With so little serious forewarnings about the economic situation being signalled by our governments, as they continue their desperate attempts to encourage us to spend, spend, SPEND, it is essential we pick up the signs from wherever they come.
This article in the Times tells you clearly what is to come.
An outbreak of jitters is well justified, and the G7 delegates are not alone in their sudden apparent nervousness. It is shared by some of the more influential and authoritative observers of the world economy.
Paul Volcker, the former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve and one of the most respected figures among international policymakers, is among those who are deeply worried. In a recent analysis in the Washington Post, he wrote: “Circumstances seem to me as dangerous and intractable as any I can remember, and I can remember quite a lot.”
Get ready to run, duck, hide and eat loads of lentil soup.
The world is dependant on you increasing your debt. It is up to you Americans to jeapordise the future of you children. This is what Mr Bush and the world needs you to do:
This uneven pattern of growth has left world prospects dependent on a US expansion fuelled by America’s extravagant consumers and fiscally lax Government. The world is reliant on an America that is living far beyond its means, with national spending exceeding income by more than a fifth over the past five years.
The result has been that the US has now gone from being the world’s biggest creditor to its biggest debtor in just two decades, with an annual current account deficit expected to reach 7 per cent of GDP by the end of this year, and annual government borrowing of more than $400 billion (£210 billion).
This American profligacy can be sustained only by the continued confidence of investors in the US economy, and their willingness to keep accumulating American IOUs.
Yes, it is up to Mr Bush to sell you his story and up to you to buy it. And buy it big.
And up to your great friends China to keep bailing you out. And if they don’t? Read on:
If markets were to decide that the situation were unsustainable, triggering a collapse in the dollar, Wall Street would be hit hard, and US Treasury bond prices would tumble, driving US market interest rates upwards.
The result would almost certainly be an American recession, and perhaps an outbreak of protectionism.
And why is Europe not helping to fuel the economy? Well you see Germany and France, in particular, are reluctant to give up their public expenditure on schools, hospitals and social security. Good liberal stuff but with a serious downside. When these two nations blocked proposals a couple of weeks ago for measures to give their economies a kick start from their current slow growth, they opted to retain the status quo. The vote was for social cohesion.
As one exasperated European Commissioner, Gunter Verheugen, said “I tell people everywhere ‘You can have a strong economy without social cohesion, But you cannot have social cohesion – whatever that is -without a strong economy”.
Not good news for the ears of European liberals and the left. Sometimes there are hard choices for us.
On the other hand we did not in Europe face the lack of choice George Bush is giving the citizens of his country. No social security and decent free health care but instead bombs spreading American Values across the world and a domestic economy about to implode.
Start digging your vegetables in your back garden, folks.
(Cross posted from New European Times)
I am sorry that, with Jerome’s excellent piece below, nothing but bad news is coming from Europe this Monday morning. Yet as the main media remain muted and the Bush administration refuses to let the American people know the reality, it has to be said.
And it has to be said LOUD.
Running New European Times is definitely affecting my diary writing ability. No recommends on DKos but people have chosen to post their recipes for lentil and other soups on it.
Still, one or two if them with the sauted onions do sound very tasty.
your title with BREAKING!!!
I don’t like lentil soup. But I make a hell of a vegetarian chili… come on over.
Oh, this is depressing, and I keep trying to tell the young people in my life to save, save, save.
We care, my husband and I. Like little fishies swimming upstream against the current, we are liquidating our assets and are going to pay off every bit of our debt. Then, when we do buy a house and land instead of maxing out our purchasing power we’re going for a monthly mortgage payment way, way below what we could afford. And that land is going to pay for itself in home-grown food! We’re preparing to not only survive but possibly prosper during the coming dark times.
Have been busy lately and missed the creation of your new site. So, I just followed the link to the New European Times, and registered. Nice work!!!! and thank you!!!!
When both Welshman and Jerome hit the front pages with bad, bad, bad news on a Monday, I get nervous.
When Susanhbu starts talking about recipes, I think seriously of getting out my own. (Hey, let’s do a BooMan hard-times cookbook!) It’s almost gardening season, and I am making arrangements to garden and to get vegetables locally.
When the Times reports from London on bad economic U.S. news and there’s little to nothing about it in the U.S. press, I worry.
But when Paul Volcker is worried about “dangerous and intractable” circumstances, I am terrified. That’s who we should have driving our treasury policy and speaking truth to the idiots in power. Volcker has seen a great deal, indeed, and I respect his opinion.
Susan glances over at the television, on mute, and thinks, “When CNN shows nothing but black smoke on the telly, things are really going to hell in a handbasket.”
black smoke from a not-yet-a-new-pope, or from another U.S. — excuse me, coalition — strike on Iraqi civilians? Or perchance a another car bomb in what used to be beautiful downtown Baghdad?
It’s from the Vatican. CNN did the cooles thing this morning. They had a little window in the bottom right corner of the screen with a live watch of the chimney. It was exciting.
We have faith that we can solve any problem, as long as we trust the source stating it. In this particular case, ever-increasing publicity – about our lack of earnings-to-savings; Asian “influence” in our economy; sky high deficit spending; and the ever-present energy “crisis” – is starting to penetrate the public mind.
First penetration, then the slow back and forth movement of public debate, which will accelerate into an orgasm of understanding that we’re getting screwed. Then we fix it. (‘Scuse me, I need a cigarette).
First we clean house. The one thing politicians understand above all else: don’t make us angry. You wouldn’t like us when we’re angry. We start asking questions, pestering you for the “truth”, and if we don’t like the answers you lose your job. News tip: we don’t like your answers. Our fix will be democratic party sweeps in ’06. Goodbye Dennis the Menace [Hastert], hello Nancy & Sluggo [Pelosi & Reid]. Funny how that circle goes around.
Europe? You have your best economic minds saying: “If you give up your selfish addiction to universal health care, education, and pension programs, we can jumpstart this economy. And if you’re all good little troopers, after our corporations have made obscene profits from the extra cash you gave us, we’ll give at least half of it back to you.”. This individual has obviously taken too many psychotropics.
Today I’m giving up fear and replacing it with anger. F*ucking reeps; f*ucking economists; f*ucking stock market weenies; f*cking idiot savants; f*cking pandemic of greed; f*cking doomsayer’s self-fulfilling prophecies. And most important, f*cking reporters too lazy to research the last fifteen times we’ve been in this fix in the last 80 years, and somehow managed to survive.
I gotta wash dishes now, do a load of laundry, make a quick run to Safeway, and gas the truck. My little economy’s doing fine.