This topic comes up every now and then (and of course in the Michael Moore movie) and I try to shoot it down each times in a few lines, usually met with skepticism or mockery.
So here is the long version, once in for all, for future reference whenever this topic comes up.
Why it will not be built can be explained by having a detailed look at how pipelines are financed and paid for, and looking at how this applies to this project.
Just to be clear, the TAP (Trans-Afghan-Pipeline or Turmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan) is a proposed natural gas pipeline which would go from the gas fields of Turkmenistan to Pakistan through Afghanistan. All that follows below applies to both oil and gas pipelines, but I’ll focus on the gas case as it is what concerns us here.
A pipeline is very literally like a chain – all links must be in place for the whole chain to have any value at all. In the case of a pipeline, the links include a gas field to provide the throughput, the construction of the pipeline, the continued operation of the pipe, and a purchase of the gas on the other side.
What is essential to note is that to get any revenue from a pipeline, you need the whole chain to be in place – you cannot have two thirds of a pipeline, and you need the gas production and the gas consumption. That means that all the investments must come upfront and all the revenues will come only after all the spending has been made. As the tag price for a pipeline usually runs in billions of dollars (the typical price can be around 1-3 millions dollars per kilometer, depending on its size and the ground it covers), this means that financing such an investment is a fundamental question:
if you cannot say who is able AND willing to put 2 billion dollars on the table UPFRONT, and explain how they will get paid back, then your project will not fly.
Let me explain how this is usually done.
A pipeline is usually built by a gas producer who wants to gain access to the market or to a specific customer, by a customer needing access to gas reserves (think big customers like a power plant, a chemical factory or an aluminium producer), by a third party (usually, a specialised pipleine operator acting on behalf of the producer or the customer), or by any combination of the 3.
A gas producer wants to bring its gas to a market at the lowest cost possible. It has a good idea of how much gas he can produce and thus ship, and can determine a cost per unit of gas, which it can compare to the price it expects to sell the gas and its own cost of production. If the producer is reasonably confident to be able to sell its gas over the requisite duration (typically 15-20 years or more), it will invest in the pipeline, on a cost basis (i.e. the pipeline will effectively part of the cost of production of the gas from its perspective).
A gas purchaser is in a symetrical situation. It needs to connect to the site where gas is available (whether an individual gas field or a place where the gas grid already exists); it know how much gas it needs over the life of its industrial asset (again, 20-30 year periods are fairly standard) and the cost that this adds to the purchase price of gas over the long term.
A third party will build a pipeline if it can profit from it, as it is not involved in either gas production or consumption and cannot make a profit from the rest of the chain. It is possible to build “merchant” projects, i.e. “build it and they will come” – you build the infrasturcture and charge for its use. This is possible only in places where there is a lot of suply and a lot of demand and not enough transport capacity, which does not happen very often. In most cases, the third party is a pipeline operator acting on behalf of the gas producer or consumer, and the ownership is shared between them in various combinations (everything is possible); the only important thing in that configuration is that the pipeline is an independent entity which must make a profit.
In that situation, there are several ways to remunerate the pipeline company:
- a simple tariff, proportional to the volume of gas shipped
- a “capacity” charge: i.e. the user pays for the right to use a given fraction of the pipeline capacity, whether it actually uses this capacity or not
- or any combination of the two.
A typical situation is a capacity charge which is high enough to guarantee a minimum level of revenues (ideally, enough to pay off the initial investment on its own), and a low tariff which reflects operational costs for the use of the pipeline and provide potential profit for the pipeline operator (a minimum level of use will provide a small profit, a full utilisation will yield a nicer, but never extravagant, profit).
Another way to materialise such arrangements are “ship-or-pay” contracts, whereby there is only a tariff proportional to the volume, but with an obligation to pay it anyway, up to a certain value, even if the corresponding volume is not shipped (the shipper then getting “make up” rights – i.e. it can ship more without paying for it again if it exceeds the requisite volumes in future periods.
The essence of all these arrangements is that someone has to commit to provide a minimum level of revenues to the pipeline operations in order to pay off the initial capital investment. Such commitment is what makes a project economic and usually makes it financeable as well.
For someone to commit to paying such tariff – and remember, a pipeline usually requires 15 years of operations for the tariff to make economic sense – it has to have a pretty good certainty that (i) it will need the capacity for such a period, ((ii) it will have use for it and (iii) it will be able to afford it. Such a commitment to pay can be a major financial drain if the corresponding revenues (from selling the gas or from using it) are not there.
So we’re back to our initial questions, but with more details:
- are there enough gas reserves to fill up the pipeline capacity for the requisite 15-20 years?
- is the gas producer able to produce the requisite volume for 15 years? (has he invested enough to produce the gas?; is the production profile compatible with the transport infrastructure? are all the permits, authorisations, etc… necessary to exploit the gas fields available, and can they be expected to remain in place? do the production costs – including all taxes – make sense in view of the whole chain?)
- is the gas producer committed to delivering these volumes through ths pipeline?
- are the proposed construction costs for the pipeline realistic, and will the construction schedule be met?
- is the pipeline operator experienced and able to keep it functioning for the required duration at the required capacity?
- has the pipeline obtained all the necessary permits, licences, authorisations from all relevant authorities?
- will there be a market or a buyer to take all the gas for the requisite 15-20 years?
- are the purchasers able to pay for the gas for the period?
which can also be identified as follows:
- reserve and production risk
- producer commitment risk
- construction and operation risk
- market and price risk
- political risk
- buyers’ counterparty risk
ALL these risks must be acceptable for the project to make sense. Any major issue in any of these categories is sufficient to kill the project. Banks and investors look at it the same way, with the simple difference that, as banks’ revenues are imited at most to the interrst income, theyt alos want to limit their risk. As a result, they usually get a first dip in the revenue, after operating costs but before investor revenues.
So, what about our Afghani project? Let’s look at all the above points in turn:
– gas reserves and production
That’s clearly the strong point of such a project: Turkmenistan has massive gas reserves (the fourth in the world) and it already has significant production capacity (including inutilised capacity since the break up of the Soviet Union). So the requisite gas is there and could be produced and shipped in the required volumes.
– gas delivery commitment
Unfortunately, this is the biggest hurdle for the project: you need to trust the Turkmens to deliver their gas to the pipeline for the next 15 years. The risk is especially important as Turkmenistan is the only possible source of gas for the pipeline and their continued participation in the scheme is therefore essential. The risk is two-fold:
- the political risk is extremely high, with Turkmenistan ruled by a crazy dictator with absolute powers. He has shown that he was not necessarily rational and could change his mind very easily; if he does that about the project, there is no recourse. Being a dictator, should he fall, it is not clear that his successors would honor a commitment that he made. Over 15 years, these risks are significant.
- the second item, and more important one, is that Turkmenistan already has an available route to export its gas via the pipelines going North to Russia. These pipelines have been built a while ago (during Soviet times) and do not have to be paid for anymore. They are thus available immediately, and at a very low cost (operating costs, which are usually low for pipelines). That means that it is quite easy for the buyer of gas at the end of these pipelines (currently, the Russian monopoly Gazprom) to offer at any time a higher net price for Turkmen gas than they can get on the other side.
The fact that the Afghan pipeline would not be competitive is thus a major obstacle to its economic rationality, as it threatens the availability of the Turkmen gas volumes.
– construction and operations
This is not an dealkiller, as pipelines have been built in many difficult or harsh places, but it is clearly a challenge. Building a pipeline requires bringing massive quantities of steel (count a few hundred tons per kilometer) – and the workers to put them in place to locations out of reach of roads and other transportation modes. Afghanistan has few roads, a harsh climate, and it would thus be a complex logistical exercise. The risks are thus both high as regards the cost of construction and its time schedule. and any delay has major economic implications as interest costs run on the full amount of the initial investment and are compounded as delays mount.
– market and price risk
The proposed market for the gas to be shipped is the Pakistani market, and possibly (but after additional investments are made), the Indian market (requiring a pipeline between the two countries) or the international market (requiring the construction of a liquefaction plant on the Pakistani coast). The Pakistani market is likely to grow over the coming years, but it is a hard market to assess. In any case, the pipeline company would not want to distribute the gas itself and would thus rely on a local counterparty, in all lielihood the national gas company (Pakistan Petroleum Ltd, PPL). The project thus requires this company to commit to take the requisite volumes for the requisite period, and to pay for it over the duration – in hard currency. This is a risk that the banking market will NOT bear and that international oil & gas companies are unlikely to take themselves except if they have a natural hedge through local production, which is incompatible with a pipeline import project. Multilateral institutions like the Asian Development Bank or the World Bank might be able to do it, as well as export credit agencies (government agencies from the rich countries which subsidise exports from their countries by guaranteeing payment risk), but they usually require commercial banks to share a part of the risk in such big projects.
The recent experiences of Dabhol (a big power plant in India) and Argentina further show that ven if the demand is there and the price (in dollar terms) is guaranteed by a public body, the commitment to pay these amounts in situations when there is a currency devaluation but no significant increase of domestic prices for gas or electricity is very weak, and investors end up being paid in worthless local currency – starkly insufficient to repay dollar debt.
– political risk
This is also a major obstacle. This is a 3-country project, and these are extremely rare. As far as I know, the BTC pipeline from Azerbaijan to Turkey via Georgia is the only recent example, and it’s taken the combined might of BP and a dozen other oil majors with 5 billion barrels of oil on their hands and no other way to bring them to the market, the full support of the US government (fighting against Russia and Iran), the presence of the World Bank, the EBRD and 6 Western government export credit agencies to pull it through – and it’s taken 10 years.
In this case, you can argue that you probably have the worst combination imaginable – a crazy dictator, a country with warring local warlords and almost no centralised government, and a highly unstable country – and you need each of them to be happy at all times for a full 15 years, not renege on ANY of their commitments, and not try at any time to get a better deal (with each being absolutely indispensable to the project). Hard to imagine, even with 15,000 US soldiers on the ground…
– counterparty risk
as all counterparties in the 3 countries are public entities, this is fairly similar here to political risk with the price risk added in Pakistan. There are no majors involved in gas production in Turkmenistan, and none in gas consumption in pakistan, so you rely in each case on the local actors. The pipeline would likely be built by a consortium including an oil major, and you could expect that part to be at least manageable, but that’s not enough.
So, you’re going to tell me, if this project is as impossible as I claim, why do we keep hearing about it? And why do we find these suspicious connections between senior political figures in Afghanistan and oil companies?
Fair questions, but with relatively simple to answer in fact.
The 3 countries would like this project to exist. Turkmenistan would like to have an alternative to Russia to sell its gas to, Afghanistan would like the transit revenues it would bring, and Pakistan does need gas and this is one of the options. A lot of people are going to tell the authorities of these countries the things they want to hear, i;e. that this project can be built in a painless way. Some institutions may have other interests (the ADB would like to show that it can do a major oil&gas project, some of the oil producers have operations in Pakistan that they may want to protect or expand, and various countries in and out of the region have various interests involved and want to support their allies and their pet projects). The question, as stated above is – who will put 2 billion dollars upfront in this project? Putting a few million to conduct feasibility studies, naming a roving ambassador that makes speeches, etc… costs nothing to an oil major or a big country, and brings various diplomatic or relationship advantages, but it does not finance or build a project.
So, please, please, do not use the Afghan pipeline as an axample of nasty oilmen conspiracies. There are enough of these going on not to focus on those that have no serious basis in reality. It just makes you lose credibility with those that know anything about the sector.
Remember, oil is a mutli-hundred-billion dollar business. Spending a few million here or there to make or keep friends and make them believe you are their friend is a small investment in the larger scheme of things. Making big announcements is a way of life for politicians and it costs oil companies to flatter them by letting them having their ways and the positive PR even if there is nothing behind the announcements.
It’s not because Halliburton does evil stuff (mostly scamming the US government by the way) that everything that any oil company does is evil or suspicious…
Please bring up your questions or suspicious quotes and I will try to answer them as best as I can.
…disappeared amazingly quickly from dKos….
I hope this is a better place to have a substantive discussion on the subject, and I promise to reply to all of your questions!
thank you for this very informative diary.
I guess the immediate question that pops to mind is, why is Karzai making rumblings about the pipeline being built?
If there is no chance of it being a profitable venture, why has it been discussed off and on.
There must be some underlying reason for all this talk.
Okay, I see that you anticipated this question.
Read to the end, BooMan, read to the end.
But I am still interested in a more fleshed out answer.
Energy, including the politics of such, is neither my field nor my interest but it seems to be woven into every discussion these days. Thank You for the note of rationalism. (Does Descartes still have a major influence in France?)
I note you do not discuss ‘grass-roots’ political risk. I find it difficult to accept the various tribes, war-lords, local thugs, & etc won’t hold the continual operation of the pipeline hostage whenever they need a bit of spending money. “Pay us off or the pipeline gets it” type of blackmail.
Secondly, even with the recent rapproachment ‘tween Pakistan and India over Kashmir the hostility between the two countries over the last 50 years – they almost went to war recently – and the ongoing terrorist activity in and along the border the transfer of natural gas through, and from, Pakistan to India is (ahem) a pipe dream. Again, if it was built it would be very easy target.
I would appreciate your valuation of the above two paragraphs.
I have only addressed the economic obstacles, but there are obviously more, including those that you point out.
While I can’t list any factual errors with your diary I think your conclusions are a little shaky based on your presented facts.
For example in his book Taliban, Ahmed Rashid mentions several things you’ve left out of the equation.
1st. Russian theft of gas resources by essentially `Y’ jointing the existing pipeline and siphoning gas for themselves.
2nd. Pervez Musharrif owes his power to US acquiescence. I think the only political risk is him maintaining power and not a double cross.
3rd. The death of Massoud days before Sept 11 2001 essentially removed all ideological threats to the US in Afghanistan as the remaining war lords are faithful to only the ideology of $$.
4th. (not related to Rashids book) We are led to believe that the Taliban leaders were in Texas trying to manufacture a pipeline deal weeks before Osama struck on 9/11. A deal that if agreed to would have been jeopardized by Osama’s attack, the person who had worked closely with mullah Omar to stabilize, and consolidate Taliban power.
Either 9/11 was a pre-emptive strike by OBL and the Taliban knowing the Baker threat of a carpet of bombs was real.
Or 9/11 was a self inflicted wound to create the political will to go to war in the Empire destroying country of Afghanistan. (Many republicans knew first hand how the Afghan rebels could perform given a little assistance and many would have balked at any incursion IMO)
Many people don’t realize that the Taliban was the US choice to rule Afghanistan because they proved themselves most ruthless in maintaining order.
It wasn’t until Democratic women’s groups in the US pressured Clinton did he withdraw funding from the Taliban government.
Since the war the US has installed a former consultant for the US oil company (Unical) that started the pipeline negotiations.
With 2.3 trillion dollars missing from the pentagon, 8 billion from Iraq, and inflated oil company profits 2 billion upfront to build this pipeline is pocket money.
None of these points are meant to be conclusive however I think your post should reflect a little uncertainty considering recent history.
Breaking out my trusty HP 12C financial calculator.
A $2 billion investment over 15 years at 6% requires the pipeline to return to the ‘banker’ $205.9 million per year with a total cash return of $3.09 billion over the 15 year period.
Note this is only an estimate of the cost of capital and does not include the costs of pipeline operation. These costs can be met by the producer operating the pipeline itself, the consumer operating the pipeling, a combination of the two, or a 3rd party. Operational cost needs to be added to the above. I have no idea what those costs would be and I cannot find any information off the web.
Also needing to be added is the depreciation of the asset over some period of time. Again, I can find no figures for this from a web search. Using the simplistic case of 30 year straight line for an 50 year useful life and a 50% salvage value (much too high) we get $20,000,000 a year depreciation charge.
If we say the operational costs are equivalent to depreciation (they aren’t but I need a number) we get a rough figure of $245.9 million/year for total costs. Adding a profit of 6%, just to make the best possible case, from the invested monies for the producer the net cash from the pipeline needs to be $451.8 million/year or $6,777 million cash in over the 15 year period.
Let’s look at the intended market: Pakistan.
The CIA Fact book estimates the Pakistani economy grew from $282 billion to 317.7 billion from 1999 to 2003. For a total of 2.41% per year, $35.7 billion net increase, and $7.14 billion/year. The $451.8 million estimated cost/year represent 15.8% of total estimated GDP growth over the last 5 years so GDP growth would have to be raised to 2.79% per year just to pay for the gas and 2.95% to make a 6% ‘profit’ on the deal. Meaning the GDP must raise from $317.7 to $367.4 billion/year over the next 5 years and to $491.3 billion at the end of the 15 year period.
The foregoing is a “back of the envelope” calculation so I may have gone off the rails in specifics but I’ll bet the overall calculations are are pretty good guess at the finances behind the project.
As always I would appreciate any comments.
I want to get some feedback on the above numbers before posting an analysis.
A typical pipeline will have a tariff in the range of 1.5-2$/1000 cubic meter/100km.
The price of gas is currently around 160$/1000 cubic meter (equivalent to 5$/Mbtu (the exact conversion factor is 35)) in the big markets (Europe, the US – where the spot price is currently even higher, or Japan)
Operating costs are likely to be in the range of 5$/1000 cubic meters – at most (it is more or less proportional to distance, as a lot of it is the energy to push the gas – the opeartional margin on a pipe is usually in the 80-90% range)
The main question for the price of gas and its market in a country like Pakistan is the price of electricity, which I know nothing about.
another word beginning in “B.”
The operational cost estimate is too high.
But it does look like Pakistan is not the intended consumer but will be the exit point for the Natural Gas onto the world market. Which brings up the question of availability of transportation capacity, the costs of port security, and so on.
I’m going to have to do some research – in my copious free time (HA!)