And along those lines, see this passage from the Matthews show last night sent …
MATTHEWS: Social Security, do you think the president`s plans for some kind of personal accounts has a better shot now?
GRAHAM: It has a shot versus no shot. And watch this group of 14 to come out with some deal for Social Security.
GRAHAM: Just keep watching.
if nothing has developed, then it is not developing. same as me posting “developing…attack of killer ants.” I hate to be so critical, but I noticed the same complaints over at myDD and I can’t help but echo them here. What is the point of this diary? And telling me to move on is not answering my question. Deep breath…rubbing nicoderm patch…
Uh… like Graham says keep watching
It is developing to see if this was a full blown coup d’etat by LIEberman.
Frankly, I do not want LIEberman deciding for the entire Democratic party about SOcial security.
So it is developing… are they branching out from the filibuster to SS?
And if this really bothers you then be my guest and move on.
If you read it it says that now with the 14 thugs Bush has a better chance at dismantling Social Security which is exactly what the privatisation is meant to do.
Nice to see you around!
if nothing has developed, then it is not developing…
ah yes, thank you for directing me to a diary with actual substance instead of your usual contentless polemical. Much appreciated.