I haven’t seen this around here yet, but it is too funny to pass:
India-born PepsiCo president Indra Nooyi, one of Fortune’s most powerful businesswomen, anointed America the “middle finger” of the world in a speech to Columbia Business School’s graduating students.
Nooyi described the US as the middle and biggest finger. In a rejoinder Nooyi has explained: “In my comments, I used the analogy of a human hand to illustrate that people in countries around the globe need to join together to make the world work in harmony – just as all the fingers of a hand work together. It is an illustration that I learned when I was a student, and that I have shared with others on many different occasions.”
The rest of the article describes the controversy (pretty much exclusively on US blogs that fely insulted) that followed, but a number of things strike me:
- that description of America as a middle finger to the world, while apparently unintentional (the article makes that clear), was immediately understood by everybody and felt to be fair by the entire world
- Americans, or at least a number of them, live in a state of denial about the opinion the rest of the world has of their country (interestingly, the article is more optimistic than me, saying that it is provoking such reactions precisely because Americans realise that they cannot go on being obnoxious and that things must change).
So, what finger are you?
Denial is bliss. A big five-fingered salute to you for this diary.
However, if used inappropriately -just like the U.S. itself — the middle finger can convey a negative message and get us in trouble. You know what I’m talking about. In fact, I suspect you’re hoping that I’ll demonstrate what I mean. And trust me, I’m not looking for volunteers to model.
Discretion being the better part of valor … I think I’ll pass.”
(Hat tip to George over at dKos for the quote and the link)
I think that description of the US certainly fits at this time of it’s history, with both postive and negative connotations.
In my opinion the US is giving it’s middle finger to the world in it’s most negative aspect and arrogantly enjoying that posture.
Bush said it all during past Presidental Debate, ‘he doesn’t care what the World thinks of us, he only cares what he wants the US to be and do to the World.’
America is being lead around by the pinkey finger…
… yep, definitely the pinkey finger…