UPDATE: In case your wondering where the infestation of trolls are coming from, they’re from this far left radical kook site.
Museum of Left Wing Lunacy
Museum of Left Wing Lunacy
We’ve arrived. We’re now officially a ‘radical kook site’.
We’ve arrived. We’re now officially a ‘radical kook site’.
It’s good to be dah kook…er, king. </melbrooks>
Where are they? Lemme’at’em! They don’t want to mess with me, no sir, not one bit.
</scampers away armed with pea shooter>
See now that was my first thought! I must not be doing my job if I haven’t run into them on the site yet..
Must. Try. Harder.
well, there was a hidden comment, but a quick read revealed it was some bizarre debate about xenophobic sandwiches… not nearly the infestation I was hoping for. I think Booman has a bad case of troll-envy, or at least some minor paranoia. 😉
So much for the intellectual and educational superiority touted by the right wing:
“In case your wondering …”
It’d be fun to add (sic) to that.
because of my activities, but I’ve never gotten any… sigh…
Due to your recent activities, I have decided to write you this letter demanding that you cease and desist your lefty loony kook activities immediately. You are a lousy rotten librul bastud.
(How’s that? Maybe I should swear more and make a bunch of spelling mistakes to make it seem more legit…)
I’m feeling my snark mojo coming back now…
Count your blessings. After one lte in 2000 I had right wingnut hate/harrassment calls for weeks.
What did you say in the first place? Could you remember it and paste it into one of my comments… you can use my password… pleeeeeease???
It was a letter regarding McCain’s use of the term gooks. Since my wife is nisei (first generation Japanese born in America) and my kids are half asian, half white I wrote a letter that my local paper published asking him to stop using racial slurs and to please apologize.
Didn’t go over too well with some wingnuts in our community.
The funny thing is now they probably all ahte McCain’s guts for not being pro-Bush enough, but at the time you would have thought I was proposing human sacrifice during Satanic rites.
Happened to me, too. Regarding Special Education LTE. Ended up having to get Caller ID and one of the calls was from the Regional Republican Party. Bastards
When this election they had the audacity to call me… was his wife… I was able to “remind” her who she had called. Then I lit into her about how dare she call a family who has actually SERVED their country during war time unlike the fool she was supporting.
Just when I was getting over my father calling me a stupid idiot, now i am called a lunatic? Jeez, how is a gal ever gonna get any self esteem? LOL Talk about kooks. But we knew that already didn’t we?
We should open a right wing museum starting with this:
Last night, anti-abortion extremist Neal Horsley was a guest on The Alan Colmes Show, a FOX News radio program. The topic was an interesting one – whether or not an internet service provider should allow Horsley to post the names of abortion doctors on his website. Horsley does that as a way of targeting them and one doctor has been killed. In the course of the interview, however, Colmes asked Horsley about his background, including a statement that he had admitted to engaging in homosexual and bestiality sex.
At first, Horsley laughed and said, “Just because it’s printed in the media, people jump to believe it.”
“Is it true?” Colmes asked.
“Hey, Alan, if you want to accuse me of having sex when I was a fool, I did everything that crossed my mind that looked like I…”
AC: “You had sex with animals?”
NH: “Absolutely. I was a fool. When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”
AC: “I’m not so sure that that is so.”
NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”
AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”
NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…” link
P.S. I grew up on a farm.
As long as you’re not a right winger….?
Used to be. Got ruined by liberal professors … now, rightwing farm boys might sleep with donkeys, but leftwing farm girls …
in Europe it was sheep, you were saying left wing farm girls…? ( like Katherine the Great – stallions – at least so the rumors go….)
I was obliquely referring to those leftwing professors.
(in Emily Litella’s voice)
What’s all this about Leftwing professors resembling stallions? What??
Oh. Nevermind..
While teaching at NYU I had a lovely young co-ed offer herself up to me because, and I quote “You are a real Marxist.”
[Un]fortunately I’m not a Marxist, and even more unfortunately I took academic honesty a little too far and disabused her of both her notions. Next time (I flatter myself) it’s Hi-Ho Engles and Awaaaaay…
(Off to give myself a good beating on behalf of Ms. Cicero (maybe that will get me some hot Opus Dei chicks))
That’s Hot </Paris Hilton voice>
you’d think there’d be an epidemic of mule kick related injuries… lots of farmers with pronounced limps etc.
This is the Georgia boy I was referring to on another
thread about the right wing fish icon. People thought
I was talking about Singer. Can you imagine.
You really need the context to explain Georgia boy.
Where men are men and livestock are scared.
With “props” to Utah Phillips.
That all the decent mules keep their tails between their legs?
From Al Jazeera:
Fuel cell to run on blood
A Japanese research team has developed a fuel cell that runs on blood without using toxic substances, opening the way for use in artificial hearts and other organs. The biological fuel cell uses glucose, a sugar in blood, with a non-toxic substance used to draw electrons from glucose, said the team led by Matsuhiko Nishizawa, bio-engineering professor at the graduate school of state-run Tohoku University.
Notice where medical advances are coming from these days? More and more from Europe and Japan. Faith based educational initiatives are destroying our future prosperity.
Before I read more of your comment, I was thinking they had invented the first true blood mobile. Talk about bat cars!
Whoo boy, now after dark, the roads will be filled with vampires driving aimlessly about!
and I want to blow out of work a little early and find a fantastic bar with a sunny outside patio and have myself a cold refreshing beverage… who’s with me?
Discussion Topic: Best Bars With Outdoor Patios.
I’ll nominate the CT Yankee in SF.
It’s a bit chilly here. Maybe an Irish coffee? See you in a few.
I’m with ya Abbott! I got out three hours early and am now sitting on my porch with a Honey Brown. My vote for the best patio is the Frog ‘n Firkin here in Tucson.
I’m thinking Red Hook Nut Brown… we’re apartment hunting this weekend, and I hope to find a place with a porch. I have some stairs currently, but while they are outside, it leaves something to be desired.
Yay Friday afternoon! I am working for another hour tops.
U2 – Beautiful Day.
That is a great song.
U2 are another bunch of whacko lefties.
They are always whining and nagging
about feeding the hungry or some other
lefty obsession like that.
We NEED You! It’d take about a half hour tops! TY!
sign me up for Sierra Leone… days are available (my weekend is pretty full)
that should be “what days are available?”
we’re easy … just e-mail when you’re done — sometime this weekend or next week?
or links….Why don’t you or Booman send Huffington’s new blog an invite to the Booman Tribune…Dkos is on their list of Links and I think Booman should also be on their list.
Believes there is no social security crisis.
Believes there is a national debt crisis.
Thinks that GOP sex scandals should get as much media attention as Dem scandals.
Thinks that lying about the reasons for going to war is at least as offensive as lying about blow jons from interns.
Makes outrageously subversive claims about what Jesus stood for, such as “the meek shall inherit the earth”, “blessed are the peacemakers” and it shall be “easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man enter into the kingdom of heaven.”
Has the idiotic notion that exercising one’s right to free speech shouldn’t get you arrested.
Believes ethics rules should be followed regardless of how important a congressional leader you may be.
Thinks that a scientific theory whose predictions have been verified by the experimental method is superior to one that is “faith based” and can’t be independently verified.
Doesn’t like air or water pollution, and thinks existing environmental laws should be enforced and new laws passed to strengthen those environmental protections.
Holds the absurd idea that an overwheming consensus by independent climate scientists as to the reality of global warming and that human activity has contributed to it carries more weight than a novel by Michael Crichton.
Thinks international treaties of which the US is a signatory should be observed, rather than ignored or abandoned.
Doesn’t believe torture should be as American as baseball, Mom and apple pie.
Has the crazy idea that the use of the term “general welfare” in the Constitution refers to individual citizens and not to multinational corporations.
Thinks that the right to vote should be as easy to exercise in the inner city as it is in a wealthy gated community.
I’m sure you can think of hundreds more, but I’ll stop for now.
Really looney
Lefties who are vegetarians. Vegans are totally insane.
Guns, does not own one, does not want one.
Cars, does not own one, does not want one.
Does not believe in beating children.
Vegans are not insane. 🙂
Many right-wingers think that they are but I think they are the
smartest people around.:-)
I have seen winger put-downs of lefties calling them “vegan whackos.”
I live between two gourmet Italian bakeries, how am I supposed to become a vegan?
Is Troll abuse acceptable.???… Brain-dead sheep are easy whooping.
I’m abusing it.
CONGRATS on your kookidom !! All hail kookiness, the brain-dead version that is.
Finally I hit an open thread! Yes, and now, if only I wasn’t such a luddite I could post a picture…well how about a link to a pic?
Bast would like a few words with Bill Frist…
< img src=”http://www.deviantart.com/view/18282469/“ >
close the spaces above and you have an image link.
Thank you! Sorry about the lag, dinner break.
So I finally drove “downtown” yesterday:
We’ve been hanging on the western edge of town since that’s where Sam’s job and our apt. are but, only 10 minutes away, is the recently revitalized historic district and I wanted to check it out.
Now, the first weekend we came up here, we saw a beaver by the on-ramp to the “expressway”. Since we’ve moved, I’ve noted unfortunate beaver victims by the roadsides. If I was so inclined, I’d easily have enough pelts for a full rah-rah beaver coat in no time.
So imagine me driving into the city centre and having to slam on my brakes because a beaver darts out into the street ahead of me. The car coming opposite does the same and we sit there watching the beaver dash back and forth across the street before deciding to go back in the direction from whence s/he came. The other driver and I laugh and wave to each other.
So, it is starting to dawn on me that Lynchburg may have a serious beaver infestation problem. I’m wondering if there is a sub-committee of the City Council considering humane options for dealing with the problem. I mean, you could trap them and transport them to a more natural habitat. However, I further wonder if the furry fellows have been tainted by eating out of garbage bins and peeling off strips of lead-based paints from exterior door mouldings and forgotten what birch trees look like…
Y’all can’t get enough beaver! <snark>
even though they are the national emblem of Canada, I have to be truthful. They were chosen because they are hard-working, not smart.
They are slaves of instinct and cannot be moved to any
other location. They don’t chose their location, it is
hard wired in their brains. Beavers likely have lived in Lynchburg for hundreds of years.
They are rapidly losing their habitat. Since they are engineers and create habitat for many other creatures,
they need a lot of space.