[Cross-posted from DailyKos — I’m new around here and couldn’t figure out anything really original to start out with, so bear with me — Nonpartisan]
This is my congressman.
Congressman Rick Renzi’s lady friend in this photo is Corrie Hill, a former Miss Arizona whose platform was domestic violence and who spends her time “perched on a plush sofa in a gorgeous home in a gated community in the nicest part of Gilbert, [Arizona.]” And you may remember Congressman Renzi’s other lady friend — Katherine Harris, the author of the Bush Presidency, Volume I. And sure, Congressman Renzi likes his wife, Roberta, a whole lot too — as evidenced by the fact that they have twelve children.
But it’s not in question how my congressman feels about rich women, whom he obviously adores. What’s bothering me today is how he feels about poor women.
Specifically, whether he thinks they should be tortured.
Last week on DailyKos, I learned something new about abortions. I learned that anaesthesia costs extra. I learned that, if you’re a poor woman, abortions hurt. In fact, they hurt like hell.
The Goddess best describes the horrific experience of being tortured through an abortion:
When the procedure is done, the woman walks(!) into a room full of reclining chairs or chaise lounge type chairs with a bunch of other women. Some are crying. Some are sleeping or unconscious. Some are cramping and throwing up- or rather, heaving, because they haven’t eaten. When she’s feeling stronger, she might have a little orange juice or peanut butter and crackers. After a couple of hours, they send her home. Goddess help her if she hasn’t got someone to care for her, or especially if she has children or others that she must care for. Even worse, if she lives alone and begins to hemorrhage in her sleep. You can’t call 911 if you can’t afford a phone.
This is torture, folks, pure and simple. It’s torture of poor women. And it could be avoided very easily: through federal funding of abortions, making them easily available to all as necessary medical procedures. But the Republican Party, as stated in their 2004 Party Platform, opposes any federal funds going to abortions:
Translation: We support torture of poor women.
This Republican viewpoint is actually written into American law through the repulsive Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortions not caused by rape, incest, or in some cases the health of the mother. In 2004, the House actually got an opportunity to overturn the Hyde Amendment when Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) introduced the Freedom of Choice Act of 2004. The response of the Republican Congress? You guessed it. The bill was bottled up in committee until the end of the session.
Now, back to my congressman. What does Rick Renzi have to do with any of this? Simple: He supports the party that wants to torture poor women. He signed the platform that enshrines torturing poor women in official party policy. And he voted for a House leadership that suffocated the Freedom of Choice Act in committee, keeping the torture of poor women enshrined in American law.
My congressman, and yours, are responsible for the torture of poor women in the United States of America. And while Rick Renzi is posing with Miss Arizona or canoodling with Cruella, I’ll be out there fighting to throw the bum out of Congress, and to give poor women the freedom from torture they so desperately need.
that I am turning in for the evening, and I haven’t even had the chance to read this diary. But I am recommeding it because the title is so damn awesome, and it, ironically, made me laugh my ass off.
Enjoy, see you y’all manana.
And you didn’t even see the picture…
Which picture?
The picture in the story.
He said he had only seen the title, not read the diary.
Never mind.
Good christ almighty, some days I really don’t like becoming better informed. That’s horrifying and sickening. I naively thought from the title that this might be about our funding or not funding poor women in some 3rd world country. Silly me.
Didn’t i see a video of him snuggling up with that witch from Florida?
I’ve always suspected that for a guy to be kicked in the nuts (title of the diary I just posted, before seeing this one) is more painful than anything a women’s body has to offer. But who the hell really knows–including “Goddess”? She was making a powerful statement, one with which I essentially agree: abortions, like any other medical care, should be paid for by the public sector. So why did she feel the need to make a completely unprovable statement (twice) that men can never feel as much pain as women? Why would that be, evolutionarily speaking? (I can make the case for why the “kick in the nuts” would be #1: we have our entire reproductive future hanging in a sack outside our body and we need to learn, but quick, to protect it.)
Maverick Leftist
You’re quite possibly right. Nevertheless, her point is well taken: if the government could stop it hurting when you were kicked in the nuts, would you want them to? I bet Rick Renzi would.
Hmmmm … I don’t have any nuts in my lower regions so I can’t say for sure. But I can say that some things DO hurt a lot down there.
Many moons ago, I got an IUD. It caused … uh … problems. I went to an eminent gynecologist in Century City (LA) who went “up there” and tried to pull it out.
LET ME TELL YOU. I screamed and yelled, “STOP!!!!!!” The next week he put me in the hospital and removed it under anesthesia. It’s a good thing too because he found out that the IUD was EMBEDDED in my uterus. No wonder it hurt when he pulled on it.
(I LOVE YOUR DIARY, NP. Keep writing! Very funny too.)
Oh I don’t know about that. Try giving birth to an eleven lb baby guys. Ummm…took twenty five stiches to sew me up.
I thought of childbirth after I wrote what I did. I would still argue that if you factor out duration, and just look at it on a “per second” basis, a good “racking” in the testes is going to be a contender, even against childbirth. But of course one lasts much longer than the other, so I concede your point overall.
Maverick Leftist
Ummmmmmmmmm…I disagree after experiencing 13 hours of minute apart labor pains. The imagine yourself passing an 11 pound balling ball through your anus. Get the picture now?
that is, until they have “Brainstorm” style mindreading devices. But as a midwife would no doubt point out, women’s bodies are made to birth babies. Not so men’s bodies to pass bowling balls out their anuses. 😉
Maverick Leftist
Just trying to give you some perspective as to the pain I personally experienced. ANd I would do it all over again to have a wonderful child as I do now. I mean my son is the one that turned me on to the blog world by introducing me to dKos! 🙂
I see that political life in Arizona hasn’t changed much. Where’s the likes of Morris King Udall when we need them?
I once spent a week in Gilbert one day.
I’m with chocolate ink – some days I just don’t want to be better informed. This is absolutely appalling. {sigh}
was the feeling I had reading The Goddess’ description.
And I don’t even have a uterus…