For those who may be wondering what a blogger sounds like, I will be on the second hour of the Laura Flanders Show, on Air America this Saturday, April 2nd from 8-9 pm Eastern Time.
Check here to find an Air America affiliate — and on the first anniversary of the liberal talk radio network — there are 51 of ’em! Not all carry this show (you might want to talk with them about that!)
You can also listen online or on one of the satellite networks.
We will be talking about the role of the Christian Right in the Terri Schiavo situation, particularly the role of Randall Terry.
(Sneak preview after the break.)
Those of you who are more plugged in than I, know all too well how
Terry has been all over the media denouncing the state and federal judges who for 15 years have consistently upheld the right of the Shiavos to make their own decisions: that’s every court, state or federal; every judge, Democrat or Republican.
While sincere people have differences of opinion about the rightness of all this, there is a larger issue at stake. Randall Terry and his cohort are theocrats. They believe in the implementation of “Biblical law” in a Christian Nation. A narrow, sectarian version of Christianity to be sure: one rooted in religious bigotry and the most outrageous religious supremacism.
If Terry’s vision of Christian theocracy gains traction, we will see increasing vigilante interference in the private lives of private citizens — not unlike the religious police in Saudi Arabia. We will also see rising bigotry against people of other faiths; agresion against those whose idea of Christianity differs from Terry and his theocratic allies; and relentless efforts to damage the constitutional protections of equal rights under the law gained by women, and gays and lesbians, among others.
Terry, the founder of the militant antiabortion group, Operation Rescue, has made a career of exploiting the circumstances of others to promote his religious and political agenda. He has led militant efforts to directly interfere with people exercising their constitutional right to receive and to provide abortions. And now he has used his considerable demagogic skills to interfere with the court-recognized, private decisions of a husband seeking to honor his wife’s wishes that extraordinary means be not be used to keep her alive.
In each case, Terry and his cohort have sought to impose their religious beliefs on others either through mob action, or through inciting government officials to use the power of the state or federal government to override the power of the courts to protect the rights of citizens.
There is much that could be said about Mr. Terry, but let’s just take a sampling of his views. Unlike some in the Christian theocratic movement, he does not mute his true colors. In a 1995 speech titled Our Goal: A Christian Nation, he declared among other things:
“You better believe that I want to build a Christian nation, because the only option is a pagan nation. Not that the government can make someone a Christian by decree. A Christian nation would be defined as ‘We acknowledge God in our body politic, in our communities, that the God of the Bible is our God, and, we acknowledge that His law is supreme.'”
Referring to abortion providers he declared:
“When I, or people like me, are running the country, you’d better flee, because we will find you, we will try you, and we’ll execute you. I mean every word of it.” He added, “I will make it part of my mission to see to it that they are tried and executed.”
“You say, ‘This is extreme!'” he continued, “Yeah, you’re right. But imagine God Almighty sending people to hell just because they didn’t follow His son? That’s extreme. That’s intolerance. Imagine Jesus saying that all other religions are false. Christianity claims to be the only way.”
And in case anyone missed the point he continued:
“God established patriarchy when he established the world. God established a patriarchal world. If we’re going to have true reformation in America, it is because men once again, if I may use a worn out expression, have righteous testosterone flowing through their veins. They are not afraid of the contempt of their contemporaries. They are not here to get along. They are not even here to take issue. They are here to take over!”
There’s lots more, but lest you think Terry was just having a bad hair day, let me stress that these are the kinds of thing he says all the time.
Here is a passage from my book Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Theocracy and Democracy. “Randall Terry has joined the ranks of potential theocratic revolutionaries. Although he has distanced himself from those justifying murder and clinic violence, he told a 1995 Operation Rescue gathering in Kenner, Louisiana that Christians may have to ‘take up the sword’ in order to ‘overthrow the regime that oppresses them.’ He called for a theocratic state founded ‘on the Ten Commandments,’ and ‘a culture based on Biblical Law.'” (page 150.)
The rhetoric we hear today from the likes of Terry, Roy Moore, James Dobson, and Tom DeLay about “unelected judges” is exactly the rhetoric we heard from demagogic Southern governors like George Wallace of Alabama, as he and others defied federal court orders to desegregate the public schools and other institutions in teh 1950s and 60s.
We need a fair and impartial judiciary that can rise above the heat of the moment, and the rancor of partisanship. Randall Terry and his vigilante mob almost persuaded Governor Jeb Bush to send in the state police to seize Terri Schiavo in defiance of the courts. Perhaps he noticed from the polls that the public didn’t approve of the Terry’s theocratic vigilantes, let alone the Congress and president George Bush’s crass political opportunism.
Although the courts and the court of public opinion rejected all this, this was but one battle in what will likely be a long war of attrition against the courts in the Congress and in the streets.
Terrific! I can’t wait. Flanders has a very good program. She’s a REAL journalist.
Terry…I mean didn’t he send Bill Clinton a dead fetus or threaten to send one..isn’t he a domistic terrorist? .I am still furious with the MSM giving the freakshows a platform for their propaganda & all that wasted air time. LIES…LIES…LIES….I hated that they let those people into my living room and I had to keep changing channels. If they would have given out some of those peoples CV’s before they interviewed them…most Americans would have turned the channel and ignored the entire Circus.
The Propaganda was unbelievable..I had never heard such Bullshit in my life…Running with their talking points…every other word was “Murder”..”Killing”..”Michael Choked her to death”…. Chewing tabacco, redneck nurses that had no credibility during the trial but now crawling out of the christian rightwing woodwork saying they sat with Terry once or twice in 1992..saying anything to sway public opinion.. “Judges that need to be jailed”…Michael Schiavo should really sue them all. The people her parents let hook their wagons to them were revolting with RANDALL TERRY being the ring leader..
I heard Terri Schiavos parents lawyer speaking on Larry King and he started out slow and then he just flipped… started going on about the lord, people accepting Jesus Christ as their savior and quoting the bible, almost speaking in tongues.
The MSM’s behavior is disgraceful in giving Randall Terry a platform unchallenged. He is dedicated to the overthrow of the Constitution of the United States.
you go kick some ass Frederick Clarkson. I look forward to you getting the truth out there. If I miss it will you post if here or give us a link?
hmm. well, all thelinks I know about are already in the diary. I dunno if they archive broadcasts. But if they do, you can probably find it on the AAR site.
Anybody know for sure? (I’m too tired to go looking at the moment.)
get some sleep…good luck.
Do most or all of the AAR affiliates carry Flanders’ show on the weekends? God, I hope so. Even worse than most weekday AM talk is most weekend AM talk.
have only part of the Laura Flanders show. Here is the link to Laura Flander’s archive page. Perhaps they will archive the whole show later, I hope.
I’ll be listening, Fred!
IT’S TIME !!! I feel as nervous as his mom!
has he been on yet? did i miss it?
“we’ll be right back and hear from Fred Clarkson” here comes Freddy….that last woman admitted she was a commie..
AND she writes for the Revolutionary Worker something.
through out all of church, except the confessional..hated them..scary…ok..back to Fred
and of course it’s easy to take potshots at a chucklehead like him. But it’s not fair to imply that the entire argument over the Schiavo case rests on the merit of Terry as advocate. But there are, thankfully, eloquent progressive voices who are “allied” with Terry on this issue.
Ralph Nader and Wesley Smith:
Nat Hentoff in the Village Voice:
Jesse Jackson:
We on the left should be able to discuss our differences on this without resorting to the intellectually lazy tactic of characterising everyone who is against removing the feeding tube as some kind of Bible thumping moron. (Hentoff, like me, is an atheist; and though I don’t know what Nader’s religious beliefs are, he’s a pretty secular figure.)
Maverick Leftist
Wonderfully argued — if I agree with you or not, you make quite a case. Btw, Jesse Jackson Sr. was on Bill Maher’s show last evening, and was very moving in the defense of his position.
My one nagging question has been that I do not trust what doctors and scientists say necessarily. I’ve been seriously misdiagnosed by doctors, including top specialists, in my lifetime, and that gave me a healthy skepticism. So I do not accept their absolute assertion that she did not feel pain. That’s what doctors have said forever about baby boys being circumsized — that they weren’t mature enough to feel such pain. Which I think is a crock.
It’d be far kinder — if we’re determined to stop care — to put such people to sleep, as we do our pets.
They say “baby boys can’t feel the pain when they cut off the skin ON THEIR PENIS… hurts just thinking about it. As far as Schiavo..I truly believe she was PVS and didn’t feel a thing..if she did, they would have known it and given her a ton of Morphine. Every Doctor pretty much agrees that people in a PVS won’t feel pain when they die of dehydration. Anyway….Great Job Frederick…you sound mature and smart….What are we gonna do about kicking their asses as far as Registering more Democrats?
What we have to do is get together with folks we know, and start learning about electoral politics. Keep our own list of voters and activists — and for heaven’s sake, NEVER turn them over to campaigns, which are generally slash and burn operations that leave nothing in their wake. Build up a corps of activists committed to building for power. Wellstone Action has a floating series of campaign schools. They are a great place to learn more about authentic grassroots activism.
I will be writing more about these things in the coming months, and hope to do a book.
great job on the show…I heard the whole thing on the net.
That’s another thing that really bothers me. This whole deal where they try to have it both ways by removing the feeding tube is ridiculous. They know it will kill her, but they still can’t actually inject her with something that would end it quickly? What kind of sense does that make?
Maverick Leftist
Those folks are entitled to thier views, and they are wrong.
The findings of doctors over 15 years and upheld by the courts at all levels despite millions of dollars thrown at them by righwing foundation funded attorneys, was that Schiavo was in a persistent vegetative state, felt no pain, and had zero chance of recovery. The courts also found, based on testimony, that Terri Schiavo would not have wanted to be kept alive under these circunstances. The judges, state and federal, republican and democrat, all ruled that Terri’s wishes trump those of Randall Terry and Nat Hentoff.
Nat Hentoff pointed out on an NPR radio show the other day that none of the many judges you refer to allowed any new evidence to be presented. They all simply reviewed what the original judge did–no further doctors were consulted, no further tests run, and none of the judges (including the original one) went to see Ms. Schiavo in person. And of five doctors who gave their opinion to the original judge, three sided with the PVS diagnosis while the other two did not. Hardly overwhelming.
Maverick Leftist
I am unimpressed with Hentoff’s last minute hearsay opportunism in terms of his charactderizations of the case, the second guessing of the doctors, the relative weight and credibility of thier evidence and the consideration of the hearing judge. Its not about numbers of doctors its about the weight of the evidence in an important matter.
“every benefit of the doubt-and there are many doubts in this case-has been given to her death, rather than her continued life.”
What about the idea that the benefit of the doubt was placed with her custodian over the overreaching arm of the state?
Also, what about the idea that it was none of our damn business?
Without the ability to speak for themselves, or a living will, no one should ever be cut off from food and water–regardless of what their spouse might say.
Maverick Leftist
Slacker. I have been reading your posts with interest.
You certainly advocate a strong state, as evidenced by your position on the war, you admiration for Castro, and other indications you have provided.
I come from an entirely different point of view. I am a liberal and a democrat, but I am VERY uncomfortable with ceding the state power for any purpose.
It invites tyranny, and it results in things like the War on Drugs, the War on Terrorism, and the Cold War, which I am very conflicted about.
I am not comfortable with Tom DeLay having any say in whether or not I am allowed to die, or must be kept alive at all costs.
Because my understanding of modern liberalism/leftism/progressivism is that it entails government control and oversight over commerce, education, housing, all kinds of stuff. Whereas libertarians (and economic conservatives) want the government to keep its hands off.
Maverick Leftist
I’m not a libertarian for a wide variety of reasons.
I think the people have an interest in ceding power to the state to take certain actions that cannot, or will not, be fulfilled by atomized economic agents.
Environmental regulation, workplace safety, city planning, etc.
Moreover, the government can usefully promote certain things that make the nation stronger and more secure. Education fits into this category, and it promotes economic growth as well.
The state also needs to have powers to protect our individual rights…and since the state of Alabama (for example) would not do its job in this regard, it was necessary for the federal govt. to exceed it’s constitutional powers and protect the rights of all Americans.
But I cede these powers reluctantly, and with grave doubts.
Our government is currently hurtling toward a very scary form of authoritarianism. Many Americans have died to prevent this outcome that many have predicted is the natural end-state of all republics.
I have a lot more respect for libertarians who fear tyranny, than those that merely resent Federal tithing.
WTF…are you kidding me…That asshole priest that was spewing hate…he is a hideous, evil person. Go Fred…GO…give that priest Hell….On this day that the Pope has died I am embarrassed that I was born a Catholic if this Pavone Fool was validated by the Vatican.
The Cathlolic Church is a very big tent. There have been Catholic fascists for a long time, as well as Catholic progressives, and lots of other kinds.
Pavone has a new order, devoted to political activism in the U.S. He had been put out of business for awhile, as director of Priest for Life, apparenlty because some American Bishops got fed up with him helping with the “truth trucks” — gigantic blood fetus pics mounted on big trucks. He was becoming an embarrassment and invading their diocese with the Terry type militants and making the local church look bad.
So they made him go be a parish priest for awhile. But apparently the Vatican rescued him and now he has his own order, headquartered in Amarillo, and under the aegis of a friendly Bishop.
I’ve got lots of info, some new, some buried away. But there is no question that Pavone was — and may still be — one of the top Vatican operatives in the world on pro-life issues, particularly abortion.
Vatican…that makes me sick to my stomach. I am sickened by this. I know it was right for me to leave the Catholic church..but I had no idea they had those kinds of people that spewed such hate. If he is linked to John Paul and the Cardinals something really has to be done. It really is hypocritical and sickening. Jesus is Vomiting…
here is some info on his new venture, including praise from a top Cardinal in the Curia, and a mention that PFL has an office in Rome.
This is from a bio dates 2001
Father Pavone in Rome where he worked with Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo for the past two years as an official of the Pontifical Council for the Family, coordinating pro-life activities worldwide for the Church. Through this august assignment Father Frank was able to advise pro-life leaders and bishops around the world and meet often with His Holiness Pope John Paul II who cherishes the work Father Pavone is doing as director of Priests for Life in extolling human dignity and the Sanctity of Life.
Jesus is Vomiting.
Don’t forget that Terry also disowned his own son for being gay. It infuriated me that he was given any air time what so ever. And the crazies protesting at the hospital? Maybe 100 max were there, with 50 arrests. Pathetic. On the anniversary of the invasion there were hundreds of thousand of protestors here and abroad. Never once did I see anything about these protests. Guess they were just too darn peaceful huh?
Disgusting people that need to mind their own business.
Grat diary, recommended!