Below the fold . . .
… when a Republican state senator from Yakima [WA] reignites a controversy “by comparing stem-cell research to the Holocaust, just weeks after House Republicans apologized for making a similar remark.”
… when the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a brothel in Mound House, Nevada (I swear that’s the name of the town), asks to be taxed because it’s a sign of legitimacy.
… when the United Arab Emirates says it will use robots as jockeys for camel races “after widespread international criticism of the use of young children to ride camels during the long and often hazardous races.” Note: “Many [of the child jockeys] are said to be have been kidnapped and trafficked from South Asia.”
… when recently freed Mamdouh Habib — about whom I wrote many diaries because of his horrific ordeal and torture in Pakistan, at Bagram Air Base, in Egypt for six months, and then at Guantanamo — fires his Aussie lawyer who worked on Habib’s behalf without pay. Habib “has told friends and supporters he sacked his lawyer of three years, Stephen Hopper, after he discovered he would lose almost half the $140,000 he received for [an Aussie TV] 60 Minutes interview in income tax.”
… when Florida legislation “backed by an offshoot of the Church of Scientology aims to discourage public school students from seeking mental health services [and] would require schools to tell parents that any mental health treatment would be part of a student’s permanent record, which is true only in limited cases now. It also would require school officials to tell parents that no medical test can diagnose mental illness, they can refuse psychological screening and that students can’t be barred from school activities if they refuse treatment.”
… when Saddam Hussein could avoid the gallows under a secret proposal by insurgent leaders that Iraq’s new administration is “seriously considering” (I’ll believe that one when I see it and, for the record, I’m against Saddam, or anyone, receiving the death penalty.)
… when more people watched the BBC’s coverage of the Grand National [horse race] than the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles”
… when the Washington, D.C. area has not spent the majority of $145 million — $120 million — “in anti-terrorism grants awarded by the federal government over the past three years, including funds earmarked for such critical items as hospital beds and protective gear for rescue workers. Long after the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, homeland security spending across the country remains bogged down by administrative problems, back orders for equipment and long timelines to implement new technology, such as communications systems.”
… when scientists blame dandruff as the source of one of “the world’s most enduring pollution mysteries: the origin of much of the vast clouds of fine dust in the atmosphere.” “Millions of tons of dandruff are circling the Earth, blocking out sunlight, causing rain and spreading disease, startling new research shows … more than half of the dust is a rich soup of organic detritus, including particles of decaying leaves, animal hair, dead skin and dandruff …”
Kinda leaves me scratchin’ my head.
Really? Things are so strange these days that I’m definitely going to google that just to see. The first responders in my community are taking up collections to buy themselves fun little extras, like bulletproof vests and other protective gear.
However, nothing is as weird as Camilla’s hat. What was that thing?
There’s a link to the dandruff story above.
Camilla’s hat: Some birds live in the church and landed on her head during the service. Most disconcerting but in the tradition of true British bluebloods, Camilla didn’t flinch.
oooooh, robot camel jockeys! cool…..
that it will actually be these guys
who inherit the Earth… great, I’m allergic…
what IS that? (It’s truly unsettling to see microscopic creatures .. I’d so prefer they stay microscopic.)
Not to gross you out or anything, but they are hard a work as you read this, grazing like little herds of cattle upon the fertile plains of dead skin cells that you slough off every day…
As a pseudo-scientist, I’d have to say that I’d love to try to debunk the scientists and the reporter in that last little dandruff factoid… no way does dandruff or dead skin represent more than a thousandth of a percent of the dust that they’re referring to… thanks, in part, to the guy shown above! 😉
Oh go for it! DO! That’d be a hoot. And you be sure to write it up as a diary!
Where’d you get those ropin’ skillz? That is a corral load of oddities.
I’ll never tell.
Seriously, do you have an RSS feed application? Swiftest thing. When I was a young RSS user, I stuck with the My Yahoo RSS feed — and added feeds I liked (even BOOMAN!). But now I’ve grown up to my very own, custom-built RSS feed app. Anyway, I just wander around all the RSS feed . Last night, I was tired of reading hard news stories, so did this silly thing.
I’m fixing to hit the trail to my dusty nighttime locale at the hacienda, but can you point me to a good RSS primer?
Muchos gracias, Poly
((boy I don’t know where all this trail talk is coming from…I must be channeling the Shrub in Crawford))
I use for the Mac. For PC RSS feeds, try
One good reason to sign up for My Yahoo’s RSS feed is that they carry the AFP feeds, which I’ve not found a way to add to NewsFire.
well not that this is strange but I read story this morning that Jebbie was honored speaker at the Scientologists convention. He’s endorsing them so you know they must be a bunch of fucked up jerks.
Speaking of Scientologists as in Tommy Cruise-whose not a favorite of mine-on his last movie set for filming ‘The War of the Worlds’ with director Speilberg he was allowed to set up a huge healing tent. Available to everyone on the set to take advantage of for free. See they could go into tent and it had healing steams or some such crap that draws poison out of your body or that laying on the hands crap that supposedly takes away all pain or some such CRAP… So because he’s a huge star he gets to do this, why?
So can all big stars now promote their own religion on each set they are on? Does Gibson get to set up a giant cross for everyone who wants to pray to it?..or Ben Stiller set up a Jewish tent for kosher food or well you get the picture..and what the hell was Spielberg thinking anyway?
I dunno .. strange “religion.” Say, my daughter tells me that Greta Van Susteran (sp?) on Fox is a Scientologist.