The Republicans want everything their way and will go to any length to get it. I can remember as a kid when playing ‘made up games’ someone always made up new rules. The game rules always changed depending who ‘made up the game.’ A vicious circle. The Republicans remind me of spoiled brats who cheat at everything then lie about it. They are trying to change the Constitution, the Judiciary and even use the bible selectively.
Now they see judges as equivalent to the KKK.
“I heard a minister the other day talking about the great injustice and evil of the men in white robes, the Ku Klux Klan, that roamed the country in the South, and they did great wrong to civil rights and to morality. And now we have black-robed men, and that’s what you’re talking about,” Dobson said in his conversation with Levin.
The rest of the article:
CLEMENTS: Evangelicals want to control judiciary
By Cynthia Hall Clements, The Lufkin Daily News
Sunday, April 17, 2005
The evangelical elite in this country seems to have taken the admonition from the book of Proverbs, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” a bit too personally.
In fact, they seem to think that they, and only they, impart godly knowledge to the rest of us — fellow believers, agnostics, and atheists alike — who refused to be co-opted into their strict world view and for that reason alone, we should fear them. They have the ear of the Almighty in Heaven, and they are His voice here on earth, or so they would want us to believe.
Some evangelicals wave the banner of Jesus Christ, chant His words over their subversive political tactics, and demand God’s blessings on their politics. They exploit faith to justify their oppressive political agenda, and in the process stifle religious freedoms and trample on civil liberties in this country. Somehow I do not think that the familiar hymn, the call-to-action of the Christian faith, “Onward Christian Soldiers,” means that true believers are to wage war on the culture in the political arena through the government.
Mark Levin’s book, “Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America,” would be easy to reject as yet another tirade in the battle against the alleged spiritual enemy of “judicial activism.”
Levin, in rank-and-file goosestep with other religious conservatives, condemns liberal judges run-amuck for destroying all things good and moral in this country. Terri Schiavo is dead, and “abortion on demand” is still legal. The courts are clearing the way for homosexuals to marry, but the Supreme Court recently ruled it unconstitutional to execute minors. Immigration, socialism, moral relativism, a whole host of other “-isms,” and even affirmative action make the list of the top 10 sins of Supreme Court justices on Levin’s tablets.
It is past time, centuries past, according to Levin, to unseat Supreme Court justices and other federal judges, especially those who refuse to kneel at the altar of religious extremism, carefully cloaked as “Christianity.” Force them to repent of their sins, all under the guise of demonstrating Christ’s love, of course. Levin questions the “high moral authority” that our country confers upon the Supreme Court.
Instituting term limits, amending the U.S. Constitution to erode the power of the judiciary, and conferring on Congress a “supermajority” two-thirds veto over all Supreme Court decisions are among Levin’s suggestions to make the courts accountable to the whim and will of the majority. On James Dobson’s radio program, Levin also railed against judicial nominations being “obstructed” by a “small cabal of radical left-wing Senators.” Strip them of their judicial independence, and the courts may bow to the latest public opinion poll.
It is not “mobarchy” or tyranny of the majority, Levin reassures his readers. Sure, I say. Works fine as long as you are in the majority, but wait and see what happens when you are in the minority. The view is not the same from the bleacher seats.
Levin states in his book about the High Court, “They’ve announced that morality alone is an insufficient basis for legislation.” Here is the really important question Levin fails to ask, “Whose definition of `morality?'” The answer to this question shows the hypocrisy of Levin and other right-wingers. After all, if these evangelicals approved of the decisions of the Supreme Court and other federal judges, “judicial activism” would be a friend not a foe, a means to the end of changing the culture.
I worry about the fights coming down the pike. We have, at the least, three more years of twisting, turning and more ruining of America’s Democracy to deal with.
I wish the wingnuts believed in my God. A god of LOVE. My God is not judgemental or revengeful. He just IS. And HE did not write the bible…
They are drunk with the power, that they beleive they have right now, which in truth, is power they are hoping for. Fortunately, they don’t have it yet, and I’m pretty sure they never will have.
Just like a lot of true long time Republicans, are begining to see the light of what they have at present. It makes the team supporters stand and cheer when their team is winning, but after the game, they will find out if their team cheated, then victory will not be “sweet”
We all tend to cheer loudly when our team wins, until the rules effect us personally, then a new team captain will be picked, the “Next Time” ; )
Politics is like an old game the rural, and farm kids used to play years ago. When the new kid visiting from the city, came to visit the country cousins, they would invite them to play a game called “Slick Tailed Fox” In this game the country kids would tell them that the winner would be the one to catch the fox by the tail. The tail would be a tree limb, and you had to catch the tail. What they (the country boys and girls would do) is to dip the tree limb in some manure, and of course not tell the “city” kid about it. Then the game would begin, and of course the country kids would put on a show to look like they were trying, but instead they would let the “city” kid eventually grab the tail.
Of course the city kid would think that the country kids were not as smart as them, well ooops, look has a hand full of…
I think a lot of Old School Republicans, have the same smell on their hands right now, and will be “washing” those hands, on the next “game” ; )
Especially, since it’s begining to get into their pockets, and on their hands. They don’t like empty pockets, and a smelly hand. ; )
is an orgy of hatred and a naked lust for power in the name of religion. To these miscreants the mere act of hating is a religious experience. They take religious teachings out of context and twist them into more reasons to hate. Forgotten is the old addage about how ‘power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely’. I would take it one step farther and say that if power corrupts, hatred surely rots one’s personality and maybe one’s very soul from the inside out. This cult is devient in so many ways and on so many levels that eventually it will destroy itself, I believe that. They will eat each other. Will they flush our democracy in the process? I don’t know. I’d like to think that millions of decent people remain in control of their faculties in this country. I know one thing… if our country survives this, the word ‘Republican’ will come to be associated with everything hateful, corrupt and evil in American society. In my mind, it already is.
I’m waiting for some Republicans to change their party. When we see that, we’ll know the tide has begun to turn.
I worry too, these people are so far removed from reality let alone common decency that it’s hard to get a grip of how they think. Scariest moment for me was hearing one of Fred Phelps grandaughters on Air America, opining in a sweet little voice that God hates almost everyone. That’s why he’s sending so many of us to hell. (That is the basic sense of the statement, can’t swear it’s the exact quote)
Ah yes, God is hate and therefore, hate is good. No wonder they’re twisted.
What is truly scaring the crap out of me is the direction these extremists are trying to take our country. IMHO they will stop at nothing at making this a “holy war” and 9/11 gave them just the excuse they needed. Their connection and stronghold on the republicans will hopefully be the downfall of the republican party. Hopefully, hopefully.
One other extreme connection in tactics they share with the repubs is fear. “Fear God” is their motto and “fear terrorists” and that elusive boogeyman OBL(that Bushco conveniently has not caught). As long as he is out there roaming the caves they are able to hold that fear of another imminant attack. I say people, let go of the fear. Most of it is made up anyway.