Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Over the past many months Biden has had such a love affair with his own voice it really turns me off to listen to his pontificating – even when I support what he’s saying 100%. I viewed Kerry as a flip flopper long before the current administration mentioned it (no offense to Kerry fans – but it wasn’t in my heart to support him last time around – and I’d prefer someone outside of the last primary group. Yes, that even includes Lieberman.)
Hillary could go either way – but her campaign funding letters mention several PACS already set up specifically to oppose her – and that’s just for a Senate run. I like Feingold where he is. What was it that people have against Dodd? (Aside from voting for some of the recent cabinet nominees) He’s struck me as a straight shooter, but I haven’t conducted any research on his voting record. Anyone interested in John Edwards should check out his website here. His and Elizabeth’s main concentration is the poor in this country and how to lift people out of poverty. To this end they are working on various projects(with other organizations and labor unions) one of which is getting minimum wage bills passed in several states.
He’s the only politician(should say white politician) who is actively and continuously right now talking about poverty in this country.
The site also has a blog forum and has just started of all things a book forum-the first book to be read and discussed on blog is by David Shipley-“Working Poor-Invisible in America”.
How many politicians have book forums?…I think that’s too cool for words. Can you even begin to imagine bush having a book forum-doesn’t compute does it?
Any chance of getting a link to Edwards? I like him but was extremely disappointed in the way he was used in the campaign…or should I say the lack of using him. I adore Elizabeth. Hillary is too centralist for me. Kerry had his shot and should stay in the Senate to be most benificial. Yeah, I voted other.
This is going to impress you. He sends this to me by name, and signs it “Your friend.”
Dear Susan,
I wanted to update you on some of the things I’ve been up to lately. The Council on Foreign Relations, one of the country’s leading foreign policy think tanks, has asked me to co-chair an independent task force to review current U.S. policy toward Russia with former Republican Congressman and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Jack Kemp.
This bipartisan task force will be made up of some of our country’s chief experts on Russia and U.S. foreign policy, including former senior officials from both Democratic and Republican administrations, presidents of other major think thanks and academic specialists, as well as representatives of NGOs and business leaders.
We’ll be examining a set of issues that are critical to America’s interests but, in my view, have not received enough attention recently: the present state of Russia’s democracy (or lack thereof), changes we can anticipate between now and Russia’s presidential election in 2008, human rights in Russia, the Russian economy (including energy), non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and Russia’s cooperation with the fight against Islamic extremism. This week we had our first meeting, and in the fall, Jack and I will lead a delegation to Russia to meet with leaders and assess the situation firsthand. We’ll release our report by the end of the year.
One of the goals of this effort is to generate a public debate about our relationship with Russia and the current state of Russia. We want to promote discussion far beyond the Beltway, and we’re not going to produce a report that will just collect dust on a think tank bookshelf. If you have specific suggestions or ideas about these important topics, I’ll try to incorporate them into the task force’s work.
I also recently traveled to London and gave a speech at the London School of Economics about the global challenges facing the United States and Europe. You can read my speech or listen to it. After the speech, I took questions from the audience for nearly an hour on almost every subject you can imagine. The questions were very thoughtful and some were pretty tough. The topics ranged from alleged prisoner abuse at Guantanamo Bay and what we must do to end the genocide in Sudan, to the issue of race in America and how the Internet has changed political campaigns.
While I was in London, I met with Prime Minister Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street where we discussed several of the important issues facing the world today including: the French and Dutch votes on the EU constitution, Putin and Russia, Iran’s development of nuclear weapons, the situation in Iraq, the upcoming G-8 meeting, and poverty in Africa. The discussion was fascinating but we also found time for some lighter topics. He has a son Jack’s age so I told him about some of Jack’s funnier moments on the campaign trail last year.
I also met with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, who many believe will be Britain’s next Prime Minister. He has led efforts in Britain to fight global and domestic poverty and we had a terrific discussion about policies like baby bonds that they are using to fight poverty in Britain.
As always, I’d love to hear from you on any of these subjects or any other issue that concerns you. I want this to be a conversation between us which means I need to hear from you. So please, reply to this email or visit the blog and let me know what you think.
Again, thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks so much for sharing this and the link. I will be sure to sign up for updates. I love the personal touch. Barbara Boxer does this too. Makes one feel one is being heard and that my opinion matters. Now I know it is probably(most likely) a staffer but it is a very smart style.
I agree and love Boxer also and glad she’s here in Ca. to counter the fact that we’ve got such a dick for governor. She’s been the most consistent in standing up for democratic ideals and fighting against bushco as far as I’m concerned. She’s certainly got more balls as the saying goes than many of the other democrats right now.
Michael Jackson’s attorney is about to begin his closing argument, and he can’t get his PowerPoint presentation to work!
The reporter says there are four attorneys hunched over his laptop trying to fix it. And, she said, the jury is sitting there watching them fuss with the computer.
She also said he’s the type who doesn’t even use e-mail. (You’d think, in that case, that he’d have a computer jock on hand to help him.)
That is hilarious…4 overpaid attorneys can’t get PowerPoint to work. Ha.
Off-topic: After hearing about how great Deadwood was from you and some of the folks at tge Harpers Ferry meetup last weekend, I just rented the Deadwood first season last night-it’s GREAT!
Didn’t the first episode freak you out just a bit? It did me … I had to watch it a second time to get into it… By mid-season I was BONKERS for the series.
The beginning of the first episode was sooooo gross! But by the time I was 20 minutes into it, I was hooked. Wild Bill, Calamity Jane, and yikes, that Swearingen is scaaarry!
I recall — from my Microsoft days (as a contractor Web designer)– the media people there telling me, when Bill Gates did media presentations like that, he had THREE laptops loaded and ready to go. Just in case anything happened. One time, the first two computers failed, for whatever reason, and he had to use the third.
You’d think those high-priced attorneys would have backups.
I do medical direction on scientific symposia, and we take our own PowerPoint/AV tech with us when we travel. I can’t imagine why high-powered attorneys couldn’t afford the same thing…what boobs.
John Conyers has a diary posted here
Please check it out and sign petition if you have not already done so. They are having server problems off and on today so be patient. This is for the letter he wrote to Pres. Bush regarding the Downing Street Minutes and he is calling for an independent investigation into the Minutes. he already has 86,000 but is shooting for at leat 250,000. Let’s show him what the Tribe can do!!
I love having so much influence. . .
Over the past many months Biden has had such a love affair with his own voice it really turns me off to listen to his pontificating – even when I support what he’s saying 100%. I viewed Kerry as a flip flopper long before the current administration mentioned it (no offense to Kerry fans – but it wasn’t in my heart to support him last time around – and I’d prefer someone outside of the last primary group. Yes, that even includes Lieberman.)
Hillary could go either way – but her campaign funding letters mention several PACS already set up specifically to oppose her – and that’s just for a Senate run. I like Feingold where he is. What was it that people have against Dodd? (Aside from voting for some of the recent cabinet nominees) He’s struck me as a straight shooter, but I haven’t conducted any research on his voting record. Anyone interested in John Edwards should check out his website here. His and Elizabeth’s main concentration is the poor in this country and how to lift people out of poverty. To this end they are working on various projects(with other organizations and labor unions) one of which is getting minimum wage bills passed in several states.
He’s the only politician(should say white politician) who is actively and continuously right now talking about poverty in this country.
The site also has a blog forum and has just started of all things a book forum-the first book to be read and discussed on blog is by David Shipley-“Working Poor-Invisible in America”.
How many politicians have book forums?…I think that’s too cool for words. Can you even begin to imagine bush having a book forum-doesn’t compute does it?
I voted other because none onm the poll really excites me as of now. How about Boxer? I would vote for her in a heartbeat!! Boxer Rocks!!
I love your enthusiasm. So are you one of the ones who voted for Other?
I voted for Schweitzer cuz he’s a cowboy and has that manly act down pat, and for real. Sadly, the persona is all too important.
I swear to god, if Kerry is the candidate again, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll …
John Edwards might be okay. I’m on his mailing list, and just got a new missive from him today.
Any chance of getting a link to Edwards? I like him but was extremely disappointed in the way he was used in the campaign…or should I say the lack of using him. I adore Elizabeth. Hillary is too centralist for me. Kerry had his shot and should stay in the Senate to be most benificial. Yeah, I voted other.
This is going to impress you. He sends this to me by name, and signs it “Your friend.”
I wanted to update you on some of the things I’ve been up to lately. The Council on Foreign Relations, one of the country’s leading foreign policy think tanks, has asked me to co-chair an independent task force to review current U.S. policy toward Russia with former Republican Congressman and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Jack Kemp.
This bipartisan task force will be made up of some of our country’s chief experts on Russia and U.S. foreign policy, including former senior officials from both Democratic and Republican administrations, presidents of other major think thanks and academic specialists, as well as representatives of NGOs and business leaders.
We’ll be examining a set of issues that are critical to America’s interests but, in my view, have not received enough attention recently: the present state of Russia’s democracy (or lack thereof), changes we can anticipate between now and Russia’s presidential election in 2008, human rights in Russia, the Russian economy (including energy), non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and Russia’s cooperation with the fight against Islamic extremism. This week we had our first meeting, and in the fall, Jack and I will lead a delegation to Russia to meet with leaders and assess the situation firsthand. We’ll release our report by the end of the year.
One of the goals of this effort is to generate a public debate about our relationship with Russia and the current state of Russia. We want to promote discussion far beyond the Beltway, and we’re not going to produce a report that will just collect dust on a think tank bookshelf. If you have specific suggestions or ideas about these important topics, I’ll try to incorporate them into the task force’s work.
I also recently traveled to London and gave a speech at the London School of Economics about the global challenges facing the United States and Europe. You can read my speech or listen to it. After the speech, I took questions from the audience for nearly an hour on almost every subject you can imagine. The questions were very thoughtful and some were pretty tough. The topics ranged from alleged prisoner abuse at Guantanamo Bay and what we must do to end the genocide in Sudan, to the issue of race in America and how the Internet has changed political campaigns.
While I was in London, I met with Prime Minister Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street where we discussed several of the important issues facing the world today including: the French and Dutch votes on the EU constitution, Putin and Russia, Iran’s development of nuclear weapons, the situation in Iraq, the upcoming G-8 meeting, and poverty in Africa. The discussion was fascinating but we also found time for some lighter topics. He has a son Jack’s age so I told him about some of Jack’s funnier moments on the campaign trail last year.
I also met with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, who many believe will be Britain’s next Prime Minister. He has led efforts in Britain to fight global and domestic poverty and we had a terrific discussion about policies like baby bonds that they are using to fight poverty in Britain.
As always, I’d love to hear from you on any of these subjects or any other issue that concerns you. I want this to be a conversation between us which means I need to hear from you. So please, reply to this email or visit the blog and let me know what you think.
Again, thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Your friend,
— you can sign up there for his newsletters —
Thanks so much for sharing this and the link. I will be sure to sign up for updates. I love the personal touch. Barbara Boxer does this too. Makes one feel one is being heard and that my opinion matters. Now I know it is probably(most likely) a staffer but it is a very smart style.
I’ve been getting his newsletters also for some time now and recommend everyone to sign up for them.
I agree and love Boxer also and glad she’s here in Ca. to counter the fact that we’ve got such a dick for governor. She’s been the most consistent in standing up for democratic ideals and fighting against bushco as far as I’m concerned. She’s certainly got more balls as the saying goes than many of the other democrats right now.
And Boxer has to balance out sittin’ on the fence Fienstein…lol1
I voted for other too, ’cause I heart Boxer.
Phillies asked me to get two volunteers to collate the e-mail addresses of all of the volunteers in the FOIA project.
We talked on the telephone last night — he’s a lovely man — and he mentioned sending updates to all of the volunteers, so I asked him to do that.
Anyone interested? It’d be nice to get the list to him by 3-4PM PDT.
OMG .. I have MSNBC on.
Michael Jackson’s attorney is about to begin his closing argument, and he can’t get his PowerPoint presentation to work!
The reporter says there are four attorneys hunched over his laptop trying to fix it. And, she said, the jury is sitting there watching them fuss with the computer.
She also said he’s the type who doesn’t even use e-mail. (You’d think, in that case, that he’d have a computer jock on hand to help him.)
He’s beginning his argument sans PowerPoint presentation.
That is hilarious…4 overpaid attorneys can’t get PowerPoint to work. Ha.
Off-topic: After hearing about how great Deadwood was from you and some of the folks at tge Harpers Ferry meetup last weekend, I just rented the Deadwood first season last night-it’s GREAT!
it sure is. You are a lucky gal to have the whole season at your disposal. None of this waiting a week for the next episode.
Yeah, 2 episodes last night, and I can’t wait to get the next one after the kids are in bed tonight!
Didn’t the first episode freak you out just a bit? It did me … I had to watch it a second time to get into it… By mid-season I was BONKERS for the series.
Let’s see. Have you seen Wild Bill yet?
The beginning of the first episode was sooooo gross! But by the time I was 20 minutes into it, I was hooked. Wild Bill, Calamity Jane, and yikes, that Swearingen is scaaarry!
I recall — from my Microsoft days (as a contractor Web designer)– the media people there telling me, when Bill Gates did media presentations like that, he had THREE laptops loaded and ready to go. Just in case anything happened. One time, the first two computers failed, for whatever reason, and he had to use the third.
You’d think those high-priced attorneys would have backups.
I do medical direction on scientific symposia, and we take our own PowerPoint/AV tech with us when we travel. I can’t imagine why high-powered attorneys couldn’t afford the same thing…what boobs.
All I can say is Open Office, Open Office, Open Office! 🙂
See my water lilies rant below … damn George Bush to hell.
Another vote for Wesley Clark.
John Conyers has a diary posted here
Please check it out and sign petition if you have not already done so. They are having server problems off and on today so be patient. This is for the letter he wrote to Pres. Bush regarding the Downing Street Minutes and he is calling for an independent investigation into the Minutes. he already has 86,000 but is shooting for at leat 250,000. Let’s show him what the Tribe can do!!
I did sign petition last week and meant to post Conyers site but forgot, glad you posted this. Hope everyone signs this-can’t hurt.
I voted others ,me:Howard Dean 2003 version
“Don’t believe the truth” Oasis