Media News Monday!

Media News Monday is a compilation of media news from the past week posted on Monday. Media is an integral part of politics, and I think that it’s important to get to know media and media innovation in order to forecast future ways of campaigning, targeting voters, and disseminating information. If any of you are interested in campaigning, this weekly diary may help you with ideas.  It is also important to keep up with right wing corporate media (RWCM) news.  If you have any media news to add, please do so.  

Previous edition: May 9, 2005
For more previous editions, search my diaries.  

Now for the news from the past week posted today, May 16, 2005:

Note: I’m going to put a %%% next to things that are more interesting or go into things more in-depth.

Best bit of Blogosphere Reporting
Blame Newsweek? Think again…by SusanHu

Must read Media Action Alert
The Downing Street Memo, Quick Facts, and Action Items, by Apian

Own a Bit of Michael Jackson Puppet Theater
Olbermann auctioned off the puppets the segment Michael Jackson Puppet Theatre for charity. Olbermann has celiac disease.  The money goes to the Celiac Sprue Association. Puppets are autographed. Winner is paying $15,099.99 for the puppets

Yeah, That’s Right
Spokane editor: Journos blast us, but readers praise probe Summary via Romenesko:

Spokesman-Review editor Steve Smith says his paper’s investigation of Spokane Mayor Jim West “has built trust in our readers and Spokane citizens. They know what we wrote is true. Feedback is running 10- maybe 15-1 in our favor.” He tells Leonard Witt: “I think our credibility with journalists is hurt. But I think this may be a sign of how disconnected some editors are from the sensibilities of citizens who want their newspapers to watchdog government and do it aggressively.”

Yup, absolutely. It doesn’t matter who is in charge… citizens want the media to watchdog aggressively.  They’d rather Woodward & Bernstein-type journalism…than the talking points stenography.  Plus, in case anyone in the media has ever bothered to pay attention to this… people will watch/read if a newspaper or newscast breaks stories and dig deep into the government.  Scandal gets eyeballs, and maybe it’d get something else the press say they want more of: credibility with the public.  More of my commentary on this here.

Action Alert!
Help Stop Fox News Deal with Yahoo! News, by JustWinBaby

OUTRAGE(s) of the Week

  1. Jeers to that bitch who is still on the payroll. NYT Public Editor admits that NYT’s WMD reporting was “very bad journalism.” So why did Judith Miller keep on writing stories for the NYT even after the NYT did its mea culpa story?
  2. * Sirotablog: ABC News: We’re Not Interested in Covering the Iraq War


  • Huffington Post got primo news spot on AOL. Tag was “Can they beat Drudge Report?”
  • Interview Skills 101–Surviving the Fox Hunt, by TrueBlueMajority
  • Jerry Bruckheimer is developing a show for NBC called “E-Ring.” It is created by David McKenna and Ken Robinson, a former Green Beret who consults for CNN on terrorism and military intelligence.  “E-Ring” is descirbed as “The West Wing” set at the Pentagon.
  • ABC has a show for the fall called “Commander in Chief.” Geena Davis stars as the first female president.  It focuses more on the President’s private life and less on the day to day business of the office.
  • Cast for ABC’s new TV movie “The Ten Commandments” has been announced. Production starts May 23 in Morocco. It will air during the 2005-2006 season on ABC.

WP’s Kurtz keeps the media industry honest, says critic

Media Personalities

RWCM Watch

State of the Media, Trends, Research Reports, Innovations

Ratings, Circulation, & Ad Revenue Strength:

  • Wikipedia Traffic Surges. It’s now the second most-visited reference website. link
  • Nightline ratings are good
  • GMA continues to gain on the Today Show and even manages wins on some days.
  • On cable news, FNC outdraws CNN and MSNBC.  On MSNBC, Olbermann is drawing 100k more viewers on some nights than Hardball and MSNBC.  In most time slots, CNN and MSNBC combined still can’t outdraw FNC.
  • Network news ratings NBC leads ABC by a bit in total viewers, while CBS trails both by a lot.  In the 25-54 demo, ABC and NBC are basically tied.

For more RWCM watch & Media News: Penndit’s News, Media News, and RWCM Watch Links. I get the advertising, public relations, targetting voters information, and media research from a variety of sources other than the links above.  

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