(Cross-posted at Daily Kos)

As some of you know, Bush is scheduled to appear at Greece-Athena High School in the Rochester, NY area for one of his made-for-conservative-voices-only meetings on his Wreck America’s Social Security Plan , or WASSP as I like to call it.

The local paper, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle did their usual puff piece about how exciting it is for all us Western NY yahoos to see our Preznit in real life, that is, if we can weasel tickets out of the local Republican Representative, Thomas Reynolds, since all the ones from the Rochester Business Alliance and the Greece Chamber of Commerce have unfortunately already been allocated)) to watch another of his stage managed talks with pre-screened, under-29 Young Republicans about how we need to get behind his plan to dismantle – er, I mean “save ” social security for the youngins.

But that’s not what struck me about the article.  This was:

(More after the fold)

The White House has been in touch with Greece Assembly of God, which has a sizable parking lot and owns an empty parcel of land next to Greece Athena.

White House officials wanted to know how close the church was to the school, how long a walk it was and whether the presidential visit would hamper events at the church, said Pastor Pat Medeiros, who will attend Tuesday’s speech with his wife.

The church did close its school for the day.

“We have made ourselves available for however we can serve,” Medeiros said. “Our facilities can be used in any way that we can be a blessing.”

Yes, it’s good to know that our Commander-in-Belief has the assistance of any church (well, any REAL church) should he so desire it.

Ps.  Your Prayer Quote of the Week from the “Team” (be sure to sign up, and that’s an ORDER!)

“From birth we have been learning the rules of self-reliance as we strain and struggle to achieve self-sufficiency. Prayer flies in the face of those deep-seated values. It is an assault on human autonomy, an indictment of independent living. To people in the fast lane, determined to make it on their own, prayer is an embarrassing interruption.”

–Bill Hybels, author and Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church

Yes, all you self-reliant, independent, believers in human autonomy:  You’re all going to HELL!!!  Unless you get with the program, that is.