Update [2005-5-3 16:26:50 by susanhbu]: “The circuit judge ruled today that a 13-year-old foster child may terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The judge made the ruling about two hours after Gov. Jeb Bush announced the state would pursue no more appeals in the controversial case.” The judge said, ”As the days go by, the circumstances become more compelling and the further delay further puts this child’s life at risk.” … L.G. ran away from a group home in early or mid-January, and became pregnant at that time. She discovered the pregnancy about two weeks ago. … ”Hopefully, she will be able to go forward and make her choice,” said the girl’s attorney at Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Maxine Williams. ‘It’s going to be imminent, very soon.”’ (Miami Herald)

Earlier: The Miami Herald reports this morning that the 13-year-old Palm Beach County foster child “at the center of a legal battle over her right to end an unwanted pregnancy got permission from a [Palm Beach County] judge Monday to get an abortion — but was thwarted shortly afterward when state child-welfare officials appealed.” (See ductapefatwa’s diary.)

Meanwhile, the Herald notes wryly, “[t]he story of the Legislative session that ends Friday will be written with the names of hurricanes and in pictures of Terri Schiavo and Jessica Lunsford.”

Jeb Bush signed the Jessica Lunsford Act on Monday. The Legislature has until Friday to “get back on track and vote on nearly every major piece of legislation, ranging from the budget to lobbyist rules and schools.”

The big issues that were to be the hallmark of the 60-day lawmaking session — from slot-machine gaming to urban sprawl to health and windstorm insurance — remain unfinished, a legacy of the time lawmakers spent on Schiavo’s end-of-life struggle and on 9-year-old Jessica’s case. [Jessica was murdered last month by a pedophile.]