Well, you tell me.

I know, I know, what a cheap stunt, right?

But here’s the deal: every year, the United Church of Christ (that’s my peeps, yo) holds an award dinner recognizing contributions toward the causes of peace and justice. They find their winners through an open nomination process, described below.
Here’s the nominating sheet, as forwarded to me in a Justice and Peace Action Network (JPAN) e-mail:

WEB FORM: Please fill out by May 1st and email to: perumala at ucc dot org.

United Church of Christ JUSTICE & WITNESS MINISTRIES Justice Award Nomination Form For General Synod XXV Atlanta, Georgia, July 1-5, 2005

In keeping with the spirit of former national agencies of the United Church of Christ, the Board of Directors of Justice and Witness Ministries will present awards in five categories at the JWM General Synod XXV dinner to those who have done exemplary work in the area of justice. If you know a justice worker, a local church, or grass roots organization that you think deserves to be honored for prophetic justice work, please fill out this form and return it by email by May 1, 2005.

Categories: Please use separate e-mail for each nominee

  1. Local Church (Multiracial/Multicultural, Just Peace, Open and Affirming, and Accessible to All Award)
  2. Clergy (Oliver Powell Award)
  3. Laity (Martha Dayag Award)
  4. Grass Roots Organization (Dorothy Day Award)
  5. Youth/Young Adult (Nkosi Johnson Award)

Name of Nominee:
Award Category:

Address: ____________________ City: ___ State: ____ Zip Code:_____
Telephone:______ Fax:______ E-mail:_________

UCC Conference: __________
Local Church Name: _______
Contact person for local church/grass roots organization: ________
Telephone: _________ Fax: ______ E-mail: ____________

Briefly share nominees’ major accomplishments, ministry and mission in the area of justice:

Briefly explain why you personally feel this person, local church or community organization should receive an award for justice work:

Name of Nominator:
Address: ______ City:______ State: ______ Zip Code:__________
Telephone:____ Fax:____ E-mail:_______

Obviously, the first category is pretty limited, and I believe the second is at least weighted toward UCC clergy.

But, the other three are pretty much open. You know an individual or an organization that deserves to be recognized? Let ’em know.

They don’t have to be religious people, and they don’t have to be church organizations. Just people doing good work.

I’m going to nominate Howard Dean. How about you?