and still…Shugs sometimes totally leaves Ms. O home, but for the most part, it took, and made me able to navigate just about anywhere I care to go. And I am eternally grateful to her for that.
was it up around 110th? My old neighborhood, about 20 years ago, too. 19 to be exact.
I think it was on the block between 111th and 112th….
You know, the same side as…
the Chinese resataurant everyone went to
Columbia Bagels
Coronet Pizza
the Korean Fish Market
the tiny, disheveled family grocery store
the Marlin
the sneaker shop that became a record store
College Inn
Cafe Pertuti
that 70’s vegetarian restaurant with the weird “vibe”
Mama Joy’s
the brothers with the books on folding tables
You know, B’way on the Upper West Side???
Jesus…do you remember every block that thoroughly?
I can’t even do that for Nassau Street in Princeton circa that era.
This is very funny. I lived on 112th in 1986. Found out that Armando lived on 111th at the same time. Strange little small world. But you describe it very well. I took a visit in January–it’s all different now. Tom’s is still there, but not a lot else. It was very weird.
Zippy wants to know if donut diaries are acceptable.
Also this pinhead, who’s very happy to see KO back in the saddle.
Oatmeal Cookies are my favorite – so do we get Oatmeal and Sugar Smacks in one bite?
Check the front page: I’ve got one up right now. (Scroll down to find the “This ‘n’ That” section)
my cookie of choice is chocolate-isn’t chocolate considered a little death-or was that sex-wait think I have the two mixed up…
on your list, kid, all my fellas, bruce and paul W, and Martin (Was Michale Eric on there?), but you left off my boy Ken Kesey. THE merry prankster. The Chief. He was an original, brother.
–Miss you over at kos, where things do get a little “meta” these day days.
It is time to crank it up a notch.