I admit I am behind the times. It was only after the election I discovered how great is the West Wing television show. Thanks to a friend who let me borrow his DVD’s. I spent many a night plowing thru episode after episode. So you can imagine my frustration when I ran out of DVD’s.
Grace be to God Amazon.co.uk releases the series DVD’s before the US. So I preorder Season Five and couldn’t wait to get it into my hot little hands.
Having the opportunity to watch this for the first time with the aid of 20/20 hindsight has been thoroughly enlightening. It is obvious the West Wing was “gotten” to.
- Charlie is agreeing with school vouchers,
- Barlet puts a certifiable theo-wingnut on the bench that is somehow suppose to counteract a female judge who has had an abortion…like the two are equaled…they even have Charlie agreeing with his racist defense of dismantling Affirmative Action. To really rub the salt in …they Jeb have agreeing to make recess appointments of Federal judges.
- Tax cuts to stay at home Moms is not such a bad thing and again is put on the same par as child care allowances for those Jezebelle’s who dare to leave the home and work.
- Continuing this debauchery the Barlett Administration openly and purposely screws the Unions.
- Oh yeah… Personal accounts (not private) are on the table to save Social Security.
These are just a few examples… this is so sad I don’t even think I can bring my self to see the rest of the series.
I know to most this is old…but to watch this with “new” eyes it is really an eye-opener.
Knowing now… what no one knew then… it is interesting to see the characterizations of some of the “players”. There is a whiny light skinned African American man working in the realm of defense who is constantly hand wringing and afraid of taking bold steps and aggressive actions against our enemies.
Then there is this new bald headed “reporter” who suddenly is in the in and asks questions at every press briefing and even is considered by CJ a go to guy when she wants a tête-à-tête with powerful reporters.
What I wanna know is who the hell is Guckert sleeping with… because who ever it is they are in love with this man… idolizing him in front of the whole nation is really a creepy turn-on.
And … I hope people are not misunderestimating his pull with who ever he is having sex with in the WH … the fact that he has not been found in a ditch somewhere with a suicide note is very telling indeed.
WW has had some outstanding writing/acting over the years – along with great story lines. (And, as with most shows out there – there were seasons that weren’t so great.)
Back to JG2 – here’s what I’d like to know. What the hell was up with that useless, lame ass Bill Maher “interview” on Friday night? The whole thing was embarrassing and utterly laughable. (Both for Guckert and Maher) This season, Maher seems to have evolved into quite the hack – well, more so than usual – but something seemed really peculiar about the kid glove treatment that Guckert received. I realize it was difficult to get him to appear on the show – but WTF? He didn’t provide any real answers, and Maher just let it fly. Particularly Guckert’s response to what he was doing in the White House on days when there were no press briefings. (He was being “a journalist”, for gosh sakes!)
Why does Gannon blink so oddly? Contact lenses?
He is lying. It is an automatic response
I didn’t see this. If you have a link I’d appreciate it.
The point that most people are missing is:
Another eyeopener I saw after the election was “Wag the Dog”… why didn’t the Dem party play this before every event is beyond me.
Rove is Dustin Hoffman’s character to a tee. He thrives on the challenge and the thrill of the game. He has already made an idiot the President of the free world not many more challenges can match that… until you get to Guckert.
Guckert is the ultimate thrill:
Look what they did to Hollywood’s librul fest on West wing. Whoever got to WW stripped it of any librul leaning integrity, elevated their causes of the wingnuts then someone put their gay-whore bald-headed lover in the script for the ultimate “fuck you” to libruls.
You are damn right Rove is going to make libruls eat this. And they only reason he can dominate is because the Dems won’t stand together and denounce Guckert. Have heard nothing from Kerry, Hilliary, Reid even Dean.
This is where Rove gets his power from… he can usually count on the Dems blinking first.
Sadly, the transcript for Friday’s episode isn’t available yet. If you have HBO, and you’re in a position of health where your blood pressure won’t be compromised, it’s worth it to watch a rerun. There have been some real jaw dropping moments in media – but that one still has my head shaking.
And you couldn’t be more accurate regarding Wag the Dog. Republicans laughingly pointed at the Clinton/Lewinski/Kosova series of events as aligning with the movie, but damnit – this entire presidency is Wag the Dog.
My interest has peaked… I thought last weeks Olberman/Blankehorn’s Guckert love fest was revloting enough
WHAT?!?!? Olbermann? Lovefest? Gannon? Something ain’t right.
Parker, good diary. Great rundown of the issues on WW.
I even forgot to mention the one thing that it looks like the Barlet administration was fighting … the FCC coglomeration rules… but again in 20/20 hindsight we already know that the GOP was not enamored of Powell Jr chairing the FCC. Once Powel Sr left office Powell Jr the wannabee wingnut was given the boot.