“He and his lawyers have to decide when that is,” Mr. Gingrich said. “But he at some point has got to convince people that what he has done was reasonable and authentic and legitimate.”
So, how is Tom DeLay supposed to convince us that his actions have been “reasonable and authentic and legitimate”?
Well, it’s pretty simple. There is only one option open to him. Lying.
When lying is your only alternative for explaining your behavior, it’s best to let your lawyers do the talking. But, as Newt points out, that’s not really a viable long-term strategy for the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. Tom is going to have to come clean, face the public, and lie very effectively.
Or he could just announce that he won’t seek re-election. Kind of a LBJ thing. Kind of a Texas thing.
I would rather hear that Delay has some new type of “Greed Disease” which is terminal, and then be placed in a hospital on a program that the PUgs will be cutting funding to, and then Newt has a finger on the “Switch”
Now only if, the feeding tube would be decided to be pulled, or not, by the same judges as last time.
Irony, at the Academy…LMAO
Now that would make for a prime time event ; )
(of which I would still “watch” on my radio : )
but you need an exterminator in this plot…
that would be US ; )
How about the “Greed disease” being caused by exposure to the toxins used in the extermination business?
Last night NBC [no brain co?] ran a piece showing the democratic leadership – as a group – trying to talk about the reep takover of congress. Followed immediately by the reep response – “dems have to have something to do”, and their take that “all this” is just a repeat of what the reeps did in ’95. Politics as usual.
More than half this country thinks democrats are still whining. Where’s the constant barrage when you need one?
[Better to call the bankruptcy bill “Hotel California”: “You can get out anytime you want, but you can never leave.”. Or show a middle-class family that filed to protect their house & home; and the jackass with 12 credit cards driving into a gated community: they pay forever [Ch. 13], he walks [Ch. 7]. Does anyone in the leadership understand? YOU DON’T SELL CHEVY’S BY SLAMMIN’ FORD.
If you’re going to talk about how bad something is, you’d better damn well put your solution out there first – then compare. I’m just a f*cking carpenter and I could do a better job than their consultants. So could most of the “Boo-people.”].
Washigton Post this morning online had an article about his so called apology. He wasn;t sorry about what he said about the judiciary “will pay for their actions” but he was sorry for the way it was worded. I do believe we are getting to him and the repubs are putting some pressure on DeLay. I must admit to some glee in seeing him starting to squirm.I certainly hope we will keep the pressure on him.
That’s not very nice of Newt. Tom said Newt’s plan was like the Magna Carta, even the Declaration of Independence.
Hey, maybe Newt’s remarks above are why Tom said that about Newt’s plan!
That Tom, running around sort of apologizing and slathering compliments all over the likes of Newt. Reminds me of last night’s new “Southpark” when Cartman thinks he’s dead but can’t understand why he hasn’t gone to heaven yet, so he runs around apologizing to everyone he’s wronged. The lengthy (!) round of apologies don’t get Cartman to heaven, so he begins doing all these good deeds to “atone” for his ugly acts.
The Note is being silly today:
“The Note: There are Different Levels of Friendship
DeLay, DeNy, DeBunk, DeFend”
Got ’em, sheriff! Let’s put that c–ks—kah in the slammer.
P.S. The Center for American Progress doesn’t seem to think highly of DeLay’s apology yesterday:
DeLay’s ‘Obscene’ Apology
With his scorched earth strategy failing, Tom DeLay tried a new tactic to limit the political damage stemming from his threatening comments directed at federal judges. On March 31, the day of Terri Schiavo’s death, DeLay said, “The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior.” At a news conference yesterday, DeLay said those comments were made in an “inartful way,” adding, “I shouldn’t have said it that way, and I apologize for saying it that way.” DeLay also expressed regret for failing to “explain it or clarify my remarks.” He tried to explain away his remarks by noting he was “passionate, particularly the moment and the day that Terri Schiavo was starved to death.” His contrition would be easier to accept if he hadn’t spent the previous two weeks ruthlessly maligning anyone who questioned the appropriateness of his remarks or requested a clarification.
DELAY CALLS REQUEST FOR CLARIFICATION ‘OBSCENE’: The day of DeLay’s remarks, Sen. Ted Kennedy issued a statement: “[A]t a time when emotions are running high, Mr. DeLay needs to make clear that he is not advocating violence against anyone.” In response, DeLay’s spokesman, Dan Allen, said that “[o]bjective observers know that Majority Leader DeLay was once again expressing his disappointment in how the courts clearly ignored the intent of the legislation that was passed. To suggest otherwise is simply obscene.”
DELAY CALLS REQUEST FOR APOLOGY IGNORANT: On April 1, Sen. Frank Lautenberg sent Tom DeLay a letter. Lautenberg told DeLay, “your attempt to intimidate judges in America not only threatens our courts, but our fundamental democracy as well…. You owe them – and all Americans – an apology for your reckless statements.” Yesterday, DeLay tried to explain away his remarks by noting he was “passionate, particularly the moment and the day that Terri Schiavo was starved to death.” But six days after his initial remarks, DeLay responded to Lautenberg and refused to back down, instead taking the opportunity to attack Lautenberg. DeLay said that any criticism of his remarks “reveals either ignorance or contempt for the framework of checks and balances that make our constitutional republic possible.” DeLay added that “nothing in my statement was threatening, irresponsible, dangerous, inappropriate, intimidating, or reckless…. No sincere interpretation of my statement could lead a reader to any other conclusion.”
DELAY CONTINUES TO MALIGN JUDICIARY: DeLay has finally admitted that his March 31 comments were inappropriate. But he continues to pursue retribution against federal judges. DeLay noted, “we set up the courts. We can unset the courts.” At the press conference yesterday, DeLay refused to rule out seeking to impeach the judges in the Schiavo case. He also suggested he may seek to clamp down on judges he disagrees with by “curtailing certain courts’ jurisdiction and even redrawing boundaries of the federal circuits.” The Supreme Court itself may be impacted by these efforts. When asked, “DeLay would not answer directly, but encouraged reporters to read a recent book on the high court, ‘Men in Black’…subtitled ‘How the Supreme Court is Destroying America.'”
Here was my favorite Newt line:
GINGRICH: …DeLay’s problem isn’t with the Democrats. DeLay’s problem is with the country…