While top Israeli and Palestinian officials discussed security at a Middle East forum Saturday, an American senator advised Arab leaders to focus on injustices in their own countries and reminded them that U.S. policy is security for Israel first and justice for Palestinians “if possible.”

“Obviously one of the greatest commitments that we have is to the Jewish people and the state of Israel, to try and manage the difficult process of the peace there and securing that nation, and doing so in a way that, if possible, is just to the Palestinians,” Smith told a panel that included Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa, top officials from Jordan, the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as academics from Iran and Turkey. link

Washington has vowed to stamp out anti-American sentiment, and when proven performers like Gordon Smith team up with America’s gracious and lovely First Lady, who travelled personally to the Middle East to inform them that they were witnessing a Springtime of Hope, it’s a slam dunk!

While there will no doubt be some who would take Senator Smith to task for his reference to justice for Palestinians, and accuse him of pandering and attempting to appease apologists for people who want to kill Americans, Smith’s expert diplomacy is just what is needed to get America’s message across to anyone in the region who may have any doubts about US Resolve.