Two Arabs are sitting in a dentist’s office, perusing a stack of magazines spread out on a coffee table.
Mohammed: “Hey, Abdul, it says here in Newsweek that Americans flushed a Koran down the toilet.”
Abdul: “Whoah, that really pisses me off! What does it say in Time?”
Mohammed: “Uh, nothing in Time.”
Abdul: “Business Week?”
Mohammed: “Mmm, nope.”
Abdul: “Well, Newsweek is really my most trusted news source. We better riot.”
Mohammed: “Allah Akbar! God is great! Kill the Infidel!”
A few days later…
Mohammed: “Hey, Abdul – Newsweek just retracted that story about the Americans flushing a Koran down the toilet.”
Abdul smacks himself in the forehead. “D’oh!”
Then: “Hey you guys! Call off the riot! Newsweek retracted the story! I guess it wasn’t true.”
Shouts ring out across the public square. “Everything’s OK! They didn’t flush the Koran!”
“Praise Allah!”
“Their anonymous source can’t remember if he read it in a report or not!”
“There is No God But God!”
“The Americans are only trying to spread democracy! What we’re we thinking?”
“Yeah! Why would they flush a Koran down the toilet? It makes no sense!”
“Perhaps we will find out more about it in next week’s issue of Newsweek!”
Satisfied, the Arabs go home and live happily ever after, eagerly awaiting each new issue of their favorite glossy newsmagazine and the arrival of democracy.
Perfect start for a Saturday morning — thank you.
Allah Akbar!
Don’t go after the messenger.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Hi Oui and hi Cheesemoose, a new member here I gather from your uid..Welcome to the site, and good first diary here to lift us out of our doldrums.
Oui, how are you doing tonight or this morning where you are.
Hope you have a good day/night all!!!!!
what’s a uid?
User ID number, you are 945 and I as the “unofficial greeter” on this site I try to notice all new members. I do a regular series of diaries on ”Tell Us About you/, the last one starts with ‘Asian Welcome’ because of our recent Chinese members. If you care to you could check out the diary and make an entry about yourself. Diary can be found by just clicking my screen name below.
Your ID number can be found on your info page and if you hold the sursor over your name it is the last number.
Netherlands American Society of Southern California
Diane, have you been made an honorary member yet? You have my vote us being BooMan’s Good Will Ambassador to …
all newbies from across the globe. Looking for gardening talent and exotic greens, flowers and health food, as I would expect of a Californian.
[pizza & coke??]
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Nice red block Oui, what is it titled. You always make me smile Oui.
You know, I always take this job of greeter to newbies or shybies (that would be shy people) wherever I go on the internet or real life, I just realized. Maybe it goes back to I used to be very shy and after overcoming it, I always wanted to help others feel comfortable.
Well I am off to bed now and I will be back in the morning, which will be night to you.