From Seattle’s Howard Martin, who found this in today’s Boston Globe:
More below : : :
The rapprochement is not entirely surprising, since Dean’s success rebuilding the party will be helped by a united front. ”He knows [Reid and Pelosi] are his two most important individual clients,” said Jim Jordan, an adviser to Dean. ”He wants very badly to construct a [Democratic National Committee] that serves their purposes.”
From the first page of the Globe article, “Despite differences, vocal leaders’ alliance shapes party’s future”:
Reid and Dean have strategized by phone at least a dozen times over the past few weeks with the Democratic National Committee, which Dean chairs, producing television ads to bolster Reid’s efforts to crush White House plans to create private Social Security accounts for younger workers. Together with House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California, Dean, the doctor from the Green Mountains, and Reid, the lawyer from the Nevada desert, are shaping a Democratic Party that is rigorously oppositional, a strategy that GOP opponents call ”obstructionist,” and one that some Democrats find invigorating while others criticize as shortsighted. …
Give ’em hell, Harry and Howard!
Except that they aren’t actually in power…
Seriously though, it seems like the Dem leadership has finally grown the ‘nads it’s been missing ever since Chimpy’s been around.
(‘nads: short for gonads, a gender-nonspecific term for gamete-producing organs, used out of respect for Ms. Pelosi)
A 4 for the gonads reference.
Rep. Pelosi looks SURPRISED by your remarks.
on all issues – but I like his political style, his directness and willingness to fight. I also like that he is focused, on message, willing to let some issues go so that others can get the spotlight. He seems less knee jerk reactive, stronger and more effective than some past Democratic leadership.
Reid’s sure surprised me – in a good way – anyone who has the, ermm, nads to call Greenspan a “political hack” is on the right path.
they both have the steelies, IMHO. What we need is steelies.
I trust both men.
Pelosie, i have doubts about, Maybe the guys & BOXER have enough steelies to maybe bring Pelosie around.
Looks like…eh?