This regular meta-diary focuses on the best overlooked diaries (didn’t get front-paged or on to the recommended list) from the past week; it was once called “Week’s Best Diaries You Didn’t Read.” This column also includes information from elsewhere in cyberspace, blogosphere PSAs, and my own commentary. Diaries are listed because:
- they’re fabulously written & have SUBSTANCE
- they’ll educate you on candidates and states.
- newsworthy items that got lost in the mix
- there was research involved (copyright rules must be followed)
Please add to the list in the replies or email me links you’d like to see included. For previous editions, search my diaries for them. Consider subscribing to my diaries if you never want to miss an edition. Opinions expressed in the links are not endorsed by me. Archives are here as well.
The Party of Ethics Reform Cheers to Rep. Pelosi and Rep. Miller.
- Was FEMA buying support for Bush in Florida?
- Major blog coverage re: Santorum’s Hitler remark. The Move On Standard should be applied.
- GOP K Street Project
- Ohio GOP rare coin scandal update from The Toledo Blade Seems like the only Ohio media outlet reporting this is The Toledo Blade, or is AmericaBlog only linking to The Toledo Blade? Anybody out there know?
- Judicial Nominees: Perhaps We Should Give the Santorum Option a Second Looks
- Republican rhetoric against judges is out of control and putting judges in danger.
- Bush admin. complicit in UN oil-for-food scandal
- White House Edits “Nonpartisan” Testimony
- Shorter Carpetbagger Report: “Compassionate conservatism” continues to be an oxymoron. In other news, Dubya continues to be just a moron.
- WaPo Dan Froomkin: The Empire Strikes Bush
- ExxonMobile’s echo chamber: well-funded pseudoscience, by Plutonium Page
- NYT’s Frank Rich: Just How Gay Is the Right?
- Adulterer and Choke Artist Rep. Sherwood (R-PA) is kept in GOP leadership position.
- CREW Files Ethics Complaint Against Ney It was only a matter of time.
- Right Wing Smear Against Reid Isn’t Over.
- Bush Sold the War on WMDs, Not Regime Change Must read column
- Olbermann segment on Downing Street Memo
- George Bush hates his wife. No other explanation for why his exercise is more important than our nation under attack
- Photoshop Fun: Sith Happens… Subverting the Senate The Frist part is hilarious.
- Rove Guided Career of Judicial Nominee in Filibuster Fight
- Dr. Hager of the FDA who likes nonconsentual sex Link goes to contact info. Register your complaints to his supervisor.
- LATimes: Bush Resumes Well-Staged Social Security Roadshow
- (The Note) Mike Kranish of the Boston Globe establishes that (1) the President of the United States met with Native Americans who were the tribal clients of Grover Norquist on several occasions; (2) Grover has earned a lot of moolah from tribes; and, (3) Grover sent some money from an Indian tribe to an anti-gaming initiative. Kranish seems to see problems here with this; Grover does not. link
- (WakeUpCall) “I probably know more about the state budget than I do my own personal budget” — ID Gov. Dick Kempthorne (R), on bouncing 2 checks totaling $111 to his hairdresser (AP).
- Porn Star to Dine with Dubya
More blogs that frequently have posts that deal with this topic:
- DNC’s Case File. Scandal Man: A Guide to the Ethics Violations, Abuses of Power, and Corruption of DeLay
- Tom DeLay’s House of Scandal
- Jack Abramoff and Friends
- Drop the Hammer on DeLay
- Republican Noise Machine from MyDD
- DCCC blog: The Stakeholder
- First Draft
- For video on the worst of the phony Republicans, visit Crooks & Liars.
- The Daily DeLay is updated regularly & has action items.
- TAPPED from The American Prospect.
- The Fly Trap at The Gadflyer
A Huge GOP Outrage of the Week That Got Lost in the Shuffle
Jack Abramoff worked for the people who imprisoned Nelson Mandela
SPECIAL: Newsweek/Koran Desecration Section
- John Hinderaker Officially Wins: Biggest Douche on the Planet , by Hunter
- White House Attacks Newsweek, Doesn’t Deny Charges About Korans, by DHinMI
- Flushing Newsweek from Corrente More instances of the Newsweek Koran story being reported elsewhere in 2003, 2004, and earlier in 2005.
- Newsweek Deux (Olbermann, more citations, etc.) by SusanHu
- Juan Cole: Guantanamo Controversies: The Bible and the Koran
- Think Progress has some links to wire stories prior to Newsweek report
- CJR on the media’s reporting of the Newsweek Koran report situation
Republican(s) Off Message
* Former Senator Don Nickles (R) on the filibuster
- CPB’s Jihad Against Substantive Journalism, by CPB’s Jihad Against Substantive Journalism, by Murshed Z
- AP Sticking with Discredited “Al-Qaeda number 3” Story, by jasonwhat
- Report from The National Conference on Media Reform, by Rp
- Kurtz Idiocies re Newsweek Riots, by Ottoe
- Dennis Prager and Robert Novak Trivialize the Holocaust, by Eric J in MN
- Media News Monday 5/16/05, by Newsie8200
- Penndit’s RWCM Watch & Media News Link Listing
A little something you can do
Buy more oil: Support the CITGO buy-cott, by grassrootsgrowth
Drip, drip, drip!
BBC Releases More Evidence Illegal War Iraq, by Apian
- The Ubiquity of Torture, by lectric
- NYT: How Prisoners Were Treated in Afghanistan
- Bolton lied under oath: Senate FRC Dems to release smoking gun , by baldandy
- US Involved in 52% of “Oil for Food” Corruption, by londonbear
- NYRB Dissects Downing St Memo: The Secret Way to War, by SusanHu
- VIDEO: Galloway v. Coleman, by SteinL
- Zebari on CNN: “Top official” killed was “just an employee”, by Earl
- An interview with Richard Clarke, by teacherken
- The Other British “Memo” Ignored By US MSM, by londonbear
- Iraq War is Responsible for High Oil Prices, by bonddad
- Iraq retrospective: Downing Street memo, 9/11, Saddam Hussein, and anthrax , by Plutonium Page
- US soldiers: Koran was abused by US troops
- Marines issued faulty body armor despite warnings
For more on these issues, check these out:
PDBs from Soj Fantastic daily resource. Subscribe to Soj!
Daily War News from a veteran
Laura Rozen’s blog War and Piece
Juan Cole’s Informed Comment
The Washington Note
Flogging the Simian by Soj
- Massive Calif. assault planned vs. gay citizens. Ban to be retroactive., by IseFire
- Scientific American: How Lobbyists Fight Science , by Miss Jones
- MD Gov. to Veto Ga Rights Bill, by mdsiamese
- My City Clerk heard me… , by Chamonix Great story.
- Rethinking the Minimum Wage, by folkbum
- Supply-Side Economics: Failure and Cure, by bonddad
- Could America Become the Next Argentina? , by bassjhs
- Credit card companies put new bankruptcy law to use, by supergreen
- Nuclear Option: Byrd Confusion Debunked, by Kagro X
- 35 Years Ago: A Black Kent State, by Grand Moff Texan
- Calvin College Students To Protest Bush’s Commencement Speech , by Addison
- Say goodbye to affordable freedom of information requests , by racerx
- Wal-Mart stinks. Not a Christian company.
- No high-stakes test left behind: The state-based revolt against Bush education policy
- Three key points about Social Security and the Right-Wing Bamboozlement
- Pozen Blasts Bush Privatization Plans
- Bill Clinton Lets His Anger Over a Joe Klein Column Show
Series & Roundups
- Jerome a Paris economic & international events diaries
- Investment Club, by CA Pol Junkie Link to first diary on this, titled “The Basics.”
- Healthcare News Round-ups by the holy handgrenade
- Daily Pulse, by dhonig Roundup of smaller newspapers.
- Reasonable Conservative bloggers
- CrooksandLiars’ blog roundup
- Basie’s interviews with prominent Democrats.
- DKos Diary Series: A Compilation
- NYers United to Portect Social Security
- DCCC: Privatize This! Anti SS Privatization website
- AARP Social Security Blog
- For the latest on Wal-Mart’s crimes, click here for JR Monsterfodder’s diaries.
- For the day’s Greatest Hits, Progressive Pundit Picks from baldandy
- For your LGBT news, please read pamindurham’s LGBT news roundups.
- For all your economy news, please read bonddad’s diaries and economic news roundups.
- For all your religious news, please read PastorDan’s religious news roundups. You can also check out his blog, Faith Forward
- Other meta-diaries: Tomtech’s this week in facism, SeattleLiberal’s Nerd Network News (Science Diaries), and jotter’s jotter’s Most Recommended Diaries.
Campaign News Round-Ups Here:
(instead of the old scrollbox)
On hiatus. Will return next week.
From other Kossacks & other places:
- Report From Howard Dean Event in MD , by Lavoisier1794
- Howard Dean to MD Dems: Reach Out , by md jeffersonian
- Liberals and Other Democrats, by Coldblue Steele
- 3 Blogs on the MA State Dem Convention, by Frederick Clarkson
- Generation Gaps at MyDD Good analysis.
- Dem Illinois Guv Blagojevich approval tanks, by Bob Johnson
- Michigan Politics: The Week in Review, 5/8-14, by Dump Terry McAuliffe
- Kudos to Senate Democrats Thus Far: A Roundup & Call for Donations, by Newsie8200
- Colorado Political RoundUps, by Ralph (Mondays to Fridays)
- dKos Reader Blogs Alphabetized by State, by JenAtlanta
- List of blogs on all kinds of subjects.
- Issues, Activism, Political Info, and General Political Blogs & Websites
- Donate to the DNC
- Donate to the Democratic Governors Association
- Donate to the DSCC
- Donate to DCCC.
- Be a Monthly Donor to DCCC
- Donate to College Democrats
- To Donate to Specific Campaigns, find a campaign site here and donate directly…or check out ActBlue.
Newsie’s Entries:
I looked for good news in the haystack and I found
the Froomkin article “The Empire Strikes Bush.”
Movies are very powerful and this one is hot.
The Froomkin article was written on May 16 giving
Bush’s polls 41% approval. His approval has dropped 2
points since then, according to the last polls I looked
at (DKos).
Have a happy Sunday Newsie!