Thanks to Lapin, for finding this gem. Place appropriate rejoinders below.
Some examples:
‘Blame conservatives for African AIDS epidemic’
‘Blame Republicans for violence against women’
‘Blame the GOP for low science and math test scores’
You get the picture.
Blame Bush for 1600 americans dead for nothing, 100,00+ iraqi deaths for nothing, a war torn country for nothing, high interest rate credit cards, no recourse when an alcoholic drug addict doctor kills your child, fight for your country and lose your job, your home and mounting medical bills and you cannot file for bankruptcy, no respect in the world’s eye view, intolerance towards gays, a divided country, hate crimes, dismantling of the constitution…must I go on?
America held hostage, day 1,579. Brought to you by Faux News and Bushco. Hey, we never said it was going to be easy.
“It’s Hard Work” don’t you know that by now?
Of course it sounds bad when you put it that way . . .
If all we do is slam the other side, they win. They throw meat, we bite. Every damned time. And remember Bush went to war with the support of the democrats in congress, and at the time, 70% of the American people.
We would do better with positive alternatives. To reach balance, you need equal weight on both sides of the scale.
Bush – Oilman
Cheney – Oilman
Their friends – Oilmen
All wanting to increase profit.
Iraq war – makes OPEC nations nervous about American Imperialism in the Middle East and they raise price of oil.
Oil – running out and the looming decrease of supply causes an increase in price.
I could go on but you get the point.
And this is the Liberal’s fault HOW?
If it didn’t effect the country in a negative way – Fox would be a comedy.
declared it so in last Thursday’s presser:
BUSH: It would have 10 years ago. That’s exactly what I’ve been saying to the American people. Ten years ago, if we’d have had an energy strategy, we would be able to diversify away from foreign dependence.
BUSH: But we haven’t done that. And now we find ourselves in the fix we’re in. It’s taken us a while to get there, it’s going to take us a while to get out.
Hopefully, additional crude oil on the market from countries with some spare capacity will help relieve the price for the American consumers.
See, 10 years ago, Clinton was in charge, Clinton was a liberal. So its the fault of liberals.
when they were all running their oil companies, and their friend Kenney Boy was busy price fixing electricity in California, and they all fought any regulation of mileage standards in autos.
It’s all so clear now.
Oh high and mighty Faux News, truly Fair and Balanced, yep yep yep, fair and balanced like a Carnival midway game, always slanted toward the house. lol. And Assman, I can never tell if he is talking out of his ass or mouth as they both look so much alike and the stench coming out it is bad from both. Thanks for the humour today, I really needed it.
I posted this earlier on this screen shot.
“Blame the Hollywood Jew Mafia for the Holocaust!”
Okay, sounds like a fun game!
I assume we demand more when prices go up, isn’t that how that thing called economics works? Demand goes down, prices go down. Demand goes up, prices go up. Using this logic liberals demand LESS oil, so our share would be less expensive.
Use less oil, pay less.
I assume they mean to play the blame game as everything rises-but they already wrote the book on the economy, and it’s supposed to be flawless. High medical bills? Must be high demand for medical procedures. So logic would tell me they are overusing the system, because they already have insurance, and can demand more tests, and pay higher prices for MRI’s than my Democratic buddies can.
So they are pigs, consuming their way into higher prices for everyone. The cost is the price the market will bare. So if it’s high it must mean that those who have, are willing to pay more than those who have not, and cannot.
What’s so funny for me and every other non-American user on here is that gas prices in America are super low.
You’ve got a rich and wealthy country that is consuming over 50% of all the oil and yet it pays a fourth to a tenth of the prices that people pay in other “developed” countries like the UK or Spain or France.
When gas costs $4 a gallon you give us a ring. Because gas in Romania today, and mind you Romania is an oil producer, is roughly $1.25 per liter and there are 3.8 liters in an American gallon.
The average salary here is 150 bucks a month. You do the math.
oil is so cheap we put it on our salads.
But what kind of banner is that to put on a ‘fair and balanced’ news station?
And why are they kicking the asses of all the other news outlets?
And why are they kicking the asses of all the other news outlets?
Now THAT is a lot easier question to answer. It’s the same reason why Jerry Springer had more viewers than the nightly news.
The majority of the people want to be entertained, and Fox “News” is always the most entertaining. It’s as simple as that. Besides the snappy graphics and music, and good looking talking heads, they also make politics fun too. They find a subject people are interested in (gas, Michael Jackson, etc) and just get into a fluster about it, with people yelling and screaming. And then you find the scapegoat and everyone directs the yelling and screaming at them.
The only thing missing is the scantily dressed women and I’m sure Rupert will find a way to work more of those in fairly soon.