After a federal judge in January “found the stickers to be an unconstitutional endorsement of religion and ordered their removal,” the Cobb County, Ga. school system has hired 14 temp workers “at $10 an hour to scrape evolution disclaimer stickers from thousands of middle and high school science textbooks.” Photo below fold:
CAPTION: Stickers that say evolution is a theory, not a fact, were being cut out of Cobb County textbooks Monday. A judge ordered the removal, ruling the stickers had an implicit religious message. Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 24, 2005
“The stickers were an attempt to bridge the gap between what we had and what we were going to have,” said Stickel. Cobb now has a policy requiring teaching of evolution. “I feel very good about our policy.”
The previous policy urged that evolution not be taught because it could be “inconsistent with family teachings.” The school district as recently as 10 years ago cut out from science textbooks pages that involved evolution, according to court testimony.
the old saw, “any publicity is good publicity”. No?
Nice for us though … and Wonkette’s write-up by Greg Beato is very funny:
Cobb Cty, GA: Evolution Stickers Removed [Booman Tribune]
Well, at least you can’t say the School Board hasn’t done its bit to improve the local economy. This is what we call a compassionate conservative jobs program:
[T]he Cobb County, Georgia school system has hired 14 temp workers “at $10 an hour to scrape evolution disclaimer stickers from thousands of middle and high school science textbooks.
is improved by citizens with a good, basic understanding of the world they live in. These texts could make good ‘before and after’ comparison, with before students holding the stickered text book and a bible, with a “whaaaaaaa?” look on their faces, and a classroom in which the after students are getting down to the point of school: learning from the text.
You just got quoted by an Alternet blog, PEEK.
hey, how cool is that! But you didn’t mention susan that you were in there also. I think Bootrib is becoming one of the new blogs that people on the net are starting to check in on. And that would be due to the quality of the diaries and to all the great people who make astute, funny and ‘fact’ based comments.
Let’s make being ‘intellectual’ fun again.
Well I’m glad they read your diaries Susan. 🙂
People who don’t want to learn about science should be the ones forced to scrape stickers, if you ask me.
that religion is the cause of a good portion of the worlds ills? Arguing over who’s god is the real god has caused more people to die than I care to imagine. If living were more of a priority than what happens to someone after death, imagine the possibilities. Sorry for the quick rant and for the anti-deitic thoughts (I just made that word up, but it seemed to work for me) for those of you who are believers.
In keeping with your post masshol, this link shows the message for the week outside a church(I use that term loosely anymore in conjunction with these phony christians)in N.C. which states–‘The Koran Should BE Flushed’. Ah yes how to promote tolerance and love at church. Is it something in the water in N.C.? That’s where that other idiot ‘pastor’ kicked out people who didn’t vote for bush.
Could be.
I have a brother who has been living in N.C. for some years now (we’re originally from PA/NJ) and, out of 4 siblings, he’s the only one who went and voted for Bush (justifying his choice with the lame robotic repeat phrase that Kerry was “flip-flopping” about the war, and that Edwards was even worse, the proof being that he wasn’t even good enough to “get himself re-elected” there in his home state).
I should ask him if their water tastes anything like Kool Aid.
The Talibangelicals must be seething about this. In my opinion the concept of a higher being and the theory of evolution are not mutually exclusive.
Wonkette has a link to this diary.
Regarding the sticker controversy, without the evolution of the Equine branch, we wouldn’t have horses, and without horses, where would we get the glue for all those stickers?
WELCOME! Is this your first day here?
Yeah, don’t know why it took so long, but I’m likin’ it.
Second that welcome and enjoy your time here.