Progress Pond

Kudos to Senate Democrats Thus Far: A Roundup & Call for Donations

The Senate Democrats have been pretty effective so far.  No, they haven’t won every battle, and no, the Senate Dems haven’t voted the way some here require them to vote… but they’ve done a good job so far.  Let’s review the work done since January, and reward good behavior.

Senate Democrats:

Other Democratic organizations:

Filibuster Fight

what I love most about today’s debate is the way the Dems have stood up against the religious extremists and have embarassed the Republicans who cowtow to their influence. Way to go Dems! It’s about time.



And shoutouts to House Dems

Again, reward good behavior and make this man (and DSCC chair Schumer) smile:

Senate Democrats:

Do you have other examples of the good things that the Dems have done lately?

(P.S. We criticize Congressional Dems a lot around here, and I would appreciate it if we could keep this diary on the positive side.)
(P.P.S. If someone from SDCC or DSCC is reading, don’t get complacent! 🙂 )
(P.P.P.S. If you send cash, also send a little note of what you’ve liked thus far and what you would like to see in the future. Be firm, but nice.)

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