Lest you think that Iraq is our only burning foreign policy crisis, news from Afghanistan is not too encouraging:
Now, it’s not very original to shout, “Death to America”, and apparently the sentiment can be easily misunderstood:
“It is not the anti-American sentiment, it is a protest over news of the desecration of the holy Quran,” Karzai told reporters after talks with NATO officials in Brussels, Belgium.
Right. When they call for our deaths they are not anti-American. They are merely lodging a complaint about using the Quran as a toilet accessory.
Pentagon spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Flex Plexico said the U.S. military was investigating.
First of all, I love the name ‘Flex Plexico’. With a name like that, Flex could be a movie star. But I am supremely confident that someday, maybe two years from now, Flex, or his successor, will announce that a thorough investigation has turned up no evidence of the Quran being desecrated at Guantanamo. Nor will they admit they smear fake menstrual blood on detainees, nor hang them on hooks, nor expose them to extreme heat and cold, nor make them listen to Nancy Sinatra records at extreme volume. (This last, may be the most cruel and unusual). But despite the clean bill of health that the Pentagon will give to itself, it won’t do one thing to stop scenes like this:
Mobs smashed car and shop windows and attacked government offices, the Pakistani consulate and the offices of two U.N. agencies in Jalalabad. Smoke billowed from the consulate and a U.N. building. More than 50 foreign aid workers were reportedly evacuated.
The protests may expand into neighboring Pakistan, where a coalition of hard-line Islamic parties said it would hold nationwide demonstrations Friday over the alleged desecration of the Quran.
This is the same Pakistan we are currently arming to the teeth. Home of the original talib. Speaking of which:
But perhaps the clearest sign that unprovoked war, routine torture, and religious desecration are winning hearts and minds is this:
You’re very funny in that droll way.
And this line from the last quote:
burned an effigy of Bush. It flared again Wednesday
— at first I read it like Bush’s effigy flared again —
I did the same thing…chuckled…then sighed deeply.
but I couldn’t resist.
State Department spokesman Richard Boucher assures us that U.S. personnel assigned to Guantanamo go through training to ensure they understand the procedures for protecting the rights and dignity of detainees.
Of course they do. Did you ever doubt?
Speaking of which, I was watching Erik Saar on CSPAN2 this weekend and, god, isn’t that kid like the perfect spokesperson to expose the torture? Clean-cut, nice-looking, modest, quietly ethical, exceedingly careful not to speak beyond the bounds of his agreement with the Pentagon, respectful, smart. Fluent in Arabic too. God, Al-JAzeera should hire him for their new English-language channel. And I’d like to introduce him to my daughter.
Maybe I should quit saying that, since everything reminds me of a story, but this does remind me of a story I heard about instructions given during Prohibition. I understand the grape juice was sold during Prohibition with warning labels something like this:
I don’t know from winemaking so I probably got the instructions wrong, but I have a feeling those are the kind of instructions these people got. “Under no circumstances are you to serve pork chops to Muslim prisoners.”
The jewels in the crown that show what American Resolve can do when it decides to spread some democracy.
At long last, with the help and cooperation of Gonzales, Negroponte, and Patriot III, democracy is sure to spread to your town soon!
http://www.afgha.com/? This is another good link to an Afghan online paper with national and local news.
I liked how they rather selectively quoted Karzai as saying it was not anti-american sentiment(yeah right) when he also said that his country would need Peacekeepers there for many,many years to come due to the unrest. Which means I guess that he is pretty dam pessimistic about things getting better any time soon, right?
Why no self respecting christian warrior would do anything like what has been alleged. Why we all know that the talkinghead bush, liar cheney, despot gonzalez, razorwire rumsfeld and milktoast meyers are the most upstanding and charitable individuals in he world. Why the hold these truths to be self evident,
I can only hope that these morons will go away quickly so we can have our country back and maybe just maybe the rest of the world will find it in their hearts to forgive us our transgression.
Well, those of us who said we were very, very sorry anyway.
What a seriously cool name. As we might have guessed, Alvin’s macho “Flex” is a nickname:
Hey, I’ve got an idea! Let’s giving each other cool nicknames around here! Then we can be really really really cool like this military hunks (and hunk-esses)!
Oh… we already do that, don’t we… BooMan?
Would you believe: when I chose Winger I had absolutely no idea it was a colloquialism for right-wing-nut-job. I knew nothing about politics or blogs at the time.
When you’re already in a losing battle for hearts and minds in the Islamic world, how utterly stupid do you have to be to decide that flushing the Koran is an acceptable interrogation technique?
It’s beyond stupid, it’s a whole new level beyond stupid and I don’t even know if there’s a word for it in English.
just plain old hatred. They are not there to win hearts and minds, and that is certainly not the objective in the torture camps.
The goal is to express as much hatred and contempt for beings they do not consider human, and to let enough of their activities be known with the intention of spreading fear and terror among those not yet seized, and to make sure that the victims understand US policies, and learn a little bit about the culture.
But the prisoner wasn’t talking, so Saar said the interrogator increased the pressure.
“She started to unbutton her pants and reached and put her hands in her pants and then started to circle around the detainee. And when she had her hands in her pants, apparently she used something to put what appeared to be menstrual blood on her hand, but in fact was ink,” says Saar.
“When she circled around the detainee, she pulled out her hand, which was red, and said, ‘I’m actually menstruating right now, and I’m touching you. Does that please your God? Does that please Allah?’ And then he kind of got pent up and shied away from her, and she then took the ink and wiped it on his face, and said, ‘How do you like that?'” link
in the US? One hell of a lot of people in this world used to look up to and admire America. Now, well things are different
it is most unfortunate. And I have to live here and have this done in my name, with my tax dollar.
Check that. I don’t have to live here. But I do.
Leaving aside the hatred and cruelty toward others, that a young lady would have so little respect for her own self. That was learned. As with Lynndie the leash girl, that is how she was raised.
I am sure that she did not think she was doing anything wrong, either to the man she had been taught was not human, or to herself, who she had been taught was even less.
I see the tone of the comments on this thread are pretty tongue in cheek but this is a far, far more serious issue than apparently many of you realize.
In both Afghanistan and Pakistan (and many other countries) desecrating the Qur’an is not only blasphemous but it is punishable by the death sentence. Some people in Pakistan are facing jail time simply because they did not include the Arabic in their Urdu-language versions they were selling.
Not only will there be a protest, but the government of Pakistan has lodged a detente (formal protest) with the American government AND there were calls in the parliament yesterday to SUE the American government.
In a country already full of religious zealots (including the PPP and MNA parties), not a single thing could be more effective in arousing anti-American anger than desecreating the Qur’an.
Imagine videotape playing on CNN of Muslim soldiers tying up the Pope and urinating on his face. That’s the level of outrage Muslims feel when Newsweek reported the Qur’an was ripped up and flushed down the toilet.
And of course as per normal nobody will be punished. And as per usual America will not accept it has done anything wrong. And as per usual the US will become even more hated than now if that is possiblee. And as per usual nobody in the administration will care. And as per usual most US citizens will be behind their “facist” government against “foreigners”.
may not reflect the seriousness of this story, but as far as the homefront is concerned, freedom has prevailed in Afghanistan…and there is no story to this at all.
Here they are, demonstrating their love: