promoted by BooMan

Bwhahaha…good evening.

Tonight’s Chiller Theater features ghosts, evil madmen, and horrors previously unimaginable except by the most demented of minds.

Tonight I could not steal Bill in Portland Maine’s “swoosh” machine (like I do his Cheers & Jeers idea) for my favorite gargoyle refused to cross the picketline. The C&J Cafe snark union is definitely one you do not want to cross.

So instead I bring you a coffin recently acquired after a night of moonlit digging at the local cemetery…a coffin so new it is still occupied by a mouldering corpse.

I shall open it for you. <crrrrrreeeeaaaakkkkk>. WAIT A MINUTE. That’s not a decaying corpse! That’s conservative commentator Phyllis Schafly!

Join me on the jump.

Ah, forgive me. It was a gruesome corpse after all. It only resembled Schafly.

Let us resume our topic at hand. It is time for Chills & Thrills.

Thrills to Howard Peirce and his must read post on his car troubles and the wondrous people who helped him at a Volkswagon shop worthy of a Twilight Zone episode.

Thrills also to HP for his work at unifying the horror blog community. His post here
sparked a growing number of horror bloggers to find each other and link up: examples here; here; and here in Portugese.

Chills to Friday the 13th.

Chills to a Lawrence, Kansas hotel’s work on the elevators possibly driving out the ghosts. The ghosts asked for too many fresh sheets.

Thrills to witches dancing naked in the forests of Germany.

Chills to Salem, Mass., officials for turning up their noses at a statue of a witch known for having a very pretty nose.

Thrills to haunted real estate for sale.

Thrills to King Tut getting a new look. All bow to his royal highness.

Chills to world leaders giving us cause to wonder about what they do in the wood.

Thrills to this haunting portrait of the Vietnam War.

And, as always, saving the best for last

Thrills to Dracula Blogged.
From the about section:

This blog will publish Bram Stoker’s Dracula for the next six months. Individual pieces of the novel will appear on the calendar dates indicated in the text, starting with Jonathan Harker’s May 3rd Bistriz journal entry, and finishing up with November 6 and the final Note.

So what Chills & Thrills you tonight?