Daily Show….gate
Once again, Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show provides the Alka-Seltzer to the bilious outpourings of pols and pundits. Stewart asks Senior Scandal Historian Stephen Colbert whether the press could break a story like Watergate today:
COLBERT: “it just no longer has the credibility.” STEWART: “the media?” COLBERT: “No. The truth.” (video via Crooks & Liars) from Evan at PEEK/Alternet
I swear, Stephen and Jon, that what I’m about to tell you about the priorities of today’s journalism will be the truth, so help me, help me … help me …
CNN Money reports
that Country Music Television has signed Chris Nelson to a one-year
$100,000 deal to watch reruns of "The Dukes of Hazzard" on the cable channel and write blog postings for the network’s Web site. More below:
that Country Music Television has signed Chris Nelson to a one-year
$100,000 deal to watch reruns of "The Dukes of Hazzard" on the cable channel and write blog postings for the network’s Web site. More below:
Nelson applied for the job along with almost 2,000 others in late
February, shortly after an ad for the position was placed in several
industry publications. You can find the job application on Country Music Television’s Web site.
February, shortly after an ad for the position was placed in several
industry publications. You can find the job application on Country Music Television’s Web site.
This sounds very similar to my prediction
that companies would sign bloggers to endorsement deals. It’s a clever
PR stunt. The key question I have at this stage with this and any such
program that compensates a blogger is: where is the transparency?
– Via Steve Rubel at MicroPersuasion
“In the future, everyone will be a famous blogger for fifteen minutes.”
As the CNN Money article notes, Chris Nelson created a Dukes of Hazzard persona, Slick, and a website to promote his candidacy for the position. He also can apparently manage to discuss the show’s “depth and character development,” as well as the “‘complex character arc’ of Cooter, who started out in the show’s first season as an addle-brained maniac and changed gradually into a respectable small business owner,” all while maintaining a straight face. That’s gotta be worth $100,000.
Gosh, don’t you wish you had that kind of valuable expertise.
This weeks sign that the Apocalypse …..
From the Independent Online:
Varazdin – Doctors had to be called to separate the bride and the best man after they were caught in the act during a wedding in Croatia.
The couple were trapped together because of a muscle spasm, which was brought on after a friend of the groom walked in on them having sex in the toilets.
Unable to be pulled apart, the couple had to endure a procession of wedding guests who came to see what they had been doing before doctors arrived.
Unable to help, they had to transport the pair on a stretcher to the local hospital, where the bride was given an injection to relax her muscles, allowing the best man to get free.
The wedding party in Varazdin, Croatia, continued after the groom announced the celebrations were to mark his divorce rather than his wedding, reported daily Slobodna Dalmacija. – Ananova.com
. . . about those wacky Croatians!
Apparently, though, whatever local customs they may have do not extend to instant infidelity.
For anyone here who reads Croatian (Serbo-Croatian), here’s the original story from Slobodna Dalmacija. Running that through an automated translation matrix (located here) comes up with this rather garbled bit:
Sponsor plus bride disjoin into a hospital
VARADIN–Topic of the day into a varadinskom end had unusual happening who does, would-be dogodio at an bridal piru leading some few weeks into a lunchrooms KTC – center into a next Quite close by Ivan, cities twentieth kilometer west with Varadina. This lascivna topic “unclosed” had at an IT, limit ju had truly, hard by somewhat add, issue local weeks.
Two youthful through month Vrbno does married, and hereupon had come off bridal zest. Into a jeku razdraganosti partner pyramid bride had with godfather’s bygone into a WC, where are does upustili into a sexual respect. Uncared for have been nastale into a instant when had someone with guest lay violent hands on for latch gate lavatory. Bride does, of how stoji into a winding info , terrify plus dolo had up to “locket” with impossibility undoing. Whence had call Ambulance, whose have been function young of an animal plus bridegroom sponsor I start up sheet plus loosed into a varadinsku Opću hospital, where is “casual” standardize then giving shot lustily kumu plus irrepressibly plantlet.
Of course, board had soon doprla up to bridegroom who had obtain by begging run wild plus sticks yes we do would zap novopečenu (mastery) man plus partner which had unattended to choose from. When does, so that afterwards inject, somewhat lay down one’s arms, bridal guest had call yes we do trouble grant which have been them intend and that odu home, and features guest kept yes we do a drink up to zore celebration repudiation Worst had , how does light, departed bridal mother which had dobila breakdown plus finish at an Psihijatrijskom district varadinske hospital. Than weight happening plus stigma is not, would-be mogla let alone nor youthful, which had digla ruku at an himself.
Veracity ovoga distressing circumstances end stories smite does check into a PU varadinskoj, meanwhile spokesman these establishment ravel had confirmer ravel had in full demantirao had li youthful verily little device suicid. Those haven’t zaprimili Nike message, limit this does not switch it off possibility yes we do does plus contingency dogodilo, free of check-in authorities organ. By all means stanovnicima varadinskog end verily is not yet.
I couldn’t have said it any better.
Speaking of Croatia, let me add both that it is a fantastically beautiful country worth visiting AND that I just saw a Croatian film (“A Wonderful Night in Split”) which was pretty darn good…
when done right. It puts me in mind of Mark Twain, who once took a copy of “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” that had been translated into French, and then re-translated it back into English, word by literal word.
Eh bien! this Smiley nourished some terriers a rats, and some cocks of combat, and some cats, and all sorts of things: and with his rage of betting one no had more of repose. He trapped one day a frog and him imported with him (et l’emporta chez lui) saying that he pretended to make his education. You me believe if you will, but during three months he not has nothing done but to him apprehend to jump (apprendre a sauter) in a court retired of her mansion (de sa maison). And I you respond that he have succeeded. He him gives a small blow by behind, and the instant after you shall see the frog turn in the air like a grease-biscuit, make one summersault, sometimes two, when she was well started, and refall upon his feet like a cat. He him had accomplished in the art of to gobble the flies (gober des mouches), and him there exercised continually–so well that a fly at the most far that she appeared was a fly lost.
Isn’t that how Twain originally wrote it? The fluidity, the implied humor — it all just seems so natural. I, for one, can see how passages such as this led inexorably to their full flower in Huckleberry Finn. “And I you respond that he have succeeded.”