Via Howie Martin’s kick-ass, Howard Dean-worshippin’ blog,, from Kicking Ass:

“With all of the excitement surrounding the “Deep Throat” revelation yesterday, some of us here at the DNC decided to take a trip down to the basement storage room where the original Watergate filing cabinet is kept.

When you look more closely, however, you begin to realize that Watergate was just the start of years of dirty Republican political tactics that the American people are still fighting against today. … More below:


The abuses of power and corruption that were so prevalent then have continued on though the years.

A few modern-day examples:

Anti-Voter Tactics & Intimidation: RNC Chair and former Bush-Cheney Campaign Manager Ken Mehlman is going to provide official Republican support in the 2005 Virginia gubernatorial race “to challenge voter eligibility” — his code for voter suppression, a tactic the GOP has been refining over the past few elections in heavily-minority precincts (college-age Republicans practice depressing turnout in campus elections, and even teach seminars on it.)

Phone-Jamming on Election Day: In New Hampshire, four people have been indicted for jamming the phone lines of a Democratic get-out-the-vote effort during the 2002 elections. One of those indicted is James Tobin, a former Bush campaign and RNC official.

Felony Eavesdropping: In Virginia: Republican officials eavesdropped on Democratic conference calls, leading former state executive director Edmund A. Matricardi III to plead guilty to felony eavesdropping. In the end, multiple GOPers plead guilty to various charges (this year’s Republican candidate for governor, Jerry Kilgore, came under fire for his involvement with the case)

Watergate for the Information Age: For years, Republican Senate staffers exploited a network flaw in the Senate’s computer system in order to download confidential Democratic memos. And that’s without even mentioning Tom DeLay…

UPDATE: Now that we know the identity of Watergate’s Deep Throat, how long until we find out the name of the Bush administration official who revealed the identity of a CIA operative to Bob Novak?”

-from the DNC site, “Kicking Ass.”