Rush is feeling the pain. This is from his radio program (via The Next Hurrah):
Up until last night everybody was talking about the fact that Frist was going to ace out McCain, the Republican primaries, by exercising the nuclear option, and now McCain, it is said, has aced out Frist. He slam-dunked him, I don’t know if he’s aced him out, but he slam-dunked him, there’s no question.
Frist, a decent guy, was trying to do the right thing, and he is the first casualty in what was an early primary fight. I mean, there’s no question, and you can’t take that aspect out of this, either. These guys all want to be president, every senator up there thinks he should be anyway. McCain’s really got it bad because of what happened in 2000. And so we know he’s going to run in ’08.
And telling me that won’t take precedence over Senate comity and Senate tradition and whatever else that might be on the agenda? Of course this will take precedence over that, but his dancing like this is going to destroy him with the base and party faithful once primary time comes around and I know he’s banking on the fact that by then this will be but a blip on the radar screen.
You know, it may be time, folks, I’m just going to throw these things out here for you to consider, it may be time to treat McCain and Graham and Warner and all these others exactly as they would have treated their colleagues, as they would have treated these nominees like Myers and Henry Saad, throw them overboard, because those two nominees are gone, Saad and Myers are gone, that’s part of this deal. You’re not hearing about the nominees that have been thrown overboard…
Nevertheless, there’s a judge named Kavanaugh and one other that may also have been tacitly thrown overboard in this deal so you’re basically stuck with three out of ten. So maybe you treat McCain and all these other people as they would have treated these judges, just throw ’em overboard.
Rush is so full of shit.
he believes a word he says. Ever.
“..he believes a word he says..”
Do you think Rush leads an examined life?
Jimmy Guckert does about his own Photocopy Jingoistic Journalism, at least…
Is he done with rehab or does he still have to do another round or two?
… that Frist called him THIS morning to emphasize he did not support and was not a part of the deal, was not bound by it and everything is still on the table just as before.
yeah, the deal was only between those 14 senators, but those senators can basically make or break any vote.
So I guess that the 200 or so judges previously approved, they don’t count. Just a small detail.
Maybe he read the New Yorker at his breakfast table. Talk about synchronicity. There’s a pretty long article:'s Party/30/05/05/ about the peacemaker, plain-speaker, repositioner. It’s good reading, and the author, Connie Bruck, keeps her focus while giving a pretty reasoned and comprehensive perspective of McCain’s last five years – with background, of course. Apparently a TV movie is being made about the hero/POW.
The article solves for me, at least, a few little nagging mysteries about McCain’s behavior during the 2004 campaign. I wish you’d go there and read it. What did I leave out of the link that I tried to give, that it didn’t work? I’m sorry. I think all the information’s there. Just lacking the magic touch.
It’s going to be an interesting spectacle if Porky goes after McCain, now. He seems pretty imperturbable and many cornered. Baconface might actually have to do some work.
I imagine McCain feels pretty good about life right about now. And Joe Lieberman, skipping around, wagging his tail? Did you see the picture?
It’s in this week’s mag. Can’t find an active link on the website.
Close family member wrote in McCain. Needless to say we had “words” over the vote. But this person is rational and didn’t trust Kerry for protection. The only reason for the vote was fear.
If a pathetic blowhard is talking and no intelligent person hears him, is he making a sound?
If a pathetic blowhard is talking and is heard by an intelligent person who dismisses what he hears and discusses it with no one, does what the pathetic blowhard said matter?
Was Descartes correct when he said “he blows therefore he is Rush?”
Never disturb your opponent when he is making a mistake.
The way things are going, McCain is probably the only electable candidate for the GOP in ’08.
If the Wingers want to trash his candidacy, I have absolutely no objection.
but then Oxy never claimed to be a purgative. Oxy or no, it’s fabulous to feel his pain.
More importantly, the scrollable quote window is way cool. Must study source, imitate.