From Political Wire, via Howie Martin’s blog:
“A Pew Research Center survey finds that “the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, helped redraw the political landscape in America, giving President Bush and the Republicans an advantage over the Democrats,” the Washington Post reports. Interestingly, the results “suggest that Bush’s reelection depended not just on motivating the Republican base” — as is the conventional wisdom — “but also on his success in attracting swing voters and even some Democrats.”
However, the Los Angeles Times notes that the though the “landscape coming out of the 2004 election favored Republicans,” there’s “no guarantee that Republicans have solidified their hold on things.”
The Baltimore Sun covers the surprise result of the poll, observing there “was strong support for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton among some Republican voters.”
To find out where you fall on Pew’s political spectrum, complete this survey.” Howie says: “Turns out I’m a liberal. Go figure.” {Howie is a regular visitor and commentator here.)
Well damn,
It appears that I am liberal too. Hot damn and hallelujah, praise the Great Spirit, I don’t know if I can hold back the excitement of knowing what I already know. lmao Thank you susan, I enjoyed the article and it was nice to have some confirmation that I still hold these truths to be self evident, that being a liberal demonstrates that I definitely have retained my humantiy. That being liberal means caring about the welfare and care of others and liberals are willing to go the extra mile to insure everyone gets to participate in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I’m “R”ight, but I’m over myself politically. It is also interesting to note that “conservative” Dems are also some of the most loyal partisans.
Did I mention that I hate the smell of patchuli?
Surprise, I’m a liberal.
The Baltimore Sun covers the surprise result of the poll, observing there “was strong support for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton among some Republican voters.”
This is such hogwash... and I also guess that they are the ones who plled that Kerry was electable. When are we going to stop letting the Republicans pick our nominees?
<gasp> I’m a liberal!
Yanno, I’ve considered myself to be a Moderate Democrat with libertarian tendencies for many, many years. What a surprise to find out what I consider middle of the road values would actually be considered Liberal nowadays.
What the hell happened to our country?
I’m a liberal! </sarcasm>
Well, it’s good to know that out of every test I’ve taken to see my polictical [sic] leanings, I’ve managed to be a liberal in every single one.
And we are the second youngest! It’s good to be the future…
I think one of the benefits of the survey is that it gives us a chance to examine some of our beliefs and values. In the long run, I think it would be good to zero in on those and build a positive message and agenda around them, and get past some of our defensive reacting to the rovian bastards.
I wear the label of Liberal with great pride. I remember back in around 95, I was listening to that blowhard, Flush Limptongue, spouting off about Liberals and using the word Liberal like it was a curse word. Many of my friends had begun to shrink from identifying themselves as Liberal and began using the identifying word of progressive. California in the mid nineties especially San Diego, was not a hot bed of Liberal politics. Anyway, I digress, Flush was going on and on and on and on and on, you know Flush, about how it was the Liberals who were destroying the US and how Clinton was just another draft dodger who hated America. Someone in the office I worked in, yelled “that’s right we all know that Liberal’s hate America and they are all lazy”. It took all my control not to reach out and touch someone, with both hands around his neck. lmao I looked at my fellow co worker and said, you know me right, he said “yes” then you don’t know me very well do you. He said “what do you me”, I said I am one of those Liberals your hero was just ranting and raving about. He slowly turned around and walked away, that particular person rarely talked to me in the office after that and I was excluded from many of the out of office functions. We had an office softball team that played in the recreation and parks dept softball program and I was uninvited to participate in that after being the catcher and first baseman for 2yrs. Funny how some uncouth rednecked bigotted hillybilly heroin addict could infect, yes infect otherwise congenial and friendly people to exclude someone because they are Liberal. I have seen bias and bigotry first hand now in both ways, having grown up in intolerance and bigotry exported onto others and having it pressed upon me for the way I believe politically. I liked neither one much and that is why I choose to continue to call myself a Liberal. It means I strive to diligently see the entire picture and keep an open mind to other views that may be in direct conflict with my own view. I can honestly say that I have not been perfect in holding to that principle, especially concerning the Reichwingers. They have their right to opinions and the right to keep so much of their opinions to themselves. lmao. Oh hell I am doing it again. I am a proud member of a Liberal community that has given the world and USA so much of its unblemished reputation as a Nation of Laws and a Nation of hope and understanding to so many other countries in the world.