Progress Pond

Hello, there, Mmm… I mean, BooMan…

BooMan — howdie to you and your community….  

I’ve posted only a few times here, but before the BooMan went off and became a famous blog-daddy, he and I spent the better part of two years debating among a small group via email, essentially banging our heads against the other’s wall for farrrrrrrr too much of the day. Literally, dozens of emails in a day would fly back and forth between our small group of about six, but mostly they were between “The Boo” and me.  I like to think I was his final test before going live here!

Anyway, this is certainly a more productive outlet for that sort of energy. Well done, Boosky.  And I certainly get much more work done now that you spare me your frequent shots across the bow.

Which I suppose leads to who -or rather what I am -I am a libertarian consensualist.  That means, I’m sympathetic to rants against BushCo / the dangerous empire building NeoCon nuts, and agree they need to be stopped. However, I’m also of the opinion that while BushCo needs to go, I don’t much care to have a new group in power who will not allow me to say “no thanks” to their own brand of “this is how the world should be designed according to our noble vision”. Pu-leeeese!  This is the land of the free… or is it?

Anyway, I hope to contribute on these issues. I will also be prone to disagree with many of your prescriptions for solving the problem, but perhaps a little outside perspective from a non-Troll will be valuable.

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