So, I’m feeling a bit drained in the office earlier today and drift on to the internets to zone out a little. Don’t take this diary too seriously, but some of you guys and gals can be quite funny and I know you would love to take a shot at this one.
I believe it was via the Guardian that I came across the link below, and I could not resist reading this story about a couple of my crazy compatriots.
Back during the oil-crisis of the early 70’s, I recall the “Shower with a friend” motto as a means to preserve energy (and even as a means to achieve something else), but these folks are taking it to a totally different level:
Eco-porn: Great Sex For A Good Cause
Tommy and Leona are having sex on a tree stump in the middle of a Norwegian clear-cut. Leona, with a mop of brown dreads and a lip ring, looks dreamily across the demolished forest as Tommy, a little shaggy in nothing but a knit hat, works his magic.
A few minutes earlier, Leona and Tommy stood at the same spot lecturing about the evils of industrial forestry.
I recall these two making a little scandal while I was on vacation back home last summer. They had sex on stage during some band’s performance at a (fairly large) rock festival. My reaction was basically ‘so what’, but even secular Norway has its fair share of religious fundamentalists – mostly located at the southern and western coasts in rural areas. And this festival was on the south coast and …
Anyway, I know the above is totally tabloid, but there is a serious angle to this. If you read the story, you’ll note that these two amateurs (in several ways, I guess) have raised almost $100,000.
It’s a novel approach to eco-activism, certainly, but one the duo hopes will help save the planet. Indeed, in its first year of operation, this unlikely project has raised nearly $100,000 for rain forest protection through the sale of paid memberships.
I don’t think they are charlatans either, this is their profile:
“Everyone must try to create something good using what they have,” Tommy told me by phone from the apartment the couple shares in Berlin. “We had nothing, just our bodies.” With backgrounds in progressive and green theater and teaching troubled teens, Leona Johansson, 21, and Tommy Hol Ellingsen, 28, wanted to do more than just protest the state of the world — they wanted to make a difference. To them, eco-porn is the obvious choice. “Porn makes really, really a lot of money,” Tommy continues in his soft Norwegian accent, “so why not use that money for good?”
Because of their rather ‘unorthodox’ ways of fundraising, they have met with some resistance:
“WWF (formerly known as World Wildlife Fund) Norway didn’t want to speak with us — they pushed us out of the office,” says Tommy. “We wrote to WWF in the Netherlands; they said they couldn’t take our money, either. After the court case, suddenly, nobody wanted to talk to us at all.”
They have now decided to work directly with indigenous communities in Costa Rica and Brazil. I know a bit about implementing development or humanitarian projects. They are in for quite a challenge. But I cannot help rooting for them and wish them good luck.
Finally, as a public service, I’ll post a link to their site, since it was not actually provided in the article.
It’s not totally work safe for those with such issues, but a lot tamer and certainly more attractive than JJGG’s pics.
Well… I wouldn’t go that far, but they always do say think creatively and outside the box!
Of course, if this catches on, the forest saving will no doubt become a top priority and international pastime.
Good for them!
ahem, I don’t know if using the term think outside the ‘box’ was the best choice of words under the circumstances….well then again maybe it was.
The best diary I’ve read today! Just what I needed after all the heavy reading….finally got to put a smile on my face.
I think maybe more people might check out this diary and I think they should’s a feel good diary that made me laugh but has people out there doing some good..if the title was more like ‘Porn in the Forest’ ..?
Don’t want to offend by suggesting different title and hope I haven’t but would like more people to read this. It’s just creative and fun. Can always use a little of that.
Thanks chocolate.
The diary did not seem to get much attention last night. Only one comment when I faded out.
But this morning it’s on the reco list, so I’ll just leave it as is without embellishment.
hi ask..glad to see people clicked I said it’s a nice welcome break from all the stuff that gets me all riled up and frustrated. And I just can’t get that ‘fuckfortheforest’ phrase outa my head now an old updated slogan ‘make love not’s fuckfortheforest not war or some such..just cracks me up.
which your diary didn’t mention, is that the linked site is called, which I think is hilarious.
Something I should also mention to you Americans, just from a cultural sensitvity perspective, is that when ask says “I cannot help rooting for them” this means in Australian English “I cannot help fucking for them”.
Is this related to shag carpeting?
is how all I have to do is mention the singer Lou Rawls, and all my British and Irish friends start giggling.
They always hear it: Loo Rolls.
Which for the uninitiated are: toilet paper rolls.
I had no clue of the alternate meaning of ‘rooting’ in Australia, so that’s a lucky coincidence.
BTW, everyone.
The last question in the poll is ambiguous. Note that there is no mention of recording equipment or film crews.
Which must be the reason why 14% of respondents… oops, 1 respondent… oops, why I voted for it!
Let’s see if others catch up to that option.
There was the time a pair of skunks were munching (quite happily and unconcerned) our bread, cheese AND wine for about 45 minutes, crawling all over us to see if there was anything else worth taking. The risk of not being able to go anywhere in public for three weeks far outweighed any discomfort we felt lying still for that time. And to think a film crew could have chased them off – damn should have thought of that.
LMAO,,now that is using the ol’ head for “thinking in the box”
sorta reminds me of making a “tree hugger” out of your lady friend… ; )
Hell, why only in the woods, let us not forget the handy dandy :
1. Parking Lot (make sure your in YOUR car)
2. Elevator (don’t forget to push the stop button)
3. Stairwell (emergency use only)
4. Broom closet (do not get foot stuck in mop bucket)
5. Bathroom (make sure the door is LOCKED)
6. Conference Room (that takes on a whole new meaning)
7. I-10/65/75/95/40/77/26/and of course I-69 ; ) (feel free to add your own interstate)
8. Roadside Rest (talk about getting voyeurs)
9. State/Federal Park (not in the kiddie pool)
10. Zoo (the monkeys really get excited)
11. Movie Theater (do not attempt this in anything under R rated)
12. Gas Station (fill’er up)
13. Restaurant (dessert)
14. Bar (whole new meaning to high-ball)
15. Golf Course (now that’s a hole in one, or two, if it’s a great round)
16. Miniature Golf Course (that one can be tricky, and watch out for the windmill..yikes)
17. Skinny Dipp’n in the Gulf of Mexico (please watch out for the sand, not to mention nurse sharks)
18. Mountain Stream (this can take on a whole new meaning to a “helping-hand” ; )
19. Mud Slide (at a Rock Concert, Ted Nugent)
20. Airport (luggage collection rotunda, LMAO)
21. Traffic Jam (what a way to pass the…time)
22. Statues (can be almost any place, and interesting positions)
23. Boat (more motion in the ocean)
24. Carnival Ride (must have a ticket)
25. Anywhere/Anytime, just to keep this list short, please add your own additions… ; )
I voted for “I’d perform in…” as it was the closest to “I do perform in, but have never taken money for it.”
Now I know what a true librul tree hugger is. Thank you.