The American Family Association launched a nationwide boycott on Ford Motor Company [the second largest automaker in the world], stating that the company openly promotes gay-rights by providing financial donations, domestic partnership benefits, and marketing targeted toward the gay community.
AFA has set up a website,, encouraging the public to sign a petition against Ford Motor Company. As of Tuesday evening, more than 60,000 have signed the online petition. … From Christian Post
Dumb f–ks.
I’m wondering how many of these dumbasses work for Ford or drive one?
Gosh, these “Christians” never lack for something new to hate, do they?
Personally, I am giving considerable thought to forming a boycott of Christian owned companies. How many of you know that Tyson is a supposedly “christian” company, Wal Mart, and some others who purport to be christian. I am working to wean my wife off of wal mart and start shopping at some of the local stores, even if we have to pay a little more for the same item.
Gosh, a company built on mass slaughter of animals and treating their lives as commodities is Christian? Whoda thought?
Pro life as long as it turns a profit, right?
to these bimbos….get an effing life folks!
The way I see it, the more they scream and howl, the more ridiculous they look. Not to stereotype, but think of all the farmer-types who drive a big shiny Ford F-150 and vote “conservative”; methinks they are creating their own wedge issue with their base. As the cliche goes, “A house divided against itself will fall”.
Agreed. I think these groups have peaked and are beginning to find it difficult to rally the flock around anything of consequence. The continued bleating about gays, guns, god, stem cells et al, is beginning to wear thin on the majority of the population that’s a hell of a lot more worried about basic economic survival to give a rat’s ass.
Let them protest and sign petitions all they want, they are finding themselves farther and farther out of the mainstream, even within the boundaries of their limited views and support structure. 60K fundie signatures out of a us population of 290 mil. is .0002 %… think Ford’s gonna give a shit? They’re gaining more market share, on a monthly basis, in China than that.
These people are truly not worth the effort to discredit, they’re doing a fine job on their own, let’s just sit back, get some popcorn and enjoy the show…it’s just starting to get interesting.
And Tyson just upped the number of birds to be slaughtered per hour per worker. They have upped the number of birds to a point now where the workers can not keep their knives sharpened and are having numerous accidents, you know like cutting off fingers and slicing palms. Oh, and tyson also was penalized recently for forcing workers to get ready for work on their own time, when requiring them to be at work 15 minutes early to dress for the line. A really good christian example. The christ must be wondering how and why these pharasee’s were able to corrupt and vilefy christianity.
on both sides, mind you, and I’m always reminded of the exchange between Mr. Prosser and Arthur Dent at the beginning of The Hitch Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, where Arthur has laid down in front of a bulldozer to stop it from knocking down his house:
PROSSER: Mr. Dent, do you have any idea how much damage this bulldozer will sustain if it runs over you?
ARTHUR: No. How much?
PROSSER: None. None at all.
Well, that’s about how much damage I think Ford will sustain as it rolls past these people. Ford has many problems at the moment, and I think being targeted by a group of sectarian siamangs is among the least of them.
What about a petition asking Ford to ignore AFA?
Evan at Alternet sent me these comments:
… noticed that when referring to dealers the AFA always uses the masculine pronoun (not surprising of course as the women are
ostensibly too busy churning butter and arranging flowers to run a car
Very Important – Please contact your Local Dealer!
Please call your local Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover,
and/or Mazda dealer. Tell him you are joining the boycott. Tell him you will stop boycotting Ford products when Ford stops promoting the homosexual agenda and homosexual marriage. If the dealer wants more information, refer him to the website.
Thank you so much for the information
Where is this boycott going?
@ Pacman 30th Anniversary