[From the diaries by susanbhu. Cross-posted at the Paper Tiger]
My dear friend Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink, has been in Iran this past week with a Code Pink delegation. If you’re not familiar with Code Pink, they are, to quote from their mission statement, “a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement that seeks positive social change through proactive, creative protest and non-violent direct action.” Emphasis on creative – Code Pink’s protests are attention-getting, eye-catching, on point in terms of message, and most of all, they are damn funny. You’ve probably seen one of their giant “pink slips” given out to many of those officials we’d all like to see fired. They’ve disrupted every major Republican event of note in the past few years, including the Bolton hearings and Bush’s convention acceptance speech.
But this email from Iran is anything but funny, as Jodie writes from another country that may be on the verge of experiencing the shock and awfulness of George Bush’s foreign policy.
Jodie writes:
Our last night in Iran, it’s 2am and I am looking out at the park along the river in Esfahan, a fabulously beautiful city, full of parks and squares and monuments more beautiful than the next. It is as beyond my imagining as it is all the Iranians I have met this last week, that the US could be thinking of bombing anything or anyone here … below:
Jodie continues:
When I spoke to Medea (Benjamin) earlier tonight, she told me about the FOX hour on the nuclear proliferation of Iran and then read on the internet about the ads being bought in the US depicting a nuclear threat to NYC, I felt a moment of total insanity wash through my psyche, I couldn’t reconcile the week here and all the people I had met and spoken with …. and what I was hearing.
There isn’t much Iranians agree on, but the response to my questions about the US bombing them always receives the same response, laughter. Unthinkable, insane, outrageous and impossible. Why, is a question that comes up rarely as there are no reasons in their minds. When I respond what about your nuclear proliferation, again I get a laugh. Propaganda of your administration is the answer. A few times the response was, well what if we do have or are making a bomb, why can’t we have one to protect our natural resource that everyone wants??? We are surrounded by Pakistan, India and Israel, we have US bases surrounding us in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iraq. We are the vulnerable ones. Why can the US break treaties and demand that we obey? How can they speak about democracy, they have no idea what it means if they can also have veto power, veto power doesn’t exist in democracy. How many times did I hear them say, “Can’t we all just get along?”
“If the US wants to do something about all the violence and terrorism in the world, how can bombing a country bring understanding and world community? Study our history, we have never invaded, we have been invaded over and over again and still suffer to this day from all these invasions going back hundreds and hundreds of years.”
“We may want changes in the laws of our country and we may want freedoms and democracy but we can only achieve those from working for them ourselves, from within our country, no one from the outside can bring them to us, and especially not the US through aggression. If the US was to bomb us it would unite us against them immediately, just as we were united against Iraq.”
“We have are just coming out from a very dark tunnel, a failed revolution, 25 years of sanctions and a very horrible Iran/Iraq war, to invade or bomb now would send us backwards and be a horrible crime against the people of our nation. We like Americans, we don’t agree with the American Government, but know it is like all unchecked power, behaving stupidly and full of corruption.”
Iranians are just trying to live their lives and this just sounds to them like a lot of propaganda not worth giving the time of day….they don’t want to be used by the stupid thinking.
They laugh that we are taking it seriously, that we traveled all this way to ask these questions, don’t we know we are just being manipulated by stupid American propaganda meant to make us afraid, they refuse to have their chains yanked by it and made afraid. They are suspicious it is happening around their elections and think it is just more manipulations. It will not affect their votes..
During our meetings with local NGO’s we have learned of the destructive effects of Rumsfeld’s comments about the US government working to make changes in Iran through their civil society. This comment has meant a crack down on NGO’s, so it has harmed the help for change that does exist here.
Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan, they are not Arabs, as every Iranian will remind you, they are much more affluent, and have a population of 70 million, 60% are under the age of 25. They ask how crazy would the US have to be to come here, they can’t deal with Iraq and we are much larger. Iranians all serve 2 years in the military, meaning there are probably 5 million who could be called back into service in a matter of a month who have already been trained and have served 2 years in the service. Every year 2 million Iranians turn 18, think about it. This is one of the reasons given when I ask why is it beyond their imagining that we could attack. Does Bush know what who we are, our history and what he would be coming into???
In the internet café I have just finished a conversation with a woman from NYC who comes to visit her family once a year, she too laughs, “The Iranian people are not afraid of the US and their silly propaganda she says….I am not sure why all this silly talk but it is out of the question. This is Iran, they can’t be that stupid.”
It reminds me of what a few others have said, foreign policy is one thing our current administration is doing right, because we don’t owe anything to the US and our trading partners are Europe, China and Japan, we can stand up to the bullying tactics of the US and it makes us proud that our government is not letting the US walk all over them, like the other silly fearful countries the US can and does manipulate.
For more news from Jodie and the Code Pink delegation, visit their website.
Wonderful diary. And thanks for reminding me of the great things the Code Pink women do.
but the Bushies are really stupid. & Sharon is crazy.
How much is Israel pushing aggression against Iran? And what, realistically, does Israel have to fear from Iran? (I have some ideas but would like to know what you think.)
Sharon would like to cut off Hizbullah’s money pipeline. Iraq was Hamas’s moneyline. Look how that turned out.
Hamas is popular not necessarily for their politics, but they are effective Social Services Providers. Hizbullah is the same.
I am not anti Israel, but certainly anti Likud. Sharon, IMHO, is using the US to wipe out his enemies. If Sharon attacks Iran’s nuke facilities, the neocons will use it as a pretext to attack Iran, with or without the UN, Europe, or anybody. I do believe they are that crazy. Sharon’s meetings w/Bush always make me nervous. Especially considering how cozy the rethuglies are w/the rapture freaks.
Stupid + Rapture + Neocon + Likud = Disaster.
I don’t want to let this go: Jodie describes a gorgeous city, fabulous people, and a great civilization.
What percentage of the American population has even an inkling of the Iran that Jodie has seen with her eyes?
I usually hit the sack around 10PM and watch a bit of TV to relax before I go to sleep. At 11PM, I find it unbearable to watch local TV news, so I’ve been turning to BBC News on the Seattle PBS station. (Say what you want about PBS, but at least they give us BBC News — and Frontline).
Last night’s BBC News: A big story about the post-election turmoil in Togo. Togo? What percentage of the American population knows which continent Togo is on, let alone where it is on the map? What percentage knows about Togo’s election? Or its people, its culture, its history?
Yet, stories like the one about Togo are regular fare on BBC News. Europe is light years from us in terms of informing and educating its people.
People like Jodie are extraordinary Americans. Jodie should be feted on every show on American television — CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Telemundo, LINKTV, Free Speech TV, Democracy Now!, and on and on… maybe, just maybe, we’d have a fucking chance. And change.
Hickok: “You know the sound of thunder. Can you imagine that sound if I ask you to? Ma’am, listen to the thunder.”
Dream on susan..about anything like this reaching our media. Even if she did get on all these news shows she’d probably be thought of an un-american. You know, god bless America-and no one else is the prevailing attitude of way,way to many Americans.
I sit here in my tiny apartment and have days where I just feel crushed by the overwhelming ignorance-head in the sand mentality- of Americans. By that I mean not that americans are particularly stupid but they seemed to have lost the wonder of asking questions, learning for learnings sake, being informed …instead just blindly following whatever propaganda is put out by Faux news, bushco and rush limbaugh and at this point their right wing churches.
The biggest propaganda seems to be the fact that Americans think this country is number one in everything and we’re somehow superior to everyone..and as long as you feel superior that gives you the ‘right’ to do anything you want towards other countries.
The disconnect between reading what Jodie wrote and what we see and hear in the media about Iran-axis of evil, is like night and day.
Words heard throughout history before a fall.
How many biggest & best superpowers are now struggling to make it to third rate status, clawing to stay out of 3rd world poverty? Can it happen here?
The great civilizations of history have been there. Everything Bushco is doing virtually assures that the US will take its place among the failed superpowers of the past. Roman Empire – 300,000 Lire, anyone? Maya collapse? Greek, British, Egyptian, Byzantine, any other Empires?
This kind of hubris is always overplayed, througout history.
Prepare for the fall. America is about to become a 3rd world nation.
But at least we have our TV’s & our mindless reality shows.
Stock up on the rice & beans, folks. The end is near.
I’m struck by how vastly different our perceptions and news reports are from what Jodie has witnessed. Staggering, really.
And a friend said that Scott Ritter predicts June as the month the U.S. bombings begin. I hope — pray — that’s wrong.
that you of all people would be struck by the differences in Jodie’s account and the “fake reality” served to most Americans and others around the world.
After all the things you’ve seen (and written) I would have expected you to know how propagenda works.
well, I would say if they resurrect the draft we should all get really scared. Otherwise, practically, I don’t see how even the overreaching Bush Gang could pull it off…
They may strike nuclear facilities but a full out assault is unlikely without international support because the US Military, in it’s current state, can’t realistically occupy Iran and keep it secure.
Iran and the Mullah’s could use this to further their goal.
See The Iranian Response
Thanks again for your sharp diary on Iran.
Thanks; it’s an important issue and we need to stay on top of it
My feeling is that most americans wouldn’t go along with Iran war. However to get the public on board and gung-ho to protect our freedoms bushco is cooking up a Gulf of Tonkin type incident to get everyone all worked up and signing up for the military in droves.
Either some sort of terrorist type attack here in the US or one that is very symbolic like attacking the Statue of Liberty to get people all weepy-eyed and patriotic to go ‘kick some ass’. Or some sort of border ‘incident’ between Iraq/Iran involving our troops that would get people all worked up.
Have I become cynical? Hell yeah. Am I scared of this administration, double hell yeah.
They could pull it off. The US has enough weapons to destroy anything it wants to destroy, the whole earth if it chooses to.
The devastation and slaughter that would be necessary to seize the Straits of Hormuz is beyond what most people can conceive. And as someone pointed out in another thread yesterday, the oilngun boyzz themselves need the Straits. They can’t leave them closed for too long.
It would require the sacrifice of so many US gunmen, and endanger the lives of so many oridnary Americans (this crusade is World War III, and sooner or later the US will become a theatre of sorts) – it is hard for some to imagine that anyone would do this so a handful of rich men can have more money.
They can destroy Iran’s defense capability – but not instantly, and not without a price, a very steep price – in lives and money, and the money will not be coming out of the warlords’ pockets, but yours.
Thanks, Lisa, for this letter. One of the largest elements of the disconnect between Americans and other nations is that it is extremely difficult for Americans to comprehend that people in other nations see themselves as having the right to defend themselves – even if they are not “allies” of the US.
And in the case of many, it is hard to blame them. When, in their lives, have they ever heard any of their “leaders” say? “Iran has a right to defend itself,” “Palestine has a right to defend itself.”
It is taken as a given in the US that self-defense is a privilege that can be bestowed or witheld by the US alone. This notion has become deeply ingrained in culture, in thought, and in my opinion, its embedding there has done a grave disservice to the American people.
If this letter makes a light bulb appear over the head of even one person – “hey, these Iranians are people! human beings! They are happy being Iranians, and don’t want America to come in there and kick butt and dictating to them, any more than I would want them coming to my town!” – the writer will have done a VERY good deed.
but does anyone else think the following passage is an apt description of bin-Laden?
Here we have the most natural and usually very influential opponents of moral enlightenment and skepticism; but they are rare. Yet a very comprehensive class of such opponents is to be found wherever self-interest requires submission while reputation and honor seem to prohibit submission. Whoever feels that his dignity is incompatible with the thought of being the instrument of a prince or a party or sect or ,even worse, of a financial power–say, because he is after all the descendant of an old and proud family–but who nevertheless wants to or must be such an instrument before himself and before the public, requires pompous principles that can be mouthed at any time; principles of some unconditional obligation to which one may submit without shame. Refined servility clings to the categorical imperative and is the mortal enemy of those who wish to deprive duty of its unconditional character; that is what decency demands of them, and not only decency.
Die froliche Wissenscaft (The Gay Science)
Section 5
Or, I dunno, Bush maybe?
OK BooMan, if I ever get troll rated for being OT, I expect you to bail me out.
Study our history, we have never invaded
Cyrus invaded Babylon
I don’t think I’d hold Cyrus against them at this point.
U.S. Says Cuba, North Korea, Syria, Iran “Embrace Terrorism”
Meanwhile the Bush administration on Wednesday described a number of countries — including Cuba — as nations that embraced terrorism. Philip Zelikow, the interim director of the National Counter-Terrorism Center said, “Unfortunately, Cuba, North Korea, Syria, and in particular, Iran continued to embrace terrorism as an instrument of national policy. Most worrisome is that these countries also have the capabilities to manufacture weapons of mass destruction and other destabilizing technologies that could fall into the hands of terrorists.”
Democracy Now!
The letter gives me a feeling of deja vu. I remember a poignant documentary of Iraq before the US invasion. Sophisticated intelligent Iraqis sitting in cafés were interviewed.
Bombing Iran:
I cannot imagine it happening though or maybe I cannot bear the thought of it.
American people: Do not let Bush do this!
This is a great diary, so good to hear news from another side. I can’t discount an American attack though, with the current admin. I can’t rule out any piece of insanity.
otherlisa, i’d never heard of code pink until the bolton hearings….what a fantastic group, please pass on my admiration next time you see your friend.
an excellent diary – the humanitarian angle is the most important in all of this and we mustn’t forget that, but this article Oil, Geopolitics, and the Coming War with Iran made me realise another reason why this war may be all too possible/likely.
I also had a sense of deja vu when I read this – because Jodie went to Iraq before the attack and posted something similar about peoples’ sentiments – the unreality that anyone would actually bomb them. She also went after the invasion and described a far different Iraq. If you are interested, check out TWILIGHT OF EMPIRE: RESPONSES TO OCCUPATION on Perceval Press. It is a collection of essays that came out in Oct. 03, including an extensive diary of Jodie’s – some brilliant photos – the book is unfortunately all too prescient. The new edition has a foreward by Howard Zinn.
Lisa’s too modest to say it, but she edited the book. The link goes to Amazon.
The blurb at Amazon: “Activists, ambassadors, and award-winning journalists offer their incisive analysis of the American occupation of Iraq in this timely collection of essays, featuring the arresting photography of Lynsey Addario. Topics include American economic interests in the war, the mainstream media coverage that made it politically feasible, escalating abuse of Muslim women by both American troops and an increasingly fundamentalist Middle East citizenry, the profiteering of multinationals like Halliburton and Bechtel, and more. A bevy of contributors includes Medea Benjamin, Kristina Borjesson, Amy Goodman, Amir Hussain, Naomi Klein, Mark LeVine, Yanar Mohammed, Viggo Mortensen, and Ambassador Joseph Wilson.”
er, well, I only edited part of it. NOT the whole thing, really!