The definitions:
-the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints
-exemption: immunity from an obligation or duty
-Freedom is the right, or the capacity, of self-determination,as an expression of the individual will.
-A political condition that permits freedom of choice and action for individuals and also for individuals and groups to participate in the decisions and operation of the society and the political system
I use to feel free. I use to think I was a free spirit. I don’t feel free anymore. I don’t believe that America is the home of the free or the brave. “America is a free society.” NOT! Freedom has left the room.
Freedom seems to depend on the amount of money one has. I am not free to live wherever I want to, to eat whatever I want, to take care of myself the way I need to.
I am free to eke by, but even that is dictated by the amount of money in my wallet and bank account.
Credit cards give me a little more ‘freedom’ but I have to pay that back with interest.
In conclusion Freedom is now synonymous with Money.
I think I still have ‘free will’, but I am not sure anymore. Seriously.
If anyone has real proof that you are free, would you please share your freedom with me? I really NEED to hear some proof.
I sat last night on the tailgate of the truck and listened to the night birds, the gators calling, the frogs, the fish jumping, and watched the filtered moon light through the trees.
Had a roaring fire going, and turned on the music in the truck, and listened to some ol’ tunes.
No planes flying, no sound of vehicles, no other people, just the sound of mother nature, and oh what a sweet smell that was in the air.
An ice cold beer, a good cigar, and moonlight.
That’s my Freedom, and God have mercy on the one that would try to take that from me, because, I WON’T. ; )
They can pass all the rules they want, when the time comes again, and it WILL, we will change them again. This is only a passing shadow we’re walking in, and we will hold the light again. For just like the moonlight last night through the trees, the shadows move, and where there was dark, the light will come again. Believe this.
They can’t take my hope, my spirit, or my mind, these are mine.
Keep the faith, and hope lady, for our time will come again, and much sooner than they realize. ; )
I have never really felt free except in my thoughts which nobody can take away from me. (That may be an arrogant statement since I have never been subject to torture, which I imagine can breed real hatred.)
But for now my thoughts are certainly my own, and when I listen Mozart or Schubert and isolate the complexities and directions of each instrument I do feel really high on life, almost as if nothing else matters. Oh, and poetry.
Thought is the biggest gift we have been given, it’s unfortunate that so few use it. Civilization is founded on thought and it has no safeguards to protect itself from elements that would abuse it because it doesn’t accept that it can go backward.
A Mind, too beautiful of a thing to waste ; )
It’s the only thing we have, they can never have.