It appears to be over. The deacon of darkness has prevailed. A federal appeals court has unanimously dismissed the lawsuit that tried to expose the blatant corruption involved in crafting Cheney’s energy plan.
The decision today by the full court for the District of Columbia Circuit is unusual for two reasons, according to law professors and attorneys involved in the case.
First, it’s unanimous, an atypical result for a court whose members hold a wide spectrum of views on government regulation and the breadth of executive powers. Second it accepts largely as fact the assertions of two senior administration officials, without allowing the opposing side to challenge or question them.
The decision can still be appealed, but I doubt they will win on appeal. This is another blow for open government. What’s more, they still are trying to push this energy plan, even though we all know it is a corporate giveaway, is four years old, and still doesn’t have the support to get passed.
Holy shit. Halliburton, still being investigation for its corruption in fuel, dining services and gods know what all else in Iraq, just got awarded an extra $72 million reward for its “excellent” to “very good” performance.
I’m speechless. Rod Serling must be somewhere kicking himself that he didn’t think of all this.
We don’t need no stinkin Preview.
Not much to say except how much more fucked over are we going to get in the next 3 years? Is there going to be anything left of a working democratic government when bush leaves?
I worry about this too.
Damn Double Damn,
It appears that the Liberal Commie Judiciary just gave Dick the Dick Cheney an open check to seal the fate on any form of open government. You know the scary part is Cheney is plays both sides against each other, like with his daughter and everyone has the right of choice. Yet he is the organizer behind the continued blackout of information, this adminstration has implemented. It is by far one of the most secretive, closed, darkened administrations in the history of the US.
One day soon, books will be written about this gross
indecency. For now, Cheney rules the USA, but one day…
May 10 statement by Carl Pope, executive director of Sierra Club.
Here is the text of the decision from the DC Circuit Court.
SCOTUSblog provides a good analysis on this by Lyle Denniston. Considering that the Supreme Court had ruled 7-2 last June that the Circuit Court had to “reconsider its earlier refusal to stop the lawsuits in order to avoid serious separation-of-powers issues,” it’s almost unthinkable that four high court votes can be found to take up the case for the October 2005 session. It’s almost equally as unthinkable that plaintiffs wouldn’t at least make the attempt. They’ll have approximately 90 days to put their petition in to the Supreme Court, though Judicial Watch and the Sierra Club will probably make their intentions known much sooner.
Read the opinion, and it looks like they closed the door pretty hard on this one. The new “vote or veto” test.
I wouldn’t call a sworn declaration “an assertion”. Believing someone is lying is a different thing than proving it.
Well we all know that Dick the Dick Cheney will leave goverment screwing the American people, oh excuse me, he calls it government service. And of course he will sit on the 10 or 20 Board of Directors, and we know which boards those will be, exxon/mobile, shell, haliburton, merck, etc etc. and collect millions for making sure they get billions of free dollars. If it were not a crime to say it you know what I would say. lmao and of course the impotent US government of the people by the people for the people is now a thing of the past, hopefully we will regain our government back in the near future. I can only hope that Dick I had other priorities, Cheney gets to go to that very special place reserved for the most heinous of The Great Spirits creatures, you know the place that only the truly evil get to go.
No reaction to my “deacon of darkness” label?
I was so infuriated by this ruling I must have skipped right over it. Thank you for such a wonderful nomenclature for this truly evil evil human being.