This is a new diary based on the story, “ Ignored: The 10 Most Ignored News Stories.”
Last week, the U.N. issued its annual top 10 list of under-reported stories. As might be expected, U.S. media have ignored the list.
I have a proposition for you: Let’s cover all 10, every day, for the next 10 days. Sign up as a story author. More below, including the story list sign-up status:
At the United Nations Web site — “Ten Stories The World Should Hear More About” — in the right column, you’ll find links to each story. Select one that interests you or about which you have some expertise. (I like picking stories about which I’m pretty ignorant, because then I learn something new.)
Choose a story and share below. More on the stories from IPS. The solution: “Shoot him.” The problem:
”My prime minister is going to address the U.N. General Assembly on major social and economic issues crucial to the survival of Africa. How can I get the story in to the New York Times,” Vittachi recalled the man said.
”Shoot him, and you will get a front-page story,” replied Vittachi, a onetime columnist for ‘Newsweek’ magazine and legendary newspaper editor …
The stories:
Also overlooked, he said, were: the scant chances for small farmers in Cameroon and other poor countries to get a fair price for their produce; Grenada’s struggles to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Ivan, a story forgotten in the wake of the Asian tsunami; continuing violence against women; using development as an effective alternative to warfare to curb illicit drugs; and saving the environment to preserve potential cures for a catalogue of diseases.
- A viable alternative: curbing illicit drugs through development
- Environment and health: New insights into spread of infectious diseases
- Sierra Leone: Building on a hard-won peace
- Actors for change: The growth of human rights institutions
Assigned story list so far:
#1: Sirocco on Uganda
#2: Ghostdancer’s Way on Violence Against Women
#3: Susanhbu on Cameroon
#5: Ask on Somalia
#6: Diane101 – topic
#7: ?
#8: ?
#9: Nanette for women’s health (next Wed.)
#10: Nag on human rights
(that’s 10 stories, if I can count)
PLEASE SIGN UP BELOW! Here’s the U.N.’s list of stories from which you can choose. Pick the one that suits you, if it hasn’t been taken.
Great idea, Susan. I’d like to take a crack at the human rights story. The only problem is, I’m having problems getting to the stories on the UN website. I keep getting HTTP error codes. I’d better take the slot after Nanette. That will give me time to resolve my glitch.
This story, Nag?
growth in the number of human rights institutions
Super! If you need help, I can copy/paste the U.N. page for you and e-mail it to you. Maybe the site is temporarily down. I haven’t tried it yet today.
yes, human rights institutions. Thanks for the email offer. I’ll try again tomorrow morning and will give you a shout if I’m still having problems.
No problems accessing the info on the UN website today. (Thursday, May 12) Whatever the glitch was, it’s fixed. Thanks for the offer to email the info…but I’m good to go.
We need mo’ recruits.
It’s an easy diary to write … the U.N. page has all the info you need, unless you choose to look up more.
I will take violence against women. When do you want this dairy posted.
I will start the research and find pertinent links for everyone to read.
Diary has been posted on women and violence. I hope that this small contribution will help someone who knows the desperation and agony of this horrible problem.
Saw your post on another thread and zipped over here and I will do a diary on obstetrical fistula if that is not taken. Let me know, and when you would want it.
Okay, I am a newbie, but I am going to give this a whirl. I would like to take on the story about curbing illicit drugs through development.
THANKS! Send me an e-mail when you’re ready to go!
Environment and health: New insights into spread of infectious diseases
I need to work on this topic, it’s unknown to me.
Seems real today and becoming more urgent in coming decade(s).
Therefore a true challenge.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
That was the subject I started with and I guess I spun it out into environmental pollution, rather than health and the relation of spread of infectious disease. Would you consider doing that story as a part of the series and call it part 3 (or whatever no. is current), and reference past diaries on this overall topic.
If you agree, please comment on my diary that you will take this subject, and btw I consider it a very important aspect of the total picture of environmental pollution and disruption. I guess I kind of ignored it(infectious disease) story when I started my research as there were so many, many problems in so many areas and I really couldn’t decide which was most important as they all are..
Let me know what you decide, thanks.