by new creve coeur ◊ Mon May 30th, 2005
ACLU FOIA Diary – Investigative Tracking
by susanhu Fri May 27th, 2005
This is the diary that volunteers will use to track their own work, and find out what others are digging up from these FOIA US Government documents (PDF format) at the ACLU site.
PART I — Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Section 1 A Study — leads to this diary:
Failed leadership leads to a failed state. Failure to communicate with your partners and friends in the global community, leads to isolationism and animosity. Failure for dialog and diplomacy with enemy states leads, to aggressive acts, costly errors and in the end, an unwanted war with unwarranted sacrifice of human life. Sacrifice of International Treaties and Conventions for a momentary play of hardball, leads to misgivings and misunderstanding. In the end, leads to abuse of innocent people by subordinates who try to interpret mixed signals, in their daily life of insurgency and physical attack on their lives.
No hurry, it’s Memorial Day weekend, so jump the fold —
By exploiting the 9/11 attacks on the US and the psychological fear in its aftermath, the Bush-Cheney regime focused not on the perpetrators Al-Qaeda and the Taliban rogue state, but moved immediately to invade and occupy a sovereign state of Iraq under dictatorship of Saddam Hussein. All signs point to a single goal: preserve the oil reserves in the Arabian Gulf region for America’s future consumption. By doing so, make sure the US corporations can profit to the fullest by the no-bid contracts granted to the Halliburtons, Bechtels and Exxon profit mongers. The ordinary American who tries to get an education, earn a living or raise a family, gets hit either by sacrifice in the War on Terror or in OIF/OEF. At home the majority of Americans suffer the cost of war: loss of jobs, benefits, no hospital or doctor’s bills paid, divisiveness in American society and a future with less social security.
Poor leadership and judgement after the Republican sweep of Election 2004, led this administration away from unison with our allies, the United Nations search for WMD’s in Iraq, at least half of all patriotic Americans, and forward on a path of hardship, sacrifice in blood, and especially loss of faith, hope and a dream for which America stood since its founding in 1776.
From this Section 1 of Defense Intelligence Agency DIA, all minute parts are covered that build on the falsely formulated US foreign policy, the lies and deceit before the world community and the United Nations and the quagmire the US now faces in Iraq, Mesopotamia in historic times with a culture spanning 5,000 years of civilization. The page turned by Bush-Cheney turned out to be pitch black.
My analysis — Bush-Cheney and this administration (ADM) have and are in the process of creating parallel organizations through corporations, fulfilling duties and responsibilities normally beholden to the federal government of a sovereign state. The ADM has created a dark side in American society to perform their dirty work on a scale magnitudes greater than the Iran-Contragate scandal during the Reagan years. Oliver North is their hero, admired as colleague and friend, and as an example how to combine Christian zeal with political and military power.
The dark side of the US government under leadership of Bush-Cheney
- MEMO of GWB Feb. 7, 2002 “suspension of human rights as quaranteed under GC” « 27-28 »
- civilian interrogator issues in Iraq and involvement of DHS in OIF-OEF « pp 8-12 »
- IG and DTF investigation into detainee abuse in theater of Iraq « pp 13-16 »
- interrogation policy and the murky rules of the road, GTMO « p 19 »
- ECD Ali Saleh al-Marri « pp 29-30 »
- AGP place of torture and abuse, rape of two female Iraqis « pp 22-23 »
- transfer of detainees under DOD control to foreign governments « pp 24-26 »
The United States policies of Compassion and Hope, as set out by our Great Democrat Presidents —
have been demolished by the Abrahm tank and Bulldozer attitude of Republican NEOCONS, with John Bolton as prima inter pari.
Arming Iraq: A Chronology of United States Involvement 1980 thru 1988 — the Reagan Years.
- US used methods both legal and illegal to help build Saddam’s army into the most powerful army in the Mideast outside of Israel.
- US supplied chemical and biological agents and technology to Iraq when it knew Iraq was using chemical weapons against the Iranians.
- US supplied the materials and technology for these weapons of mass destruction to Iraq at a time when it was know that Saddam was using this technology to kill his Kurdish citizens.
- US supplied intelligence and battle planning information to Iraq when those battle plans included the use of cyanide, mustard gas and nerve agents.
- US blocked UN censure of Iraq’s use of chemical weapons.
- US did not act alone in this effort.
- SU Soviet Union was the largest weapons supplier
- EU England, France and Germany were also involved in the shipment of arms and technology.
Set ’em up, knock ’em down. No wonder Galloway was so pissed.
Go Fish
by subtropolis Wed Jun 1st, 2005
UPDATED with INFO by subtropolis – Kudos for outstanding job!
ABS – Automated Booking Station
ADM Church –
AFOSI – Air Force Office of Special Investigations
AGC – Associated General Contractors of America
AGP – Abu Ghraib Prison
BAU – Behavorial Analysis Unit
BIF – Brigade Interrogation Facility
BSCT – Behavorial Science Consultation Team (Biscuit)
CID – Criminal Investigative Division
CIRG – Critical Incident Response Group
CITF – Criminal Investigative Task Force
CJIS – Criminal Justice Information Services
CMU – Crisis Management Unit
CTD – Common Technical Document
DCN – Detainee Communications Network
DD – “DD Form 2246” Pentagon Medical Pre-screening Form
DIF Division Internment Facility
DTF – Detainee Task Force
EC – Electronic Communication
EPW – Enemy Prisoners of War
Fly Team SA
Fly Team Conus Operations
HRT – Hostage Rescue Team
HVD – High Value Detainee
IAFIS – Integrated Automated Booking System
IAW – In Accordance With
ICSJU – Indian Country Special Jurisdiction Unit
ISG – Iraqi Survey Group
JABS – Joint Automated Booking Station
JCS – Joint Chiefs of Staff
JIIF – Joint Intelligence Interrogation Facility
JTF – Joint Task Force
JTF-GTMO – Refers to .. General Miller
LHM – Letterhead Memorandum
LEO – Law Enforcement Officer
MFR – Memoranda For Record
MWD – Military Working Dogs
NCIS – Naval Criminal Investigative Service *
NJSA – National Joint Strategic Assessment
NYPD – (inferred) New York Police Department
OEF – Operation Enduring Freedom
OIF – Operation Iraqi Freedom
OFF – Oil for Food
OSD – Office of the Secretary of Defense
PENTBOMB – FBI Investigation of 9-11 events [Pentagon Bombing]
POJ – Pacific Ocean Japan
RFI – Rapid Fielding Initiative
RFI – Request For Information
SECDEF – Secretary of Defense
SOP – Standard Operating Procedures
THF – Temporary Holding Facility
SJA – Staff Judge Advocate
SITREP – Situation Report
UC –
UCMJ – Uniform Code of Military Justice
* NCIS threatened to end Guantanamo participation over detainee abuse
AUSA – Assistant US Attorney . Dana Biehl – Bruce Pagel
EDVA – Eastern District of Virginia [Terrorism and National Security Unit – US Attorney]
ODAG – Office of the Deputy Attorney General
USAO – US Attorney’s Office
ASAC – Assistant Special Agent in Charge
ASAC – Aviation Security Advisory Committee
CD –
CID – Counter Intelligence Division
CID – Criminal Investigative Division
CTD – Counter Terrorisme Division
CSRT – Combat Status Review Tribunal
DD – Deputy Director
DO –
HPSCI – House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
IA – Intelligence Analyst
INSD – Inspection Division
ITMS – Information Technology Management Section
ITOs – International Terrorist Organizations
ITOS – International Terrorisme Operations Section
MLDU – Military Liason and Detainee Unit
NCAVC – National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
OCA – Office of Congressional Affairs
OGC – Office of General Counsel¹ . Caproni, Valerie E
OIO – Office of International Operations
OLP – USDOJ: Office of Legal Policy
OPR – Office of Professional Responsibility
ORS – Operational Response Section [is part of CTD headed by Frank Battle]
SA/LSSSA – Supervisory Special Agents
SC – Special Agent in Charge (?)
SC – Frank Battle, SSA-CTD
SDU – System’s Development Unit
SSA – Supervisory Special Agent
SSRA – Supervisory Senior Resident Agent
TDY – Temporary Duty
TJ – TJ Harrington, Ass’t DD-CTD
TICTU – FBI wiretap²
VCS – Violent Crimes Section
WF – Washington Field Office
WFO – Washington Field Office
¹ OGC – Office of General Counsel: this may not denote the FBI’s Office, specifically. It could refer to DOJ, DOD, and etc. Use your judgement from the context used.
² subtropolis found only 2 refs for this, one was a technical writing sample which mentioned “acquisition strategies of information technology systems” in relation to the FBI.
CAMP Bucca
CAMP Slayer
Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Fort Bragg
ARNG Phoenix Arizona
St. Mere FOB Fallujah, Iraq
Naval Consolidated Brig Charleston, SC
Draft Concept for Utilization of Cooperating Source
DHS personnel ID as FBI Agents
FBI Doc 5/26 — p. 71, 72, 99, 100.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Performance by many US Organizations — ACLU and Human Rights Watch — using the FOIA Act and legal means to obtain torture evidence by our own US Government, implementing their NEOCON foreign policy.
More work needs to be done to tip the scale and gain popular support for US regime change. Start the ORANGE revolution.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
These documents confirm what we know all along. So, how do we translate all this into action? That’s the next step.
I also think it’s necessary to submit a petition to congress and the white house demanding a response. Non-partisan, 50-state document.
We need to put this in context of our foreign policy in the ’80’s & ’90’s. Starting with Arming Iraq:
Set ’em up, knock ’em down. No wonder Galloway was so pissed.
Slightly off topic of this serious subject..thanks Oui for the Mesopotamia link. I just spent the last several hours perusing various timelines and such, wonderful. A nice respite from our daily maddening politics.
How can you invade and occupy a nation and its people, when you are not aware of its history and culture.
Even the Timeline published by the BBC of the 20th century left many clues to the insanity of such an adventure, more than an endeavor. Paid for dearly in blood by the innocent.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Well I think I worded that poorly as I completely agree with you. If you don’t know the culture and history of any place(including my own country) you’re pretty much screwed for any kind of coherent analysis of what can or will happen when you choose any kind of action.
I meant perusing in the very general sense as I ended up in Mexico and many other countries besides Mesopotamia. I was just enjoying reading various timelines and articles with no particular bent.
(released by the Government 4/6/2005, released by the ACLU 4/20/05)
Section 1, pp. 175-207 — [pdf file]
1 thru 7 Cover letters, etc. for DOD status report and correspondence in FOIA case.
8 thru 12 Email correspondence RE: Request For Information (RFI) from ADM Church
re Interrogator Issues July 16 thru July 20, 2004.
The admiral is correct in stating the original intent in the consolidation of DoD HUMINT was that .. would be responsible for interrogation at major EPW detention areas.”
13 thru 16 Inspector General (IG) is coordinating responses to three inquiries of alleged abuse of detainees in Iraq. DOD also requested documentation in support of the Detainee Task Force (DTF), which will conduct a “comprehensive review of allegations of abuse at DOD facilities from January 2000 to present.”
July 9, 2004 — Specific guidance – 3 page instruction – is to search all files and collect written materials that pertain to DIA Interrogation policy, procedures, or “rules of engagement” with respect to POWs, detainees, or civilian detainees of the DOD or any of its components.
5. The scope of the DTF search is:
“The search for documents should include all references to POW, detainees or civilian internees of the DoD, pursuant to the Global War on Terrorism or OIF, whether located in: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; the Naval Consolidated Brig, Charleston, SC; Abu Ghraib, Camp Bucca, or other locations in Iraq; or in Afghanistan.”
6. This tasking supplements the previous request for documents in support of the SECDEF initiated inquiry being conducted by the Navy IG and applies to OEF and OIF. […]
7. Do not contact ISG for documentation. ISG will respond to tasking from CENTCOM. […]
[I find this memo cryptisch – appreciate your take of its description and meaning – Oui]
18 SUBJECT: Draft Concept for Utilization of Cooperating Source. Date: Unknown.
1. Purpose: To request coordination-comment on subject.
2. Security: The unclassified nickname for this project is [redacted]
Phase 2: Movement coordination and movement (.. DOJ – JTF GTMO). The actual request for movement needed to come from DoD. (DOJ-USA suggested DoD to the USA who would forward to Main Justice.) (DIA-SOUTHCOM)
Phase 3: GTMO – Employ .. IAW JTF GTMO asessment & utilization plan (JTF GTMO). DoD would be required to clearly and specifically articulate how .. would be used in GITMO. General statements will not be acceptable. Phase 4: Operational assessment, lessons learned (DIA- .. SOUTHCOM-JTFGTMO)
7. (CNF) .. : Assist assessment operations
*Videotapes provided by JTF GTMO.
19 Subject: Interrogation Policy – Date: Dec. 9, 2003.
“…. Based on questionable conduct in the past by [redacted] interrogators, murky rules of the road, OSD interest in GTMO rules, significantly different [redacted] rules, and the central role [redacted] plays at GTMO, I directed a [redacted] interrogation policy be developed. I am pretty sure the DD was aware of this… “
22 DIA – IG Date: May 4, 2004 — Summarizes conversation with [redacted] in Iraq, who corroborates description by WaPo that senior leadership knew of, or were aware of the incidents going on at the prison. Related two incidents of rape of female prisoners.
23 DIA – IG Date: June 15, 2004 — Summarizes conversation with counter-terrorism analyst at Camp Slayer. Subject visited the Brigade Interrogation Facility in Jan ’04 and spoke with interrogators at AGP.
24 thru 26 Tasking Form and Action request re Implementing Guidance for release or transfer of detainees under DOD control (to foreign governments) — July 2002.
27 thru 28 THE WHITE HOUSE
Washington Feb. 7, 2002
Memorandum for VP, SoS, SoD, AG, Chief of Staff, DCI, NSA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Subject: Humane Treatment of al Qaeda and Taliban Detainees
Signed George W Bush
29 thru 30 Document Index: Intelligence Interrogation of Enemy Combatant Detainee Ali Saleh al-Marri — date July 15, 2004
31 List of Interrogation, Debriefing and Detainee Documents.
List of 19 documents, dated from July 1, 2003 – May 24, 2004. Includes policies/procedures, briefing and guidance, memos, and emails.
32 thru 33 Email [parties and subject redacted] Date: May 2004
Discusses SJA review of an investigation, a letter of reprimand, and DIA’s need to do a “round up” of all possible detainee abuse cases.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité