Depleted uranium- a Genocide weapon.
I am late to the table on this topic. This is so outrageous. Why any soldier would continue to show allegiance to this administration is beyond me. Why any parent or spouse of a soldier in this administration’s army is not stampeding Washington is beyond me.

If your soldier doesn’t die in combat, he surely will die a slow death after his or her tour of duty.

Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets

A death sentence here and abroad

by Leuren Moret

At an April press conference, a group of New York Army National Guard vets raised their hands when asked if they have health problems. The soldiers, all from the 442nd Military Police Company, are complaining of headaches and fatigue after what they think is exposure to depleted uranium during their recent tour in Iraq.

“Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” – Henry Kissinger, quoted in “Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW’s in Vietnam”

Vietnam was a chemical war for oil, permanently contaminating large regions and countries downriver with Agent Orange, and environmentally the most devastating war in world history. But since 1991, the U.S. has staged four nuclear wars using depleted uranium weaponry, which, like Agent Orange, meets the U.S. government definition of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Vast regions in the Middle East and Central Asia have been permanently contaminated with radiation.

And what about our soldiers? Terry Jemison of the Department of Veterans Affairs reported this week to the American Free Press that “Gulf-era veterans” now on medical disability since 1991 number 518,739, with only 7,035 reported wounded in Iraq in that same 14-year period.

In simple words, DU “trashes the body.” When asked if the main purpose for using it was for destroying things and killing people, Fulk was more specific: “I would say that it is the perfect weapon for killing lots of people.”


You can read about the ‘future’ ramifications of this deadly weapon at the above link and in the link below. It is devastating. I have never been more ashamed of ‘those in power’ and if you have a loved one in the military please fight for them!!!!

US media censor uranium weapons stories-
Depleted uranium turns to poison gas


Are our sons and daughters worth this sacrifice?