Wash Post: Free Reg
Former NFL star safety Pat Tillman’s parents are outraged that the military deceived them about the circumstances of his death in Afghanistan. They’re also outraged that the Republicans used Tillman’s death as a distraction from Abu Ghraib. If anyone doubts that the GOP did this, here’s a reminder:
O’REILLY: Now are you buying into the — this is just a hazing thing at Abu Ghraib?
COULTER: What, the media is hazing the American people by seeing how much we can take?
O’REILLY: Some of the right wing commentators say it’s just hazing, what’s the big deal? Are you buying into that?
COULTER: No, I don’t think anyone is.
O’REILLY: No, they are. You know that. I’m not going to embarrass people but on the radio, talk radio you have right wing commentators say it’s just hazing, what’s the big deal?
COULTER: If I know what you’re referring to, there were two hours and 59 minutes not saying that and at one point making fun of liberals for making fun of — if you’re talking about Rush, but Rush went on…
O’REILLY: …program and he said it’s not a big deal, it’s just hazing.
COULTER: If you’re talking about Rush, he definitely didn’t say that. What other talk radio hosts say…
O’REILLY: I compete against him every day on the radio and I know what he says. He said many, many times and not only him that it wasn’t a big deal.
COULTER: No, he didn’t say that, but whatever — no.
O’REILLY: What’s your point of view on it?
COULTER: I think that — it was a bad thing, it’s six malefactors in an army that is 1.4 million strong and if I hear about it again I’m going to leap out of my skin. This is the media trying to demoralize America. This is the new Tet Offensive.
O’REILLY: I agree with you. I think it’s been overreported. But you aren’t diminishing the horror of the situation?
COULTER: Of course not. But no one is, so what are they debating about? Why am I not hearing four weeks about Pat Tillman? How come every night going through Pat Tillman’s life rather than hearing about these six or seven…
Faux News
And to think that those two venal people cashed paychecks based on the crap they reported about their poster boy.
If that were spoken by anyone else it would sound terrible
but to think that Tillman’s father said it, is chilling.
It shows how bitter he feels over the Pentagon’s handling
of his son’s death. It was heroic enough as it was, he
went over there and he was in battle and he did try to
get them to stop firing on their own people.
Pat Tillman immensely. And I really don’t have a problem with the press treating him as a hero. He represented self-sacrifice.
I’m just fed up with the Pentagon and with Rumsfeld, who must be fired.
MSNBC just interviewed its military expert, Col Jack Jacobs, and i took notes:
Families “almost never” get details of death. — Col Jack Jacobs
family never told the exact circumstances … friendly fire isn’t that difficult to figure out though …
MSNBC host: family believes covered up …
Jacobs: “like most things in life, probably somewhere in the middle … my guess is that there are some items withheld at the lowest level….
how much publicity do you give this action? Keep it quiet until it’s thoroughly investigated….
I think so too, but Jacobs says that doesn’t happen.
The truth does get out though. During Vietnam, families
got in touch with other troops in the units and talked
to them. The truth comes through in memories and war
stories from the troops after the war.
Did you see the story headlined something like
These Are the People Who Will Stop the War
in a British newspaper? It was accompanied by a group
photograph of families of troops in Iraq.
I mean it is insulting to Tillman and his family that
the Pentagon decided his contribution was not quite
enough and therefore, it had to be embellished. And embellished in a way that made them look good.
because it’s all about the show, not the details. No armour? That’s just a piddly detail that someone else can take care of… “daring” rescue of J. Lynch… now that’s something to pay attention to.
(btw Boo, your WaPo link isn’t working)
should work now.
How do these idiots continue to get away with the garbage thew spew? The hell with marching on the WH, we need to be standing in fron of Faux’s studios that read paid”WH SHILLS” in every city they have studios.
O’Reilly and Coulter: the blind leading the blind.
I love this exchange:
O’REILLY: You sell to a niche. You do.
COULTER: A pretty big niche.
O’REILLY: Well answer my question. Here’s my question. Wouldn’t it behoove you — to be heard by more people if you weren’t as strident?
COULTER: I don’t think I am strident. I think I speak the truth and people are attracted to that, and judging by my book sales versus those who are less strident, I think I’m doing pretty well.
Yeah, Ann, that must be it, because you are a great source of truth. LOL!
“a position particularly well suited to the person who
occupies it; “he found his niche in the academic world”
“Niche marketing is the process of finding small but
potentially profitable market segments.”
Coulter has a niche alright, ignorant right-wingers who love bull—t.
it’s six malefactors in an army that is 1.4 million strong and if I hear about it again I’m going to leap out of my skin
Yes! I want to see her jump out of her skin!! (I don’t see how her skin can stand to be wrapped around her, anyway.)
If she suddenly leapt out of her skin, what would be left?
It’s no wonder that she stays wrapped so tight…
bribe and threaten people to get them to sign up for military service?
We were shown that grainy, night-vision propaganda film about the daring “rescue” of Jessica Lynch. Then it turned out we could have walked up to the hospital door in broad daylight and said “could we have Pfc. Lynch, please?” and been directed to her room.
Now Pat Tillman’s death is debased and his family lied to so that more young men and women can be procured as cannon fodder to kill and be killed in Iraq.
When will main-stream America, forget the media, wake up to the reality that Bush and his minions are compulsively lying bastards?
“If this is what happens when someone high profile dies, I can only imagine what happens with everyone else.”