Turn the lights down low, turn your spookiest music up, it is time for another edition of Carnacki’s Chiller Theater bwhahahaha.
Good evening.
Last week, an intruder from Maine entered my domain seeking his revenge for the theft of his diary idea. This week, I have surrounded The Carnacki Crypt with hungry zombies. Bwhahaha. Won’t Bill be in for a nasty surprise?
Tonight we have a special treat for you. My favorite pet gargoyle stole Bill’s <swoosh> machine and re-set it. This is not Cheers & Jeers. This is Chills & Thrills. What else would you expect at a sight named BooooooMan?
<creeeeeaaaaaakkkkkk> (ahh, what sweet music the swooosh machine makes)
Chills to the Bush Cult’s continued refusal to push the grossly ill-suited John Bolton to the ambassadorship of the United Nations. His mustache alone is too frightening for the diplomatic corps.
Thrills to the second greatest Romanian: Soj. Her PDB’s should be required reading by all for its rundown of genuine terrors, monsters, and ways to stop horrors.
Chills to cruise ship horrors. A giant, 7-story tall wave struck a cruise ship. In related news, poets and artists dream of underwater city ruled by Cthulhu.
Thrills to the discovery of headless skeletons. (I didn’t do it – sorry, habitual reflex when I hear bodies are found). The Yorshire Post reports on a terrifyingly great discovery
ANOTHER headless skeleton discovered in York is among a series of gruesome archaeological finds which could hold the key to unlocking secrets behind Roman burial rituals.
The latest discovery of human remains by archaeologists follows in the wake of another headless skeleton found shackled in a grave and a Roman mummy which was also unearthed in The Mount area of the city.
A total of 57 bodies – 50 adults and seven children – and 14 sets of cremated remains have been found during excavations, most by the York Archaeological Trust at a site in Driffield Terrace.
Archaeologists are now confident the bodies will provide perhaps the clearest indication yet on the Roman attitude to death.
It is thought the Romans could have beheaded corpses to release the human spirit, which they believed was contained in the head.
Thrills to genetic research unlocking an ancient secret.
After years of controversy and political intrigue, archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China’s Tarim Basin 1,000 years before East Asian people arrived.
The research, which the Chinese government has appeared to have delayed making public out of concerns of fueling Uighur Muslim separatism in its western-most Xinjiang region, is based on a cache of ancient dried-out corpses that have been found around the Tarim Basin in recent decades.
Where is Robert E. Howard when we need him to write this into a fantastic adventure story?
Chills to Ice Man curses. The Guardian reports five researchers connected to the discovered body of an Ice Man have died.
Chills to the largest cult outside of the Bush White House. Go read what the Bush Cult has in store for us.
Thrills to the discovery of a necropolis pre-dating the pyramids. The BBC reports:
Archaeologists say they have found the largest funerary complex yet dating from the earliest era of ancient Egypt, more than 5,000 years ago.
The necropolis was discovered by a joint US and Egyptian team in the Kom al-Ahmar region, around 600 km (370 miles) south of the capital, Cairo.
Inside the tombs, the archaeologists found a cow’s head carved from flint and the remains of seven people.
They believe four of them were buried alive as human sacrifices.
Human sacrifices found in a necropolis!!!…you don’t get that at DailyKos. Bwhahahaha.
What is Chilling & Thrilling you this week?
Friday vampire cat blogging and vampire dance party at my site.
very kewl! just as i finished listening, and hit the stop button, my KUOW/NPR came back on and the announcer said, “Next up, Pacific Northwest polygamists defend their way of life.”
I posted this 3 seconds before you posted your comment.
When I posted the first happy story diary, I led with Page or pastordan or someone would be along any moment with a WYFP diary. Probably 3 seconds after I hit the submit button, page had posted a WYFP diary! Weird, eh? There’s a study that showed people do better at crossword puzzles when other people are doing them elsewhere, as if the thoughts of others were floating in the ether to be snagged by the minds of others. Much of the paranormal is scoffed at because people know such things are not possible. The truth is no one knows how the universe works. We just pretend we do.
Please enlighten me, o Font of Knowledge, but what the heck does WYFP mean.
Why You Fornicating Procrasinator?
What Yeggmen Frees Pigeons?
Wily Yoga Foresight Profound?
Shoot. I shoulda guessed.
Tho’ I really like “Wily Yoga Foresight Profound.”
In my ongoing effort to pimp for the Welshman and the New European Times let me point you some fun and frolic.
In episode one of a continuing series on social and political commentary in music, I started a little heavy…got no replies and just a couple of page views. But, I replied to myself with “headbanging kitty video” and the floodgates opened.
The Welshman has a nice site, you ought to check it out.
Polly, look at the camera.
Why? I don’t have to. I’m a cat.
Besides, I have important playing-with-this-rock to do.
Seven toes on every paw, working claws on every one. Definitely “thumbs.” Four of ’em. Sometimes we call her “Snowshoes.” Or “Bigfoot.”
Ah, my kin!
I’ve never had a poly that was in a tux. Mine are all tortoise, tabby or one fine looking Maine Coon.
Most folks freak when they meet the ‘family’. I just shrug and referred to them as genetically enhanced swamp cats. Why wouldn’t you want thumbs?
Thanks so very much for sharing the pix!
your explanation of your screen name on your David Bloom diary (which was wonderful, if sad), I went right out and took those pics for you, with the usual “can’t get the cat to pose” issues. Been looking for an appropriate place to post them ever since, since I knew you would like her.
We got two “tux” kitties at the same time, from different shelters, but they looked like sisters (and don’t tell them they’re not). The funny thing is that they were the same size when we got them – except for the feet of course – and now that they’re grown up, Polly is about twice the size of Penny. She’s a giant cat! Is this common with polydactyls, or not related to the polydactylism? (I figure you’re the one to ask since you have 7? of them.)
I think that the polys do run larger than the average cat, but I don’t know if there is science to back that up. Just my experience. My cats eat too well for me to be very objective and the kids that I have given away are all neutered house cats which tend to be heavier and have longer torsos.
What is peculiar is that the polys with the thumbs run heavier than the polys with the “mop-style” paws. Currently, I have seven kittens this spring and 5 are polys, plus two poly welfare moms and one spade poly.
It’s only weird until you believe it.
Years ago in my other life, I worked with a colleague who could “see” through other people’s eyes long distance, as in via the telephone, if she concentrated.
In other words, if she was on the telephone with someone, she could see what they were looking at, could see the room and describe it etc., even if she had never been there.
Believe it.
Thrills to this story.
I love the Chills and Thrills theatre but I am burnt out from the environmental diaries.
Last I checked one of them has deteriorated to
“Greens Hate Science”
I am thinking up word pictures of some Greens-hating monsters. Wow, they are getting ugly. Next week…
MSNBC is doing a big story right now on the Johnny Gosch / Gannon story… interviewing Jeff Gannon right now.
Can you give any info or synopsis. Saw your comment too late to watch.
Yesterday (all my problems seemed so far away) my wife and I put in an offer on a fixer-upper (= ‘tearer-downer’). 5 minutes ago I learned our offer was accepted.
Thrill to the uncovering of massive water damage.
CHILL to the discovery the electrical system is for shit.
SCREAM! when the first rain comes down & the knowledge is gathered that the roof has more holes than a Swiss Cheese.
FAINT on seeing the sub-contractor bills.
(There are some things A Man Was Not Meant to Know – and one of them is the fact the floor joists and the primary load structs have a non-Euclidean geometric relationship.)
Sigh. I can NOT believe we’re doing this. Again. For the 5th $^%#@&! time.
uh….cheers for lawsuits. That sounds like some pretty massive misrepresentation on their part.
I was just going over the top.
The place needs a new roof, which I knew from the water damage on the 2nd floor ceiling. And it really needs some work & TLC. But the price was right and its friggin’ huge (over 4,200 square feet on 3/4 of a city block.)
As I said, we’ve done this before and have a pretty good idea of what we are getting into. With any renovation project you run into the unexpected but it won’t be as bad as I made out.
I love old houses too…The Horror! The Horror!
It’s a very strange building. There are a plentitude of rather small rooms having space for a bed and not much else. Located in a railroad community it was supposedly built as a “hospital” with an overwhelming number of “nurses,” roughly one per room.
I have my suspicions.
I saw this
and I thought, “Uh-oh. Steve King has gotten after Carnacki.” LOL! But not surprising that I thought of the horrormeister, as he lives closer to me in miles than does Bill in Portland Maine.
And this story
is extremely interesting. The people of far western “China,” including Xinjiang and Tibet, sometimes look more caucasian than caucasians.
Dr. Elizabeth Barber wrote a book on the Tarim basin, “The Mummies of Urumchi” and she mentions the salt-dried corpses were going to be DNA tested.
Interesting to learn its been done and her dates (as I recall) posited from anthropological and enthnographic data where supported by the DNA evidence.
Hey wait a second, if I’m the 2nd best Romanian, who is the first?
Mihai Viteazul? Ioan Cuza? Constantin Brâncuşi? Nadia Comăneci?
Or are you referring to Vlad Ţepeş perhaps?? Guessing your proclivities, that’s my guess 🙂
If we’re talking horrors and monsters, perhaps he meant Nicolai Ceausescu.
Vlad Tepes?? Why would he be Carnacki’s top pick? That has absolutely nothing to do with Carnacki’s interests. I think we all know who his #1 is.
Nadia Comaneci.