image: Michael Berg is hugged by a supporter at a gathering in memory of his son, Nicholas Berg, …the young American entrepreneur beheaded May 7, 2004, in Iraq, and seen on the poster, rear… Michael Berg has intensified his anti-war activities and traveled the globe to meet the families of other civilians slain in Iraq. (AP Photo/George Widman)
one way to support victims of torture
Support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
many other ways to support the troops and the Iraqi people
one way to support the troops
one way to witness every day
one way to support the fallen
one way to support the Iraqi people
image and words below the fold
An Infinite Number of Monkeys
by Ronald Koertge
After all the Shakespeare, the book
of poems they type is the saddest
in history.
But before they can finish it,
they have to wait for that Someone
who is always
looking to look away. Only then
can they strike the million
keys that spell
humiliation and grief, which are
the great subjects of Monkey
and not, as some people still
believe, the banana
and the tire.
An earlier witness (Day 14) for Nicholas Berg
The mutilated body of Nicholas Berg is found
Warning: Multiple photos – very graphic
Rub, was too busy today to, once again, honor your dedication & your kinship with words on Kos, so I’m glad I can do it here.