There have been a ton of contradictory reports about Zaraqwi coming out of the media recently. Some report him wounded seriously, others say he’s not. Some report he’s already dead. Some place him in Iraq; others place him in Jordan or even Iran.
The stories about Zaraqwi are so contradictory that Abu Aardvark only half-jokingly wonders if there is a collision between parallel universes at play here. There are string theorists who believe that in parallel worlds, the human results of decisions not taken here play out.
In addition, an Italian paper who has been following this story ran two different pictures of Zaraqwi in which he looks different in each one. Could he, like Saddam, have doubles to hide his identity? Is that what is causing the confusion?
There are several possible theories about Zaraqwi’s status:
- He is dead.
- He is badly wounded.
- He is not wounded; he has a double who was.
- He is using this as a cover to escape to another country.
- He does not exist.
- We are living in some twilight zone where parallel worlds collide.
Zaraqwi is dead.
That would be the best news out of Iraq since Saddam’s capture. That would create problems within his group. He was a highly charismatic leader whose successor would have some tall shoes to fill. The group would have trouble maintaining the unity that it had under Zaraqwi that had allowed it to coordinate its activities so well.
But how well the US would be able to take advantage of it would be anybody’s guess. The fundamentals that have plagued the US from the beginning still plague them and Zaraqwi’s death will not change that, just like Saddam’s capture did not change it.
And how does the video of Zaraqwi where he declares he’s only lightly wounded fit into the equation? And why would the insurgents stage their biggest attacks of the war when their leader is supposedly dying? A response could be that he is, but that he does not have as big a role in the insurgency as the Americans (habitual liars) have assigned him.
Also, none of the mainstream media sources have picked it up as of 7:00 Eastern. Normally, when only a few foreign papers report something and the MSM does not pick it up, it should be treated with a grain of salt. raises another problem with his death. They write that Al-Qaeda has to have good succession plans because of the large numbers of leaders who were killed in the Afghan War. Therefore, they have never tried to hide the fact that a particular leader was killed because the loss of a single leader would not cripple the group.
Zaraqwi is badly wounded.
It is easy to call into question the report of his death. The evidence provided was anecdotal and not confirmed by any pictures. Most news reporters along with the official sources agree that he is wounded, however.
There have been plenty of reports that Zaraqwi was wounded; some sources claim to have seen him entering a hospital for treatment; he escaped before American soldiers could capture him.
But there are problems with that theory as well. Jordanian intelligence sources argue in the article I link to that given the recent surge in insurgent attacks, they might be giving him a smokescreen to leave Iraq.
Zaraqwi is not wounded or only lightly wounded; he has a double who is wounded.
In this entry, I link to two different articles with two pictures of Zaraqwi, both of which look different. In one, he looks older without a mustache. The other shows him looking younger with a mustache and a headscarf. This could indicate that he has a double. Or, if you choose to believe he is fake, the US planted the photos.
Back in the Middle Ages, kings had doubles who would fight in different parts of the battlefield. The object was to inspire their own troops while protecting them from the attempts to kill them. Saddam was known for having doubles to prevent assassination. Zaraqwi may be doing the same thing, which could account for the contradictory reports about his status.
But again, the problem is the structure of Al-Qaeda. This organization is not built around a single individual like the old monarchies or Saddam’s regime. It is built, according to, around the Afghan model, which allows others to step right in to leadership roles if one person is killed.
Zaraqwi is faking his death to escape to another country.
The increase in militant attacks recently supports this theory. Yet, where would he go? Iran is ideologically opposed to Al-Qaeda and Syria has tortured “terror” suspects, suggesting that they are close with Bush under the table. Also, why would the leader get up and walk away from the middle of a battle?
He does not exist.
Many people, both here and elsewhere argue that Zaraqwi does not exist. They argue that he is simply a boogeyman used by the US to justify their horrendous war. Under this theory, the CIA, or Negroponte would have planted the evidence so that people would come to think that there was a dangerous enemy who would have to be killed in order. When he was killed, they could create another boogeyman. That is what many Iraqis believe.
But he could be using an alias; which means he could be walking around the streets of Iraq and people would not know who he was. And that theory does not explain why so many videos, pictures, and hostage-takings are out there. How do we explain the videos of the hostages being beheaded if he does not exist?
Twilight zone
Maybe we are living in some kind of weird twilight zone in which all parallel universes collide.
through Jordanian imprisonment and torture.
Al-Zarqawi was NOT —
Al-Zarqawi has become
However, whether the US realizes it or not, any PR from the US leadership on Al-Zarqawi builds his image and heroism for Iraqis, Arabs in the greater Mid-East. Similar to the fact Osama Bin Laden is an heroic figure for the Indonesian youth, an Asian revolutionary “Che Guevara”.
Che Guevara — A Cuban Revoltionary
Osama Bin Laden – ISI knows his hideout
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Goal of OBL in Afghanistan was reached by defeating the Soviet military might and establishing an Islamic state run by the Taliban with support from Pakistan military and ISI intelligence.
Al-Qaeda has no manpower shortage nor lack of funds. The 1.3 billion muslims can put up enough funds to continue the terror attacks anywhere around the globe. Manpower has never been a problem, not before 9/11 and certainly not after the great campaign Bush&Co has led against Muslim country Afghanistan and Iraq. Al-Qaeda has trained more than 100,000 fighters in Afghan period.
The Al Qaeda training camps are continuing today elsewhere, in Pakistan, Kashmir and Indonesia.
Afghan veteran Al-Zarqawi has demonstrated his ruthlessness and single handed created some nuisance to US forces with the explosives and manpower locally gathered. With just little external support [no CIA funding this time] Al-Zarqawi has build a reputation in Iraq. He is doing what OBL himself would like to have done, creating havoc in Iraq and disrupt the US attempt to install a favorable administration. Democratic election does not fit the design of an Islamic state. Everyone supporting reconstruction of Iraq is an opponent of OBL and Al-Qaeda.
The goal of the freedom fighter is to defeat the US on the Arab peninsula.
by creve coeur Fri Dec 17th, 2004
On the 9th of September while General Ahmad was in the US, the leader of the Northern Alliance Commander Ahmad Shah Masood was assassinated. The Northern Alliance had informed the Bush Administration that the ISI was allegedly implicated in the assassination.
The Bush Administration consciously took the decision in “the post September 11 consultations” with Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad to directly “cooperate” with Pakistan’s military intelligence (ISI) despite its links to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban and its alleged role in the assassination of Commander Masood, which coincidentally occurred two days before the terrorist attacks.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Americans have not really been encouraged to look too closely into US activities involving Osama or any other assets recruited for the proxy war in Afghanistan, and that is probably a good idea.
Like the particulars of the 911 events themselves, there are some questions that should not be asked lightly.
Zarqawi is real in the minds of millions of Americans and that helps maintain support for the war on terror, which is what counts.
While some obstructionists may object to the notion that the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims are funding terror attacks against the US, no one can deny that most Muslims are indeed among those who do not support US policies regarding its oil in the Middle East, with some even going so far as to assert that the oil does not belong to the US at all.
Right-thinking Americans can rest assured that their leaders are engaged in sustained and aggressive efforts to stamp out this kind of sentiment, especially among those dangerous Muslims.
I believe there are even 800 numbers Americans can call if they spot one.
I guess Zarqawi is a phantom. Early reports before the US assault on Iraq was that he was missing a leg. He surely must be a man of great powers cause somehow it grew back. Osama Bin Laden who reportedly suffers from kidney failure requiring dialysis somehow manages to dwell around in caves in Afghanistan. Amazing people those muslims.
All the different reports concerning Zarqawi and Bin Laden brings to my recollection a story about some newspaper inventing having a reporter who did all kinds of extra-ordinary reporting. He’s stories was a huge success for the paper. The other paper in town found out the ‘reporter’ and his stories were all bogus though they couldn’t prove it. So they published a bogus story themselves about that ‘reporter’ being killed… That way they also killed their competition 🙂
In varied reports, militant Islamic Web sites have described al-Zarqawi as being near death, undergoing treatment in Iran or leading new waves of assaults.
“Were a neighboring country to take him in and provide medical assistance or haven for him, they obviously would be associating themselves with a major linkage in the Al Qaeda network and a person who has a great deal of blood on his hands,” Rumsfeld said.
Rumsfeld’s comments added to a multifaceted dispute with Syria in which the U.S. recalled its ambassador to Damascus and Syria ended military and security cooperation with the United States in recent months. Last month, a senior U.S. military official alleged that al-Zarqawi had met in Syria with his lieutenants the month before.
Donald Rumsfeld
Quote by Rumsfeld is another indication of warped mind of this genius idiot. In all conflicts and wars, medical aid has been provided to all sides and under all circumstances. Recall Fallujah, where the US forces shut down the medical facilities, depriving both civilian and military casualties from receiving treatment.
My quote would be quite different: “If you have found the guy in need of medical aid, take good care of him. He will stand in court some day for his deeds. BTW, it would be useful the chain him to the hospital bed, give us a call and you will be highly rewarded: $25m bucks.”
by Sy Hersh
The battle between Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Habib was arrested in Pakistan on Oct. 5, 2001, detained briefly in Afghanistan, transferred to Egypt where he was tortured, sent back to Afghanistan, then sent to Guantanamo Bay prison in May 2002.
Egyptian torture created the terrorist:
People: 01-11-01 AYMAN al-ZAWAHRI
Al-Zarqawi was tortured in Jordanian cel and turns to fundamentalism.
Gavin Hewitt profiles militant Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi
Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi
is/was standard part of US military/economic aid package to these countries, as it was/is in many of the US backed Latin American dictatorships (Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador), and CIA operative and Richmond, in native Dan Mitrione’s large scale torture program in Uruguay in the 1960’s.
by shumard on Thu Jan 6th, 2005 at 13:37:04 PDT
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité