Syria announced that it will stop all cooperation with the United States on Bush’s War on Terror. Just in time for the Senate to confirm John Bolton as U.N. Ambassador to show us his proven diplomatic skills.
“This is actually the state of the affairs. Today, we are not cooperating with the United States,” [Syrian Ambassador] Moustapha told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.
At the same time, Syria is still willing to work with the United States on security issues, he said.
“We’re not saying we will not do this anymore,” Moustapha said. “We are saying that this is not happening today because of this state of affairs between us and the United States.”
He added, “We are trying to tell the United States we are willing to engage with you constructively. We want a good relationship with you, but you have to stop this unfair media campaign against Syria, because we think it is unfair and it is unconstructive.”
There is a lot of debate about whether or not the Senate Dems should filibuster the nomination of John Bolton. Given the recent nuclear fallout with the judicial nomination process, I’m not sure it’s wise to block Bolton given that the U.N. assignment isn’t lifetime like a judgeship. (Note that I said block. I feel strongly that all Dems should vote No)
I believe we are entering a critical point with respect to international diplomacy. The global situation is volatile, at best. Iran is hell-bent on starting its nuclear power program, North Korea is testing missiles, Afghanistan and Iraq are a mess, and now Syria has given the middle finger directly to the U.S. John Bolton is the person Bush wants to send to the table?
Thankfully we have a Republican voice in the Senate actively opposing Bolton’s nomination. Let’s see if some of the so-called moderate Republicans will join a unified Democratic caucus and defeat this joker. Bolton must not be confirmed. I would rather send a signal to Bush that he has failed in his judgement of an acceptable ambassador to the United Nations than advocate Bolton’s approval to “see what happens”. In my opinion (humbly of course), our global situation is too unstable to roll the dice with this one.
Are you suggesting that if Bolton doesn’t get the UN Ambassadorship, he should be US Ambassador to Syria? He he.
Margaret Scobey was pulled out as Ambassador on Feb 15th this year.
Clearly Bolton has the facial hair needed for such an appointment. And he’d find himself at home among macho chauvinist distortionists.
I think it’s an excellent idea š
Palestinian State of Gaza and West Bank.
I’m sure there is some office space for lease in former Presidential Palace of Yasser Arafat in Ramallah.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
hostile, xenophobic fellow who is totally unqualified for any diplomatic post. However, I wonder how much good any ambassador can do for our image in the eyes of the rest of the world.
The administration sent Bush’s wife to the Middle East to try to put a friendlier face on things and she was spit at and cursed.
At bottom, the problem is always George W. Bush. Any representative will be hard put to paint the “Bush Doctrine” as anything but imbicility and barbarity.
Regarding Laura, I wonder what her image is really like overseas. She may seem like the friendlier face to Americans, but abroad I suspect she is simply seen as the woman who married the trigger-happy “cowboy” from Texas.
I completely agree with you that GWB is the problem. I still have to wonder though, why John Bolton? Out of anyone in recent memory, he has been the most vocal of the U.N.-bashers. Perhaps Bush is trying to spread his destructive path to the international body; it didn’t take him long to create chaos in the U.S.
Laura Bush hardly rates a mention in Scandinavia, being seen as a fluffy mascot with nothing to contribute except window dressing.
Bolton appears in Nordic media but almost exclusively in a negative light. Scanndinavians largely support the UN – even with its obvious warts. Finland has consistently supplied non-combatant troops to UN peacekeeping missions. (Though it is outside NATO, and most Finns would prefer to keep it like that – independent). Sweden too has a lot of military intell people serving abroad.
I believe most Scandinavians would support change at the UN in the political missions and Security Council, but fully support most UN humanitarian missions.
Front-page Washington Post article on Finland
Thanks very much for that link Martin – almost embarrassing in it’s effusiveness.
I disagree with the philosopher about vodka. Per capita consumption does not put Finland that high on world tables. The problem is that drinking tends to be of the binge variety – often on Friday night.
I first encountered the problem when I had Finnish guests around in the 80s to a new city apartment. They laughed at my Funkis cocktail cabinet. “When you open a bottle you throw away the cork. What’s the point?”
Should you travel to Russia, beware the invitation to ‘Let’s talk’ or ‘Let’s eat’. Both are pseudonyms for ending up in paralytic bon homie.
Per capita (15+) consumption – litres per annum (2000-2002)
Australia 9.9 “good on yer, mate
Austria 11.3 “Vodka with a twist of Harry Lime please
Belgium 10.2 “Trappissed
Canada 7.8 “Une double’
Czech Rep 11.9 “Black velvet
Denmark 11.2 “Skål!
Finland 9.2 “Did we come to talk or drink?
France 10.5 “Bien
Germany 10.4 “Bitter, bitte?
Greece 9.4
Hungary 13.4 “like there’s no tomorrow
Ireland 14.3 “like theres no yesterday
Italy 8.7
Japan 8.2 (journeymen only)
Korea 9.2
Luxbrg 14.9 “Who am I?
Mexico 4.6
Netherlnds10 “I had really good sex last night
NZ 9.2
Norway 5.9 Liars!
Poland 8.5
Portugal 13 Tomorrow – we’ll stop tomorrow
Slovak Rp 8.8
Spain 11.7 “Eez our licensing hours
Sweden 6.9 “Ve drink so little, jaaa
Switzerland 10.8 “heavens! is that the time?
Turkey 1.4 “Must be the tourists
UK 11.1 “yesh
US 8.3 “Sideways
Senator Boxer has removed the hold she placed on Bolton’s nomination. The debate will begin today (5/25/05) with a vote probably in the next few days. According to the AP article, “[Republican Senator George] Voinovich echoed Democratic objections to Bolton, saying his conduct and temperament make him ill-suited for a sensitive diplomatic post. Voinovich planned to make a lengthy case against Bolton on the Senate floor.”
This should be amusing since it will be coming from a Republican.
I’m looking forward to it…