New Rule:
The people in America who are most in favor of the Iraq war must now go there and fight it. The Army missed its recruiting goal by 42% last month. More people joined the Michael Jackson Fan Club. “We’ve done picked all the low-lying Lynndie England fruit.” And now we need warm bodies. We need warm bodies like Paula Abdul needs…warm bodies! …
Now, I know you’re thinking, but, Bill, I already do my part with the “Support Our Troops” magnet I have on my Chevy Tahoe. How much more can one man give? Well, here’s an intriguing economic indicator. It’s been over a year since they graduated, but neither of the Bush twins has been able to find work. Why don’t they sign up? Do they hate America or just freedom in general? – Bill Maher
More new rules.
This is cool: Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La.,will vote NO on Bolton.
Wow, Susan, that’s great! Did you see this by Steve Clemons? No? Here it is:
Another Twist in the Road: Bolton Nomination Only Possible if White House Concedes on Evidence Requests
While the Senate and White House do battle over whether the administration can defy evidence requests by the Senate, those opposed to John Bolton’s nomination can work to remind Senators uncomfortable with but still supporting him why this nominee must be withdrawn.
More later on what all this means — but a slight nudge to the media:
Who was the State Department official who Bolton sought out to commend after reading the NSA intercepts?
Why would Bolton do such a thing? Was he recruiting someone inside State to be part of his anti-Armitage/Powell network?
Why won’t Bolton just tell us and come clean on who this person is?
What more have we not learned about these NSA intercepts?
More later.
— Steve Clemons
Thanks for cracking me up! I have nothing to contribute, so you may well have to continue with your solo rants, but your multi-post monologue was priceless!
But I do feel the need to mention that I view Maher as a born-again media whore – who only changed his tone in the last broadcast of his show this season. For the rest of the season, he made my stomach turn, and it seemed apparent he had been spending way too much time with his buddy Coulter.
I had a friend in high school who would start a conversation with herself whenever anyone ignored her … it was so funny. Fond memory :):)
I’ve heard that the twins are busy clearing brush down in Crawford. It’s hard work. And it’s necessary now that those damned Minutemen have made it difficult for W to hire Mexicans err temporary help.
Just plugging the door prizes we’ll be offering to bloggers who visit the AustinKossacks table at Demfest, June 17-19 in lovely Austin, Texas! (And yes, it really is lovely, and if you like heat, you’re gonna LOVE our summer!)
DemocracyFest 2005 organizers are expecting around 1,000 attendees. If you’re one of them, please stop by our Bloggers’ Caucus on June 17. Click the link for the details.
Do you have any power with contribors at DK? I ask this because I have the utmost respect for state senator Becky Lourey, and someone posted a diary on that site regarding the recent loss of Senator Lourey’s son in Iraq. I’d greatly appreciate a cross post over here, if the diarist is willing to do so.
Thanks much!
I just read the diary about Senator Lourey’s son. I am unable to stop crying. He looked like a beautiful young man.
You know, I just spent a chunk of my evening trying to explain to some of the Chinese posters at pekingduck why it’s impossible to compare the possibility of Taiwanese secession and the Chinese government’s actions in that regard to a hypothetical “what would the US government do if Hawaii or California wanted to secede?” because that’s just not in the cards – there’s no majority of Hawaiians or Californians who want to secede.
But it’s times like this where I truly do not want to be a citizen of a country that is doing such things, that is killing beautiful young men like Matthew Lourey for nothing. And I wonder how much longer it will go on, and what I will do if it just doesn’t stop?
it’s times like this where I truly do not want to be a citizen of a country that is doing such things
I guess I know how you feel. But I’m still too much of a John McCain Eagle Scout type to carry that sentiment to its logical conclusion. The horrible and pointless death of Matthew Lourey pushes me in the opposite direction, in fact, in the same way that JFK’s assassination did when I was 13 years old. When events come together in a certain way at a certain age the consequences can be lasting. Kennedy was killed almost a century to the day after Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address…
And how about the treason accusation for a comedian pointing out the obvious truth everyone is too flag fearing to say? Here was Maher’s reply to Congressman Bachus’s comments:
Its over at Huffington’s new blog…
One of the most telling moments in Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911 was when he approached that Congressman (or Senator?)and asked if he would enlist his son into the US Army. The look the politician gave him was almost murderous – it looked like he wanted to say, “Are you out of your f–king mind?”
I think Maher has got a good idea going on these new rules!
Hi, Curly! Are you as hot as the rest of us? (Interpret that question any way you wish.)
Ah hum – you all seem pretty steamy. Don’t know if I can can keep in step. Maybe you have to ask my boyfriend (about my politics, that is).
There you are!
Susan, I can confirm that she is eminently capable of working up good steam at the mere mention of Bush, DeLay, Bolton or any of the other usual suspects. I’m very proud of her.
“bush, delay, bolton” hmmm – is there something hidden here? – but thanks honey, I’m proud of you too. (Susan – Is this too sweet for tribers? You can tell we don’t use the phone enough!)