“The unspeakable brutality detailed in [the NYT story*] stems directly — absolutely directly — from George W. Bush himself,” writes Chris Floyd, a noted journalist. Among today’s stories:
- “A leaked report on a military investigation into two killings of detainees at a US prison in Afghanistan has produced new evidence of connivance of senior officers in systematic prisoner abuse”
- A Univ of Minnesota bioethicist has found that two death certificates were issued for the Afghani taxi driver to cover up his death
- Sweden, a nation known for its human rights, is further implicated in U.S. rendition to nations that torture U.S. detainees
Worldwide, the accounts of detainee abuses “ricochet around the world,” writes the NYT today, “instilling ideas about American power and justice, and sowing distrust of the United States.”
Meanwhile, the U.S. media abets the diversion tactics of a single-paragraph Newsweek story and photos of Saddam that only Helen Gurley Brown would find titillating.
* “In U.S. Report, Brutal Details of 2 Afghan Inmates’ Deaths,” NYT, May 20, 2005
More below:
Yesterday afternoon, I watched MSNBC’s Connected. The show’s promo reads:
There wasn’t a word — in the promo, in the intros, or in the questions — about the NYT leak of the classified military investigation. The question for the show’s daily poll was “Was it right for a British newspaper to publish photos of Saddam Hussein in his underwear?”
I watched as Rahul Mahajan of the EmpireNotes.org blog attempted to bring up the NYT story, only to be drowned out — literally — by a deafening cacophony of over-speak by Hinderaker and the rightwing host filling in for regular Monica Crowley.
Even the “left” host, Ron Reagan, dodged the story, steering the two bloggers back — over and over — to the Saddam-in-underpants photos. (To lighten their load even more, MSNBC interviewed comedian David Brenner for his take on the photos. Brenner noted that Saddam is “well hung” but that Muslims would find the photos embarrassing.)
I visited Rahul Mahajan’s Empire Notes blog to learn more:
On the front page of the New York Times today, you can read about the fate of one of those men — “Even as the young Afghan man was dying before them, his American jailers continued to torment him.” Routinely left handcuffed and hanging from the ceiling for hours, the young man, a farmer and part-time taxi driver named Dilawar, was subjected to repeated knee strikes in the soft tissues of his lower body, until, said the coroner who looked at his corpse, he looked like “an individual run over by a bus.” Most of his interrogators, apparently, were convinced that he had nothing to do with attacks on American forces.
If only the news media were to decide that any of those things was also a Real Story.
Here are some of the “Real Stories”:
(1) Muslims around the world feel like they’re “dirt”:
“The cages, the orange suits, the shackles – it’s as if they’re dealing with something that’s like a germ they don’t want to touch,” said Daoud Kuttab, director of the Institute of Modern Media at Al Quds University in Ramallah, in the West Bank. “That’s the nastiness of it.” (NYT)
(2) The spectre of U.S. abuses has deeply affected politics in countries around the world:
“Even illiterate people pronounce it in a perfect manner, which surprises me a bit, quite frankly,” said Irfan Siddiqui, a columnist for Pakistan’s popular Urdu-language daily, Nawa-i-Waqt. “But it shows the significance this issue has attained.” (NYT)
(3) The photos of Saddam’s capture were far more disturbing to the Iraqi people, and Muslims, than these latest Sun tabloid photos:
I was in Iraq about a month later. Iraqis I spoke to, almost universally, felt deeply shamed and humiliated, both by the circumstances of his capture, and by having to see the clip. One young woman, a rather apolitical Assyrian Christian, told me, “That was the first time I felt ashamed to be an Iraqi.”
For the U.S. news media, it was simply displayed as a trophy, a metaphorical head stuck on the wall. The display required no collusion or even thought from TV news editors, just reflexive pandering to the lowest common denominator. […..]
This [photos of Saddam’s capture] was then to break their spirit and will to resist. It’s hard to know if U.S. government officials were that sophisticated; what is clear is that the majority of Iraqis believed this. (Empire Notes)
These are among the real stories — listed above the fold of this diary — that the U.S. media should be headlining today, repeatedly mentioning, and discussing with pundits:
(A) “A leaked report on a military investigation into two killings of detainees at a US prison in Afghanistan has produced new evidence of connivance of senior officers in systematic prisoner abuse”:
Report implicates top brass in Bagram scandal, Julian Borger in Washington for The Guardian, Saturday May 21, 2005
We at Daily Kos, and readers of Mother Jones, already knew this.
From my March 2, 2005 diary, “Bagram to Abu Ghraib: ‘Aren’t you kind of babying them?'”
- “it was at Bagram” — a desolate desert U.S. air base in Afghanistan — “that interrogators devised and tested the methods that would shame the United States in Iraq”
- “Captain Carolyn Wood, a 34-year-old officer and 10-year Army veteran … rewrote the interrogation policy set by [the previous interrogation] group, adding to it nine techniques not approved by military doctrine or included in Army field manual”
- “instead of disciplining those involved” in the abuses at Bagram air base, “the Pentagon transferred key personnel from Afghanistan” to Abu Ghraib
- had the abuses at bases in Afghanistan (there are many Bagrams there) been investigated promptly, the abuses at Abu Ghraib might have been prevented
- “with the attention of the media and Congress focused on Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the problems in Afghanistan seem to be continuing
I urge you to reread this diary because I also investigate, further, the abusive methods devised by 10-year-veteran Capt. Carolyn Wood. I also checked into the testimony that Capt. Wood gave at the trial of Lynndie England.
Capt. Wood implicated higher-ups: “[Wood] told the court that Col. Thomas Pappas, the commander of the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, visited Tier 1, where much of the abuse was allegedly meted out around the clock.”
But, to date, “[o]nly seven soldiers have been charged, all junior ranks,” reports The Guardian today.
“What is particularly offensive to me is that senior officials have gone unscathed.”
(B) A Univ of Minnesota bioethicist has found that two death certificates were issued for the Afghani taxi driver to cover up his death:
The two death certificates, dated 17 months apart, both document the death of a 22-year-old taxi driver who was arrested by Afghan militiamen in December 2002. He was turned over to a U.S. detention center in Bagram, where he apparently died under interrogation a week later.
Both classify Dilawar’s death as a homicide. But in one death certificate, he is a Caucasian of unspecified age and religion. In the other, he is a Muslim of “approximately 35 years,” who was “found unresponsive in his cell while in custody.”
Miles believes the twin death certificates — one of them clearly altered — are evidence of a cover-up. Pentagon officials say they’ve investigated Dilawar’s death, along with at least two dozen other suspected criminal homicides, and have charged seven people. (Minneapolis Star-Tribune, May 21, 2005 – free subscription) via Raw Story
By the way, Miles is writing a book on this. I can’t wait.
(C) Sweden, a nation known for its human rights, is further implicated in U.S. rendition to nations that torture U.S. detainees:
You’ll recall you heard this story on CBS’s “60 Minutes” and I diaried that program
GENEVA — Sweden broke international law when it sent a terror suspect home to Egypt despite his protests that he would be tortured there, a United Nations human rights body found Friday. (Newsday, May 20, 2005)
Inside an airport police station, Swedish officers watched as the CIA operatives pulled out scissors and rapidly sliced off the prisoners’ clothes, including their underwear, according to newly released Swedish government documents and eyewitness statements. They probed inside the men’s mouths and ears and examined their hair before dressing the pair in sweat suits and draping hoods over their heads. The suspects were then marched in chains to the plane, where they were strapped to mattresses on the floor in the back of the cabin.
So began an operation the CIA calls an “extraordinary rendition,” the forcible and highly secret transfer of terrorism suspects to their home countries or other nations where they can be interrogated with fewer legal protections.
The practice has generated increasing criticism from civil liberties groups; in Sweden a parliamentary investigator who conducted a 10-month probe into the case recently concluded that the CIA operatives violated Swedish law by subjecting the prisoners to “degrading and inhuman treatment” and by exercising police powers on Swedish soil.
“Should Swedish officers have taken those measures, I would have prosecuted them without hesitation for the misuse of public power and probably would have asked for a prison sentence,” the investigator, Mats Melin, said in an interview. Washington Post, May 21, 2005
At his blog, Empire Burlesque, Chris Floyd — an American journalist and columnist for The Moscow Times and St. Petersburg Times implores us:
What quadrant of hell is hot enough for such men?
What we do, and say, about this story — and the thousands like it — will inform future generations about just how civilized, or cruel, we were.
It’s safe to predict that the U.S. media will be judged complicit in these atrocities.
Cross-posted at Daily Kos.
“Terrorists know that there is no room for them as freedom takes root in the broader Middle East, so they are fighting to stop its progress…link
He announced that his administration is proposing $100 million in funding in next year’s budget for a new “conflict response” fund and $24 million for a new Office of Reconstruction and Stabilization within the State Department. This office is to include an “Active Response Corps” made up of government foreign affairs specialists, as well as private consultants and contractors. link
And that whole scenario kinda leads right back to the ‘tinfoil hat’ theory that this group of thugs either caused 9/11 or at the least knew of it and let it happen..to further their own agendas of war/war profiteering.
Offhand I’d say Hell is way to good for them.
Really, really excellent work Susan (yet again).
With all the stunning levels of praise heaped on this administration for its keen strategic skills – how the hell can people be so blind (or apathetic) to the tremendously serious ramifications of these actions?
Front-page pictures of Hussein in his underwear aren’t fodder for comedians to appear on news shows. These are violations of the Geneva Conventions – serving to fuel the hatred toward our nation.
And why is it that Newsweek’s two year old commentary is blamed for so many deaths, yet GWB says that pictures of Hussein aren’t going to cause any problems. Nope – just a couple little pictures. The tone and content of his comments didn’t contain the slightest hint of remorse. Investigations my ass. (How old is the “investigation” into the Valerie Plame leak?)
Thank you for continuing to report on these horrendous acts against humanity. When we’ve reached a point where Sweden is complicit in acts of rendition, and we face the prospect of Cheney running in 2008, there may not be any future generations to read the history of these events.
was in the details and in naming of the two victims,
Dilawar, the taxi driver and Mr. Habibullah whose brother
was a former Taliban commander.
This reminds me of Marla Ruzicka whose vocation was naming
those civilians killed in Iraq.
I can’t read anymore about the torture but I will never
forget what I have already read. I turned away from all
the news stories in the New York Times this morning
to read about
Matisse. http://tinyurl.com/exd85
Emily Bazelon had named them too in her Mother Jones piece….
She wrote that as a Soros Fellow. I’d like to think that some of us might apply for a Soros fellowship. The link to that site is in the Mar. 2 diary.
It goes without saying, this is heartbreaking.
Susan why don’t you apply for a Soros? I cannot think of anyone more qualified.
No, you! I’m too old and cranky and crippled .. but there are enough young’uns. BOOMAN SHOULD!
It didn’t stop Matisse. Much, much older than you, after
his surgery at age 71! he went on for 14 more productive
Yes BooMan should apply for a Soros fellowship!
Soros would love the international aspect of this blog.
Start a campaign right now.
Susan, I forgot to mention about Matisse’s productive
years. He had a gorgeous young assistant. I’m looking out
for one right now for myself.
Day 1: Event Occurs
Day 2: Event is reported in local, regional media
Day 3-31: A few westerners post to blogs and message boards about event and are immediately decried as tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists who only want to make America look bad by repeating filthy terrorist propaganda lies.
Day 31-720: Most mainstream message boards ban those who even mention the event. A handful of “fringe” message boards permit mention, but posters are careful to nestle the reference in disclaimers that they do not really put too much credence in the source, not that they put too much credence in US sources either, but certainly if anything like that happened it should be investigated. A few are careful to add that everyone must always support the troops and remember that this is a very different kind of war and 3000 innocent Americans died in the World Trade Center.
Day 50-1200: At some point, for reasons known or unknown, the story appears in a US corporate media outlet. Mainstream message board posters rush to tell everyone that they must always support the troops and remember that this is a very different kind of war and 3000 innocent Americans died in the World Trade Center. “Fringe” message boards express outrage at both the event and the time between occurrence and today when they heard about it. A few posters on mainstream boards say that those fringe people who are outraged should be rounded up and shot. A few others post that they are moderates, and therefore against the shootings, but we should all be very careful what we say, and think about what effect our words might have on America’s image, and that goes for bloggers and big time reporters alike. Most of the people on the fringe boards who had said they didn’t believe anything US media said either repeat their expressions of outrage. No one mentions the local and regional media coverage the day after the event. Starting a new thread, someone posts a story from the same paper that first reported the event now in the mainstream papers. All the replies call the person
tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists who only want to make America look bad by repeating filthy terrorist propaganda lies.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
for a coordinated campaign to demand the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. It’s the only thing that can be reasonably accomplished, since it is impossible to secure the resignation of any higher-ups.
He must go. We must demand it.
I fully support that, but don’t hold your breath.
In today’s Financial Times, they say that the White House has guaranteed the Pentagon that there will be no resignations. (Myers apparently offered his)
Susan I think this is the best diary you have written. There is not much I have to add to this except to say we indeed need to do something as Booman suggested to secure the resignation of Rumsfled and others, but I would hope for the Congress to fire them outright if such a thing is possible.
Nonetheless, agents of the Army’s Criminal Investigation Command reported to their superiors that they could not clearly determine who was responsible for the detainees’ injuries, military officials said. Military lawyers at Bagram took the same position, according to confidential documents from the investigation obtained by The New York Times.
“I could never see any criminal intent on the part of the M.P.’s to cause the detainee to die,” one of the lawyers, Maj. Jeff A. Bovarnick, later told investigators, referring to one of the deaths…
Early on, the documents show, crucial witnesses were not interviewed, documents disappeared, and at least a few pieces of the evidence were mishandled.
While senior military intelligence officers at Bagram quickly heard reports of abuse by several interrogators, documents show they also failed to file reports that are mandatory when any intelligence personnel are suspected of misconduct, including mistreatment of detainees…