image: An Iraqi policeman passes in front of Iraqi women mourning outside the general morgue in Baghdad. The bodies of 46 Iraqis killed execution-style were discovered in different parts of Iraq, the bulk from Shiite Muslim neighborhoods in and around Sadr City in northern Baghdad.  (AFP/SABAH ARAR)

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support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
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support the victims of torture
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support the troops and the Iraqi people

read the 12/02/2004 diary by lawnorder that prompted this series – `This is what John Kerry did today’

witness every day

images and words below the fold

by Thomas Hood

There is a silence where hath been no sound,
There is a silence where no sound may be,
In the cold grave–under the deep, deep, sea,
Or in wide desert where no life is found,
Which hath been mute, and still must sleep profound;
No voice is hushed–no life treads silently,
But clouds and cloudy shadows wander free,
That never spoke, over the idle ground:
But in green ruins, in the desolate walls
Of antique palaces, where Man hath been,
Though the dun fox, or wild hyena, calls,
And owls, that flit continually between,
Shriek to the echo, and the low winds moan,
There the true Silence is, self-conscious and alone.