Progress Pond

A-Rod Goes Nuts

They have played baseball on 161st Street in the Bronx since 1923. In all that time, with so many legends having roamed the grounds, no player has ever been responsible for 10 of his team’s runs in a game. Not Babe Ruth or Lou Gehrig. Not Joe DiMaggio or Mickey Mantle. Not Derek Jeter.

All of those players are known as true Yankees, a title that has eluded Alex Rodriguez. While he waits for another chance at October, Rodriguez added to his legacy by doing something never seen on baseball’s grandest stage.

He blasted three home runs in the Yankees’ 12-4 victory over the Los Angeles Angels and became the first player to drive in 10 runs in a game at Yankee Stadium, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.
NYT: Free Reg

It isn’t political, but it is noteworthy.

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